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By O. Mazin. Medical College of Wisconsin. 2018.

This is the basis of hypovolaemic tenderness and guarding are variable generic bentyl 10 mg visa, and may be absent bentyl 10 mg mastercard. If there is a large tender mass in the lower abdomen, If then she arrives in shock and is operated immediately and bleeding has been confined there by adhesions. With volume just gone home: you may make bleeding get worse or even replacement but continuous bleeding, the cause of death is re-start! A few days after a severe bleed, however, you may find an Also because the blood in her abdomen is now partly diluted Hb as low as 3g/dl. In case of <1-15l (the younger she is, usually the stronger) she does doubt, run 200ml of normal saline via a giving set and not really need to be (auto) transfused unless she was cannula into the abdomen. If possible these patients (with infusions If clear fluid runs back in the system you can exclude a running) should be operated immediately and perhaps ruptured ectopic gestation. If the patient is stable at the end of the operation and has enough circulating volume and you are certain you have stopped the bleeding, then a blood transfusion is often not needed. However, the first signs of problems are oxygen hunger: cardiac failure typified by crepitations Ketamine is ideal for anaesthesia. Do not use thiopentone over the lung bases, an impossibility to lie horizontally, for induction: the blood pressure might crash! Check the Hb: if <5g/dl, transfuse The Hb being 6g/dl by now, the nurse there even more strongly refused to give anaesthesia. The patient was now transported to the provincial hospital 1 unit of red cells if available. Neither surgeon nor Remember transfusions are often just giving you an extra anaesthetist wanted to intervene, so she was now referred to a Central margin of safety. The message is clear: dont think others in more sophisticated surroundings can do better with a patient who is much worse. In those cases bleeding can be often stopped immediately Since one ectopic gestation is followed in 30% of cases by even without access to a fully equipped theatre. This fluid might actually kill the patient as a result of inducing cardiac failure. Stop any bleeding (suction curetting with 6mm Karman curette without anaesthesia or twisting off a pedunculated fibroid. As soon as you open the abdomen while the patient is in Do not be too enthusiastic to restore the blood pressure Trendelenburg position (otherwise the blood will spill over and is not available for auto-transfusion) lift out the uterus if possible, find the above 90mmHg systolic, because you might promote more ruptured Fallopian tube and if it is still bleeding significantly, grasp the bleeding. Your first priority is to stop the bleeding: mesosalpinx between your finger and thumb, so as to compress and resuscitation is to prepare the patient as best you can in the later clamp the vessels and stop the bleeding. There will be blood in to insert the needle of a blood letting system as used by the abdominal cavity, which should not spill out and be lost blood banks, through the abdominal wall into the pool of for auto-transfusion. Find the ruptured Fallopian tube, and if it is still actively bleeding, grasp its broad ligament between your finger and thumb, so as to compress the vessels in it (20-4). Apply long curved haemostats across the tubes on either side of the ectopic gestation (20-5) so that the points meet and you leave no part of the broad ligament unclamped. You can put the distal clamp either over the distal tube (20-5X) or over the remaining broad ligament (20-5Y) which will result in removal of the distal tube. If you leave the fimbria, it may prove possible later to reconstruct the tube, provided there is >4cm of it remaining, if the patient becomes infertile. On the other hand, it is possible that a zygote fertilized in the contralateral tube might be trapped in the distal part of the amputated tube, resulting in another ectopic gestation. Suck out and discard the last drops of blood, so you can see where to place ligatures at the right place. If the other tube seems severely damaged, record it and tell Remove the ruptured part of the tube by cutting along the the patient. Place 2 long-acting absorbable cannot become pregnant anymore, achieve pregnancy ligatures under the joints of each clamp. Place double ligatures on both If there is a subacute ectopic, the ruptured tube will be sides, to make sure that no arteries are missed. Tie these ligatures carefully, or else postoperative If the patient has no other children and the tube looks bleeding will ensue. If bleeding continues after you have applied 2 ligatures, it is on occasion (provided the patient has easy access to a re-apply the clamps and repeat the procedure. Lavage the peritoneal cavity thoroughly with the mesosalpinx around the blood vessels supplying the area. If the patient has previously consented, Repair the incision in the tube with 5/0 sutures. In the middle of an ill-defined closed distal end, and the patient is stable, it is occasionally placenta and blood clot you will see the amniotic sac. Treat the anaemia with folic acid remove it anyway if you have opened the abdomen: try not orally and/or iron or if the Hb is <5g/dl with blood to spread infection, and lavage the pelvis afterwards with transfusion. Make sure you have tipped the head of the table down If you damage it, perform an appendicectomy (14. Feel for the uterus in If there is no ectopic gestation, and you find copious the midline in the hollow of the sacrum.

