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Provide a high protein cheap 100mg allopurinol, high calorie diet and offer in small amounts in frequent interval discount allopurinol 100mg without prescription. The lower urinary tract (urtetha,bladder,or the lower portion of the ureters0 or the upper urinary tract ( upper portion of the ureters, or kidney) or both may be involved. Coli ( most common causative agent) ƒ Proteus ƒ Aerobacter ƒ Entrobacter ƒ kelbsella ƒ Psudomonus 2. Contributing causes ƒ obstruction ƒ infection elsewhere in the body ƒ poor perineal hygiene ƒ Short female urethra ƒ Catheteriztion 155 Pediatric Nursing and child health care Path physiology: Inflammatory changes occur in the affected portion of the urinary tract Inflammation results in urine retention and stats is of urine in the bladder There are inflammatory changes in the renal pelvis and throughout the kidney when this organ is involved: The kidney may become large and swollen Eventually, the kidney become small, tissue is destroyed, and renal function fails. More common in females than in males, ratio 6:1 except in the neonatal period, when both sexes are equally affected. Failure to thrive in infancy 156 Pediatric Nursing and child health care Diagnostic Evaluation: 1. Maintain bed rest, administer analgesics and antipyretic drugs as prescribed, encourage fluid to reduce fever and dilute the concentration of urine during the febrile period 4. Tuberculosis in a child indicates exposure to an adult with contagious disease and should prompt identification and treatment of the source case. The presence of clinical manifestations distinguishes tuberculosis disease from tubercle infection. A chest radiography usually service to distinguish children with the disease from those with the infection. Because the sputum of children with pulmonary tuberculosis is usually negative for mycobacterium, either by acid-fast stain or culture, these children are non infectious. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: including cervical amenities, tuberculosis meningitis, and milary tuberculosis occurs in app. Infants and young children who immunocompromised or malnourished are at risk of the serious and often fatal form of miliary or tuberculosis meningitis. Children with tuberculosis infection (without evidence of disease) should receive isoniazid prophylaxis for 9 months. Children with pulmonary tuberculosis are usually treated with a 6-month regimen consisting of isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide for the first 2 months and isoniazid and rifampin the remaining 4 months. In areas where isoniazid and refampin resistance is prevalent, a fourth drug should be added to the regimen (usually ethambutol, or streptomycin). A second degree burn of 10 % or more of the body surface in a child younger than 5 year or a second degree burn of 15 % or more of the body surface in a child over 1 year is considered a very serious injury. Burns inflicted upon the child as a result of child abuse Clinical Manifestations: The characteristics of burn wounds are classified as follows A. First degree burns involves superficial epidermis; the skin is red or pink in appearance,and is painful to touch. Second degree burn involve the entire epidermis; the skin is red, blistered, moist with exudate, and painful to touch. Third degree burn involve the dermis or underlying fat, muscle or bone, the skin appears white,dry and is 160 Pediatric Nursing and child health care painless to touch1. Symptoms of toxemia (Prostration, fever, rapid pulse, cyanosis, vomiting, edema) may develop within 1-2 days after initial burn. Burns of the upper respiratory tract result in symptoms of upper respiratory tract obstruction resulting from edema and inflammation of the glottis, vocal cords, and upper trachea. Treatment: The objective of treatment are to: • replace fluid loss from burn surface • maintain circulation • prevent renal failure • prevent or treat infection • aim toward early repair of the burn wound • restore the child to the best possible state of physical and psychological functioning Complications: Acute: • Infection • wound sepsis • pneumonia 161 Pediatric Nursing and child health care • urinary tract infection • Renal failure • Respirator failure • Post-burn seizure • Anemia and malnutrition etc Long-term: • Malnutrition • Scaring • Contracture • Psychological trauma Nursing Care: 1. Observe for symptoms of respiratory distress and take measures to alleviate if any. Provide high protein, calorie diet in order to provide nutrition necessary for healing and for the growth and development need of the child. Major Signs: • Weight loss or abnormally slow growth • Chronic diarrhea (> 1 month) • Prolonged fever (> 1 month) Minor Signs: • Generalized lymph node enlargement • Oropharyngeal candidiasis • Recurrent common infections, e. The newborn acquires the infection during birth process by direct contact with infected material from vagina of the mother. Clinical Manifestations: The onset is usually within two or three days after birth, but symptoms may appear earlier. The extent of the handicap depends on the duration and severity of untreated condition. Treatment: The treatments of Opthalmia neonatorum include: prompt antibiotic injections and antibiotic eye ointments or drops to prevent eye damage and isolation of the infant. The purulent discharge must irrigate and removed frequently by directing the flow of fluid from the inner cantus outward. Extreme care must be taken that no drops of the return flow splash into the nurse’s eyes. Antibiotic eye ointments are administered to all newborns immediately after birth as prophylaxis. Clinical features: • Rhinitis with purulent or even bloody discharge • Lesions on the (large blisters on palms and soles) and mucocutaneous junctions (mouth, nostrils anogenital) • Signs of systemic involvement: hepatosplenomegaly, prolonged jaundice, and anemia. Check the whole family for syphilis Prevention: All measures which decrease the incidence of acquired syphilis in adults serological tests for syphilis in all pregnant women is desirable.

