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Clinical decision support implemented with academic detailing improves prescribing of key renally cleared drugs in the hospital setting. Cost impact of a computer-assisted antibiotic monitoring program in a community hospital. The impact of pharmacy computerised clinical decision support on prescribing, clinical and patient outcomes: A systematic review of the literature. Pilot implementation of an online disease management system for depression in Australia. Impact of the meditrol automated medication system on hospital pharmacy cost and quality of care. Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for safe administration of chemotherapy to hospitalized children with cancer. Journal of the American Health Information Management Association 2009;80(1):16-8. Journal of the American Health Information Management Association 2009;80(10):20-2. Exploratory case method to determine the frequency of redundant orders within manually consolidated order lists. 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A controlled trial of smart infusion pumps to improve medication safety in critically ill patients. Installing and implementing a computer-based patient record system in sub-Saharan Africa: the Mosoriot Medical Record System. Hornish order neurontin 600mg on line, Cephalosporins in veterinary medicine - ceftiofur use in food animals cheap 600 mg neurontin otc, Curr. Livermore, Activity of faropenem against cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, J. Witte, Resistance to cephalosporins and carbapenems in Gram- negative bacterial pathogens, Int. Dewulf, Risk factors for ceftiofur resistance in Escherichia coli from Belgian broilers, Epidemiol. Goyal, Characterisation of ceftiofur resistance in swine bacterial pathogens, Vet. Lee, Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella isolated from food animals: A review, Food Res. Moreillon, ß-Lactam Resistance Mechanisms of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, J. Shurland, Production of ß-lactamase in Trinidad: An association woth multiple resistance to ß-lactam antibiotics, Med. Jones, Resistance patterns among nosocomial pathogens: Trends over the past few years, Chest 119 (2001) 397S-404S. Wittum, Agricultural ceftiofur use and the dissemination of bacterial resistance: Genes of public health concern, Western Dairy News 7 (2007) W-51. Pillai, Ceftiofur resistance in Salmonella enterica Serovar Heidelberg from chicken meat and humans, Canada, Emerg. Mack, Extended-spectrum β-lactamases: implications for the clinical microbiology laboratory, therapy, and infection control, J. Jayarao, Impact of Antibiotic Use in Adult Dairy Cows on Antimicrobial Resistance of Veterinary and Human Pathogens: A comprehensive Review, Foodborne Pat. Gilbertson, Determination of ceftiofur and its desfuroylceftiofur-related metabolites in swine tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography, J. Jaglan, Disposition of Ceftiofur Sodium in Swine following Intramuscular Treatment, J. Gilbertson, Depletion of Intramuscularly Injected Ceftiofur from the Milk of Dairy Cattle, J. Hottendorf, Comparative Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Cephapirin in Laboratory Animals and Humans, Antimicrob. Lightfield, Confirmatory analysis of beta-lactam antibiotics in kidney tissue by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization selective reaction monitoring ion trap tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid. Kompella, Influence of pH and Temperature on Kinetics of Ceftiofur Degradation in Aqueous Solutions, J. Heuwieser, Ceftiofur derivates in serum and endometrial tissue after intramuscular administration in healthy mares, Theriogenology 74 (2010) 466-472. Medina, Identification of ß-Lactam Antibiotics in Tissue Samples Containing Unknown Microbial Inhibitors, J. Petz, Residue analysis of 15 penicillins and cephalosporins in bovine muscle, kidney and milk by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Anal. Nielen, An untargeted metabolomics approach to contaminant analysis: Pinpointing potential unknown compounds, Anal. Ramaker, Screening and confirmation criteria for hormone residue analysis using liquid chromatography accurate mass time-of- flight, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance and orbitrap mass spectrometry techniques, Anal. Cazers, Controlled hydrolysis of ceftiofur sodium, a broad-spectrum cephalosporin; isolation and identification of hydrolysis products, J. Page, Intramolecular general acid catalysis in the aminolysis of ß-lactam antibiotics, Org. Stobberingh, Antibiotic susceptibility of unselected uropathogenic Escherichia coli from female Dutch general practice patients: a comparison of two surveys with a 5 year interval, J. Stolker, Newly identified degradation products of ceftiofur and cephapirin impact the analytical approach for quantitative analysis of kidney, J. Kompella, Ceftiofur distribution in plasma and joint fluid following regional limb injection in cattle, J. Hashimoto, Simultaneous Determination of Residual Fourteen Kinds of β-Lactam and Macrolide Antibiotics in Bovine Muscles by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with a Diode Array Detector, Food Hyg. Aronson, Determination of ceftiofur and its metabolite desfuroylceftiofur in bovine serum and milk by ion-paired liquid chromatography, J. Lightfield, Streamlining methodology for the multiresidue analysis of ß- lactam antibiotics in bovine