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Similar data is probably available in other countries cheap bentyl 10mg line, but not presently accessed generic bentyl 10 mg online. More research on the quality of hospital discharge data is necessary before this indicator can be reported on a European level. Table 2 presents data on mortality rates for 2005 or most recent year and illustrates the large variation that exists between countries in Europe. Similar disparities are observed for mortality in the first year of life (from 2 to 15 per 1,000), as well as for fetal mortality (from 2 to 8 per 1,000). If every country had the mortality of those with the lowest rates, this number would be halved. There are marked differences in rates of neonatal mortality between countries based on their date of accession to the European Union. Among countries who joined prior to 2004 (the original 15 members) and Norway, the median rate of neonatal mortality in 2004 was 2. These babies include those that are preterm, with normal or low birthweights and babies born at term with growth restriction; all these groups are at higher risk of having longer-term impairments in childhood than term babies with normal birthweight. Data on preterm babies are not currently reported routinely, but this information is very important for evaluating perinatal health outcomes. However even babies born between 33 and 35 weeks of gestation, often termed mildly or moderately preterm births, have higher mortality and are more likely than others to have motor and learning difficulties than term babies [52-54]. Committees that audit maternal deaths regularly report that 40-60% of them are associated with substandard care [57-59]. Other proposed indicators for future development cover important dimensions of womens health, but are difficult to compile given existing data systems. Postpartum depression is estimated to affect up to 20% of women in the 6 weeks following delivery [61, 62] and represents a significant cause of morbidity for women and their families, but the harmonization of definitions and methods for case identification has yet to be done. Interest has risen over the last twenty years in the risks of pregnancy or childbirth-related injuries that lead to urinary and faecal incontinence, but further research is necessary before a feasible indicator definition can be proposed. The time period covered is from conception to 42 days after the outcome of the pregnancy. This means that so-called fortuitous or coincidental (not causally related to pregnancy) and late (between 43 and 365 days after the outcome of pregnancy) deaths are excluded. The maternal mortality ratio is a complex fraction in which the numerator is maternal deaths and the denominator is live born children. This denominator is a surrogate for a more desirable but more difficult to assess denominator: pregnant women, the full population at risk for maternal death. Data quality for maternal deaths must be considered on two levels: ascertainment (completeness of registration) and case description. In some European countries, for example, a maternal death of a woman who is an illegal resident or an asylum seeker would not be counted. Audits of maternal deaths exist in many countries and are important for obtaining good quality data. Other European countries have now adopted similar procedures for undertaking systematic reviews of deaths as for example in France since 1996 [64] or the Netherlands [65]. The most significant decline is observed in Romania, which had the highest ratio in Europe, between 140 and 160 per 100,000 in the 1980s. The representativeness is generally based on the socio-economic status and age distribution of the population living in the covered area. Quality control on case ascertainment and completeness of ascertainment are performed regularly in morbidity registers. The rates retrieved from these registers are prevalence rates and not incidence rates (since cases may have died before diagnosis), and the best term to use is "birth cohort prevalence rates". It has been already shown that multiple born infants have a four times higher risk of developing cerebral palsy than singletons, mainly related to the higher risk of preterm birth in multiples [67]. We need a common indicator of socio-economic status across Europe in order to be able to analyse this effect. Medical technologies associated with the perinatal period continue to advance quickly, particularly those related to the management of sub-fertility and the care of preterm infants, and describing variations in the use and success of these medical technologies is an important task of health monitoring in the European Union. Describing how clinicians support women and babies through the process of healthy pregnancy and birth also enhances our understanding and comparisons of health in the perinatal period at the European level. Descriptions of health care services must measure interventions implemented to prevent death and morbidity, but must also incorporate aspects of health care quality, as assessed by mothers themselves. Similarly there is a large variability in the organization of care for very preterm babies which may also impact on their health [73]. A key challenge is the identification of meaningful indicators that perform similarly across different health care systems.