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Other prognostic factors include: - Invasive and metastatic potential - Histological grade of tumor - Estrogen receptor status - Patient age and menopausal status are some of the factors Treatment of Breast Cancer: Treatment of breast cancer is a multi disciplinary approach cheap allopurinol 100mg online. It largely depends on clinical stage and other tumor characteristics described previously order allopurinol 300 mg on line. Modes of treatment include: • surgery • radiotherapy and • Medical therapy (including chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. A-20 year old female patient presents with a solitary painless lump in the breast. A thirty-five year-old nulliparous woman comes with history of swelling in the breast of 2-months duration. In association with this, the patient has moderate fever, decreased appetite and weight loss. List the most important laboratory investigations which help you confirm the diagnosis. On Physical examination, the tumor measured 4cm, its non-mobile and rough surfaced. Introduction Acute upper airway obstruction is a surgical emergency with no time to lose. Infants are vulnerable more than adults due to small diameter of the airway, longer soft palate, more posterior pharyngeal soft tissues, compliant epiglottis, etc. Generally, in any patient with thoracic problem, chest physiotherapy, that is incentive spirometry if available or inflating a glove or intravenous fluid bag with deep inspiration and expiration and early movement is of paramount importance for smooth recovery of the patient. It is usually characterized by stridor (noisy breathing); suprasternal retraction; tachycardia and cyanosis develop as obstruction becomes complete. If a foreign body aspiration is suspected, tilt the patient’s head down and slap the patient sharply across the back. Then, explore the pharynx and mouth by finger and if possible, urgent laryngoscopy should be done. If indicated, intubate the airway immediately, otherwise do emergency cricothyroidotomy (insert wide bore needle to the cricothyroid membrane) and give 100% oxygen until intubation or proper tracheostomy is done. It is indicated to by- pass upper airway obstruction, for drainage of the respiratory tract and to provide assisted ventilatory support. Tracheostomy should be performed in operating room under general anaesthesia with intubation, if possible, especially in case of children. But if very urgent situation is encountered, do cricothyroidotomy while preparing for tracheostomy. Make incision over fourth tracheal ring transversely or vertically in case of emergency. Dissect strictly in midline to separate the strap muscles and pre tracheal fascia to expose the trachea. Open the trachea by midline incision through three adjacent tracheal rings, usually rd th th 3 , 4 and 5 , after holding upper end of cricoid cartilage using fine cricoid hook. Hold open cut edge by tracheal dilator and insert a tube which comfortably fits the trachea while the anaesthesiologist withdraws the endotracheal tube. Aspirate tracheal secretion soon after initial incision on the trachea and repeat after the tube in place. Humidify inhaled gas as near to body temperature as can be achieved by frequent application of saline soaked gauze over the tube. Tracheostomy toilet from 10 minutes to as long as two hours as needed and if there is inner tube take it out every four hours and wash it. The terrible death toll related to chest injuries is avoidable by simple measures. It results in hemothorax in more than 80% and pneumothorax 146 in nearly all cases. It should be considered as thoracoabdominal if penetration is below fourth intercostal space. Tightly dress any sucking wound and look for signs of tension pneumothorax (distended neck veins, shift of the trachea, hyper resonance with decreased air entry), cardiac tamponade (hypotension, distended neck vein and distant heart sounds), massive hemothorax and flail chest all of which can compromise ventilation despite patent airway and adequate oxygenation. Control extreme hemorrhage and restore circulation: Insert wide bore cannula for fluid and blood transfusion. B: If one suspects tension pneumothorax, massive hemothorax or cardiac tamponade, the management should be dealt as part of resuscitation and patients should not be sent for confirmatory investigations. Besides, in case of suspected cardiac tamponade, simple insertion of a needle through xiphoid angle pointing towards the left shoulder tip can help enter the pericardium and aspirate accumulated blood. Major chest wall injuries: Flail chest: paradoxical movement of a segment of chest wall as a result of fracture of four or more ribs at two points or bilateral costochondral junction separation.

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