kidney using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, J. Gilbertson, Liquid chromatographic determination of desfuroylceftiofur metabolite of ceftiofur as residue in cattle plasma, J. Tao, Determination of ceftiofur related residues in bovine and porcine muscle and kidney by high performance liquid chromatography, Fenxi Ceshi Xuebao 27 (2008) 178-180. Brown, Multilaboratory trial for determination of ceftiofur residues in bovine and swine kidney and muscle, and bovine milk, J. Heuwieser, Ceftiofur derivatives in serum, uterine tissues, cotyledons, and lochia after fetal membrane retention, J. For some purposes the infusion would be preferable cheap neurontin 300mg without prescription, but is so nauseous that most persons object to it cheap 300 mg neurontin free shipping, The dose of the tincture as above will vary from gtt. The Leptandra exerts a gentle stimulant influence upon the entire intestinal tract, and its associate viscera, and in medicinal doses strengthens functional activity. Its action in this direction is so persistent that it might be called a gastro-intestinal tonic. But it exerts a marked influence in those diseases in which there is enfeebled portal circulation, and tendency to stasis of blood. Thus in some cases of typhoid fever occurring in malarial localities the Leptandra has proven a very valuable medicine. We do not believe there is any remedy that acts upon the liver, according to the old idea of medicine. It has been conclusively proven that preparations of mercury do not, and that podophyllin does not; and it is probable that we will have to give up the idea of cholagogues entirely. There is no doubt in my mind, however, that Leptandra does influence the function of the liver; not always to increase secretion of bile, but rather to bring the organ back to normal functional activity, whatever may have been the deviation. Associated with the milder bitter tonics, the Leptandra improves the digestive function, and stimulates normal excretory action from the bowels. This latter influence sometimes makes it a valuable adjunct to those remedies called alterative. It has been employed in the treatment of intermittent fever with excellent results. Rolph writes that “for many years my fathers family employed it exclusively, and though living in a malarial region, they were entirely exempt from ague. The best Leptandrin of the market is a dried alcoholic extract; the strongest is obtained by adding a portion of Podophyllum before tincturing. The dried extract proves a very good remedy in many cases, and may be used for the same purposes as named for the tincture or infusion. Hence it has been added to various alterative combinations, and by some practitioners is very highly esteemed. It acts more directly upon the urinary apparatus, and probably upon the reproductive apparatus of both male and female. I judge, however, from some reports of Southern physicians, that the recent bark contains valuable medicinal properties, as does the fresh exudation. For experiment I would suggest the preparation of a tincture from the fresh bark, using alcohol of 76 per cent. Its influence is probably most marked on mucous membranes, and probably it influences innervation from the pneumogastric and from the spinal cord. The great abundance and wide distribution of these trees, the ease with which it may be obtained and prepared, and the really valuable character of the remedy, should bring it into general use. It is stimulant and tonic to the digestive apparatus, improving digestion and blood-making. It also exerts an influence upon the nervous system, strengthening innervation and relieving those symptoms called nervous. The common use of Lobelia as an emetic is so well known that little need be said about it. In the form of the Compound Powder of Lobelia, or the Acetous Emetic Tincture of the Dispensatory, it gives us our most valued emetic when properly used. To obtain the curative effects of a Lobelia emetic, the remedy should be given in small quantities frequently repeated, as it can be absorbed from the stomach, so that emesis, when it does occur, shall be from the general influence of the remedy in the blood, and not from its local irritant influence upon the stomach. Many physicians fail to obtain the benefit they have reason to expect because of its improper administration; it is not absorbed, but simply irritates the stomach. Lobelia as prepared above is one of the most powerful vital stimulants in the materia medica. It strengthens the circulation, improves innervation, and by its influence upon the sympathetic nervous system gives increased activity of all the vegetative functions. In some cases where there is necessity for a speedy action, as in cases of angina pectoris or neuralgia of the heart, I give one or two full doses of twenty drops. This preparation of Lobelia is specific in difficult labor from rigid os, vagina, or perineum. It also stimulates the contractile function of the uterus, and thus strengthens the pains. I would be glad if each reader would put the tincture of the seed in his pocket case and employ it in fevers and inflammations in the same doses in which he uses veratrum I think it will prove very valuable, especially where there is necessity for stimulation. The tincture of Lycopus prepared as above, will be found a very valuable remedy, and will take place with veratrum and aconite. Solid and dashed black lines represent observed and predicted median concentrations buy 100mg neurontin