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By C. Pakwan. University of Saint Francis. 2018. Furthermore discount hydrea 500mg mastercard, indi- vidualistic thinking emphasizes autonomous choices as the answer to various ethical problems discount 500mg hydrea mastercard, forgetting the societal perspective of consequences and control. The myth of the objectivity of research is strong among health and economic researchers, and they may Wnd the explicit value requirements of ethics diYcult. It is easier to Wnd examples of techniques that Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening 191 are eVective but ethically unacceptable, than to Wnd an example of an ineVective technique which for ethical reasons should be used. Even though public health people think in terms of groups and societies, the units of measurement are usually on an individual level, which are then summed up to form a group eVect. The current state of aVairs where the value of a health technology is judged only on the basis of some of its consequences, and the use of the technology is promoted on the basis of such deWcient information (in addition to commer- cial and other interests), is not satisfactory. Other counter- arguments include the claim that such considerations result in censorship and harm all innovative basic research, and the possibility that someone somewhere will do such research anyhow. When we have the technology ready, arrangements similar to those currently in place for drugs could be introduced – drugs are not allowed to be marketed before assessment. This is relatively artiWcial even in regard to health eVects, and when social and ethical dimen- sions are introduced, the need to inspect a technology within a context becomes very evident and necessary. Most new technologies are produced by proWt-making companies, or their products are needed in producing the technology, and commercial pressures are clear. But professionals may also have proWt motives – their own income may be inXuenced by the use of a technology, and above all, their professional image and esteem, both per- sonally and as a disciplinary group, may depend on it. Because evaluations currently are narrowly done and the crucial ethical and social elements are usually not there, the strong commercial and professional pressures are likely to lead to unnecessary, premature or too widespread use of health technol- ogy. These questions include not only personal, mother–child rela- tionships, but also the way that parenting generally, like pregnancy, may be becoming tentative and provisional, instead of the unconditional acceptance of the child as ‘a gift of God’ common in traditional rhetoric, at least, if not in practice. Prenatal counselling Prenatal testing and counselling have expanded since prenatal diagnosis of Down’s syndrome, thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia began through am- niocentesis in the late 1960s. Chorionic villus sampling (cvs), another diag- nostic test which also draws fetal material from within the maternal abdo- men, has since been developed. There are now two further and less invasive methods: examination of serum from maternal blood tests; or, from about 12–15 weeks gestation, nuchal translucency (swelling in the fetal neck) by ultrasound scanning. In Britain, in areas where there are many members of ethnic minority groups aVected by sickle cell anaemia or thalassaemia, universal prenatal screening for these conditions has been implemented or proposed. Alderson cystic Wbrosis – is not yet routinely screened for, but, as with other mono- genetic conditions, prenatal tests are often oVered to families known to be aVected. The tests may be preceded or followed by counselling, which ranges from giving medical results to detailed discussion about the nature and meaning of the tests, the results and the possible choices they oVer (Green and Statham, 1996; Marteau et al. There is a crucial diVerence in knowledge of the condition being tested for between people with an aVected close relative who have personal experience and who opt-in to have prenatal tests, and the ‘healthy’ unaVected majority of pregnant women who are routinely screened unless they opt-out. Yet because personal opt-in testing involves far fewer people and tends to be done by clinical geneticists, whereas mass screening involves far more people and is done by generalist prenatal staV, the latter group usually receive less counselling (Clarke, 1994, 1997). Prenatal counselling can begin before conception, when people in a ‘high risk’ group or family are tested for their carrier status of single gene condi- tions. So a positive result leads on to decisions about whether or not to have the more invasive deWnitive tests of amniocentesis or cvs, and whether or not to continue with the pregnancy. Advantages of prenatal counselling Advocates of universal prenatal screening and counselling say that the servi- ces oVer every woman information and opportunities to choose. With fetal tests, parents may be more accepting of an impaired child if they are able to prepare emotionally before the birth, and are also able to feel that they chose to have the child rather than feeling imposed upon. Termination of aVected pregnancies obviates the emotional, practical and