Treatment Antibiotics: Used for acute exacerbation and perioperate for about six weeks discount bentyl 10mg with amex. Surgery: Surgery is done to remove a dead bone (sequesterectomy) or to eliminate an abscess cavity (saucerization) purchase bentyl 10 mg mastercard. Conservative treatment is considered in a patient with minimal discharge and no obvious sequestrum or bone cavity. Amputation may be considered for extensive bone involvement and heavy discharge or frequent flare-ups which incapacitate the patient. Etiology: It varies in different age groups and is similar to that of acute osteomyelitis. Bacteria may reach the joint via the blood, local extension of osteomyelitis or directly in penetrating wounds of the joint. The pus formed in the joint is chondrolytic and destroys the joint cartilage if not evacuated. Diagnosis: History: The usual presenting symptoms are joint pain, swelling and fever. Immobilize the affected joint in functional position until inflammation subsides and physiotherapy to prevent joint stiffness. The intervertebral discs, the hip and knee joints are the most frequently affected. X-ray: - Joint space narrowing - Sub chondral bone destruction - Periarticular osteoporosis Open biopsy of the joint is done if diagnosis is still in doubt. Mechanism of injury 1- Tubular bone: - Direct violence to the bone - Indirectly due to twisting or angulation 97 2- Cancellous bone: - may be fractured by compression E. Transverse fracture of the patella Bone Healing o Progresses through the phase of hematoma, cellular proliferation, callus formation and remodeling o Generally takes longer than soft tissue healing o In general, a long bone takes 6-12 weeks to heal in an adult and 3-6 weeks in children. Associated life threatening injuries may be missed if evaluation of the patient is not systematic. B) Local treatment of the fracture:- I-Reduction Means bringing the fractured bone to normal or near normal anatomic position. This is needed only for displaced fractures Age and function of the patient are important in considering the goals of reduction Reduction may be done in various ways: 1- Using gravity E. Femoral shaft fracture 3- Open (Operative) reduction: Used when other methods are not possible, have failed or a perfect anatomic reduction is needed. U-slab for humeral shaft fracture B) Skin traction: A method of applying traction using bandage, usually used in children and temporarily in adults. C) Skeletal traction: Traction applied via a pin inserted into the bone distal to the fracture. Tibial pin traction for femoral fracture 3- External fixation - This is a method of fixing the fracture by metal pins passed through the bone above and below the fracture and connected to a metal frame. B: Never close a compound fracture immediately in an attempt to convert it to a closed one. A subluxation is partial joint disruption with partial remaining but abnormal contact of articular surfaces. Types of Dislocation 1- Traumatic dislocations - This is a type of dislocation caused by trauma. A force strong enough to disrupt the joint capsule and other supporting ligamentous structures dislocates a previously normal joint. Septic hip dislocation 3- Recurrent dislocation - This is a dislocation which repeatedly occurs after trivial injuries due to weakening of the supportive joint structures 4- Congenital dislocation - A type of dislocation which is present congenitally since birth. Congenital hip dislocation Diagnosis - The limb assumes an abnormally fixed position with loss of normal range of movement in the affected joint. Indications 1- Dead limb (Gangrene) - Due to: - Atherosclerosis - Embolism - Major arterial injury - Diabetic gangrene 103 2- Deadly limb - Life threatening infection (e. Gas gangrene) or malignancies which cant be controlled by other local measures 3- Dead loss - Severe soft tissue injury especially associated with major nerve injury, which may occur in compound fractures. Level of amputation The choice for the level of amputation depends on: - Age - The nature and extent of the pathology e. Neoplasm, trauma - The vascularity of tissues - Presence of infection - Status of the joints - Access to the various types of prostheses Generally, the most distal level that will heal and still provide a functional stump is selected. Amputations performed in the face of infection should be left open for a later closure. Complications of amputation - Edema - Hematoma - Secondary and reactionary hemorrhage - Infection - Ischemic necrosis - Flexion contracture - Chronic pain-psychogenic, neuromas, etc. A 25 year old man presents with severe pain and swelling of his right knee joint of two days duration.