otc, respectively purchase neurontin 100 mg visa. Weight-normalized metronidazole clearance versus postmenstrual age (A) and serum creatinine (B). Shaded gray area represents the 90% prediction interval around the loading dose simulations. However, this approach underestimates the complicated physiology of preterm infants, which differs greatly from other populations. Preterm infants have a larger extracellular fluid volume, immature renal and hepatic function, underdevelopment of metabolic enzymatic systems, and a unique blood-brain barrier—all of 1 which can substantially alter drug disposition. Preparation of standards Individual clear stock solutions of piperacillin and tazobactam were prepared at a concentration of 15 mg/mL. This master stock standard was used to prepare 7 intermediate composite stock solutions: piperacillin (1,500,000, 750,000, 300,000, 150,000, 30,000, 15,000, and 3,000 ng/mL) and tazobactam (750,000, 300,000, 150,000, 30,000, 15,000, 3,000, and 1,500 ng/mL). Whole blood working calibration solutions at 150,000, 75,000, 30,000, 15,000, 3,000, 1,500, and 300 ng/mL for piperacillin and 75,000, 30,000, 15,000, 3,000, 1,500, 300, and 150 ng/mL for tazobactam were prepared by diluting the intermediate solutions in human drug- free fresh whole blood in a ratio of 1:9. Samples and pre-treatment This method was used to measure antimicrobial concentrations in clinical samples collected from preterm infants. Sample collection (~1 drop onto card) occurred under an investigational protocol approved by the institutional review board at participating sites and after informed consent was obtained from caregivers of study participants. Samples were obtained at the same time as plasma samples and could be obtained after single or multiple dosing. Criteria for a non-valid samples included appearance of multiple drops of blood per each spot on the card, asymmetry of spot, and cross-contamination between spots on the same card. Hematocrit (Hct) values were recorded for each participant if collected during routine medical care. The solutions were gently vortex-mixed for 10 minutes and o centrifuged at 15,600 g at 4 C for 5 minutes. Dicloxicillin was used as internal standard for both positive and negative analyses. The chromatographic separation of analytes was performed with gradient elution of increasing mobile phase B (0% hold until 0. Ionspray voltage and turbo heater temperature o were kept at 2500 V (-2000 V for tazobactam) and 500 C, respectively. Compound-specific instrument parameters were optimized for each transition (Table 4. Linearity, limit of quantification, and limit of detection Linearity was assessed using 5 calibration curves analyzed on 3 separate days. For validation, each point on the calibration curve was run in duplicate (2 separate extractions), and the curves were constructed by calculating the peak area ratios of each compound to the 102 internal standard and plotting these against the nominal concentration of the sample. The calibration curve with the best accuracy and precision throughout the curve range was considered the best fit. Mean peak areas of each analyte were plotted over time to assess changes in peak areas with time. Results Linearity The calibration curve was calculated using peak area ratio values at 7 standard concentrations. Overall, results indicate that the method was accurate and precise for both compounds. In addition, piperacillin concentration measurements of partially diluted samples were accurate and precise across all dilution ratios (Table 4. The absolute recovery of all compounds at all concentrations was greater than 79% for piperacillin and 65% for tazobactam (Table 4. Piperacillin and tazobactam response (peak area) was slightly lower (<15%) at 15 minutes when compared with later time points. Ten samples were identified as non-valid due to the presence of multiple drops of blood per each spot on the card and cross-contamination between cards; 37 sample pairs were included in the analysis. Also, piperacillin and tazobactam demonstrated on-card stability throughout the drying process. Peak area for both analytes was slightly lower at 15 minutes when compared with later time points, which could 106 have resulted from incompletely dried sample at 15 minutes and potential analyte hydrolysis. Partition of drugs into red blood cells is usually evaluated during drug development using in vitro techniques under controlled conditions or 10 in healthy volunteers. However, extrapolation of these findings to in vivo physiology is controversial because red blood cell partition is dependent on blood pH, temperature, and protein binding, which can behave differently in vivo. An example of this discrepancy was evident during the evaluation of phenobarbital red blood cell partitioning in neonates and 11 their mothers. Because phenobarbital binds to hemoglobin, this finding suggested a different affinity of phenobarbital to fetal hemoglobin present at birth. This difference is not unexpected given the assumption that piperacillin and tazobactam do not 12 partition into red blood cells. However, unless clinical samples were left to dry for periods longer than 4 hours, drug degradation is unlikely given our stability results during a 4-hour period. The assay was validated with respect to accuracy, precision, limit of detection, recovery, and stability, and has been successfully applied to clinical samples from preterm infants. Neurontin
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