Predisposing factors Include chronic bronchitis buy bentyl 10mg visa, asthma bentyl 10mg otc, smoking and respiratory infection. Inadequate immediate postoperative deep breathing and delayed ambulation also increase the risk. Clinical features Fever in the immediate post operative period Increased pulse and respiratory rate Cyanosis Shortness of breath Dull percussion note with absent breath sounds Investigation X-ray findings include patchy opacity and evidence of mediastinal shift towards the atelectatic lung. Clinical features Fever in the first few postoperative days Respiratory difficulty Cough becomes productive Physical examination may reveal evidence of pulmonary consolidation Investigation Chest-x-ray may show diffuse patchy infiltrates or lobar consolidation. Prevention and treatment Chance of pulmonary aspiration can be minimized by - Fasting - Naso-gastric tube decompression If aspiration of gastric content occurs; an endotracheal tube should be placed and the air way suctioned and lavaged. This often results in re- alignments of the bowel loops and relief of the obstruction. If the obstruction doesnt respond within 48-72 hours, re- operation is necessary. Inability of the patient to void is often due to pain caused by using the voluntary muscles to start the 31 urinary stream. Urinary tract infection Predisposing factors Pre-existing contamination of the urinary tract Catheterization Clinical presentation Fever Suprapubic or flank tenderness Nausea and vomiting Investigation -Urine analysis (pus or bacteria will be seen in the urinary sediments) Treatment Increase hydration Encourage activity. Hematoma, Abscess and Seromas These may occur either in the pelvis or under the fascia of abdominal rectus muscle. They are suspected during falling of hematocrite in association with low-grade fever. Small hematoma or seroma often resolve spontaneously, but some can become infected. List important laboratory investigations which need to be done in almost all pre-operative patients despite the specific diagnosis. The properties of the most frequently used antiseptics and their use in surgical and traumatic wounds. How choose the most suitable antiseptics for his/her institution Introduction The most serious outcome (important factor) of impaired wound healing is infection. Antiseptics and aseptic techniques are used in an attempt to prevent contamination to an acceptable level making the wound less receptive to bacterial growth. Proper wound debridement (wound excision) is vital in post traumatic wounds to prevent infection. Cross infection: the transfer of microbes in hospitalized patients to other patients. It would be resistant to inactivation by organic materials, such as blood & feces c. There would be no toxicity or allergic reaction, and the antiseptic should be non staining d. The source of infection in surgical wounds can be: The patient Staff (a healthy carrier, incubating an infectious disease or with overt clinical illness) The operation room Occasionally instruments. Preventative Measures Short hospital stay preoperatively Shower a day before surgery Treatment of any infectious site before surgery Aseptic methods with sterile equipment for all procedures. Staff Wear clean clothes, shoes or covers, mask and cap or hood beyond the green line Scrubbing up of all operating team before each operation for at least 5 minutes with an antiseptic soap or detergent. Finally, dry with sterile towel and apply 70% alcohol or Povidone iodine if available. Operating Room There are few bacteria in the air of an empty theatre but every individual liberates about 10,000 organisms per minute into the air. Therefore, to decrease airborne infections, keep the number of personnel reduced to a minimum. If there is no system to provide this, windows should be open to allow ingress of fresh outside air and escape of anesthetic gases. At regular intervals, conduct a more thorough cleaning by mopping the floor and washing the walls with detergents. Instruments All instruments and garments to be used in surgical procedures must be sterile and this is attained by sterilization. Sterilization: - is a process by which inanimate objects are made free of all microorganisms. It uses steam at a pressure of 750 0 mmHg above atmospheric pressure and temperature of 120 C for 15-30 minutes. Appropriate indicators must be used each time to show that the sterilization is accomplished. Noxythiolin:- Releases formaldehyde in contact with tissues, broad spectrum, expensive, weak and slowly bactericidal Alcohol plus chlorhexidne Alcohol plus povidon iodine useful mixtures Chlorhexidine plus cetrimide 40 Review Questions 1. Using your knowledge of the properties of the different antiseptics which one would you choose for your heath center? What is the most important measure you would take for a patient who comes to the emergency room with a contaminated wound? Types of Suture Materials Suture materials can generally be classified as absorbable and non absorbable.

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