Wnancial costs of supporting disabled children, and also pre- vents the suVering which the child and family would otherwise endure. Decades of preconceptual and prenatal screening in Cyprus have contained the costs of treating thalas- saemia, which would otherwise have overwhelmed the national budget (Modell and Kuliev, 1993). Fetal tests and prenatal selection now enable women from families with a known severe genetic disorder to have healthy children, whereas previously Prenatal counselling and images of disability 197 they could only choose between either the risk of having an impaired child or else remaining childless. For example, Professor Lilford calculates a net gain to society of screening 100 000 pregnancies, involving 3000 amniocenteses (2960 with negative results) incurring the inadvertent miscarriage of 30 unaVected fetuses, in order to reduce the incidence of Down’s syndrome from 100 to 60 live births (Painton, 1997). There is frequent mention of ‘risk’, ‘handicap’, ‘mental retardation’, ‘bad/faulty/dangerous gene’, ‘problem’, ‘trouble’ and ‘suVering’ (see review by, for example, Shakespeare, 1999). For example, a paper in a leading medical peer-reviewed journal begins, ‘Spina biWda occurs in one of 2,000 births and leads to life-long and devastating physical disabilities including paraplegia, hydrocephalus, incon- tinence, sexual dysfunction, skeletal deformities and mental impairment’ (Scott et al. Universal screening and counselling are guided by principles of respect for prospective parents’ autonomy, the justice of fair distribution and cost containment, and the beneWcence of preventing suVering and promoting scientiWc public health and other health services, as well as by reasoned utilitarian values (Bromham, Dalton and Jackson, 1990; Ettorre, 1999). Screening of large populations raises unnecessary anxiety among the vast majority of women whose pregnancies are ‘normal’, although many have to go through anxious waiting for ominous screening results to be clariWed (Green, Statham and Snowdon, 1994). Alderson resourced and fall below recommended standards, so despite their best eVorts staV seldom have enough time to counsel well (Clarke, 1994; Smith, Shaw and Marteau, 1994). Amniocentesis and cvs each incur a one per cent risk of miscarriage, and some clinics warn that autopsies after termination Wnd on average that one fetus in every 200 is ‘normal’ after a false positive result. Pregnancy is being trans- formed from a healthy ‘natural’ experience into a pathological ‘tentative’ state in which women are increasingly bound by medical opinion, invasive surveillance and ‘manufactured uncertainty’ (Rothman, 1994, 1998). Despite being intended to prevent suVering, termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality can cause intense distress and regret (Green and Statham, 1996; Santalahti, 1998). New reproductive technologies align with other current trends, such as risk management, consumerism and economic pressures (Beck 1992; Winkler, 1998) to encourage women to expect to have a ‘perfect’ baby, closer to a consumer commodity than a valued person with ordinary human failings. The kinetic effect of irreversible inhibitors is to decrease the concentration of active enzyme quality hydrea 500 mg. Irreversible inhibitors are usually considered to be poisons and are generally unsuitable for therapeutic purposes buy hydrea 500mg on-line. Reversible enzyme inhibitors are usually either competitive or non-competitive; a third type, uncompetitive, is rarely encountered (Table 9. Most therapeutic drugs are reversible competitive inhibitors, which bind at the catalytic (active site) of the enzyme. Competitive inhibitors are especially attractive as clinical modulators of enzyme activity because they offer two routes for the reversal of enzyme inhibition, by decreasing the concentration of inhibitor or by raising the concentration of substrate. Since high concentrations of a substrate can displace its competitive inhibitor, it is apparent that Vmax should be unchanged by competitive inhibitors. This characteristic of competitive inhibitors is reflected in the identical vertical-axis intercepts of Lineweaver–Burk plots, with and without inhibitor (Figure 9. Competitive inhibitors often structurally resemble the substrate of the enzyme (structural analogues). The similarity between the structures of folic acid and methotrexate is shown in Figure 9. Most allosteric enzymes are oligomeric (consisting of multiple subunits); generally they are located at or near branch points in metabolic pathways, where they are influential in directing substrates along one or another of the available metabolic routes. Effectors may control enzyme activity by altering the Vmax or the Km of the enzyme; Km effectors work on K-type enzymes, Vmax effectors work on V-type enzymes. Numerous enzymes of intermediary metabolism are affected by phosphorylation, either positively or negatively. Covalent phosphorylations can be reversed by a separate subclass of enzymes known as phosphatases. The aberrant phosphorylation of growth factor and hormone receptors, as well as of proteins that regulate cell division, often leads to unregulated cell growth or cancer. The usual sites for phosphate addition to proteins are the serine, threonine and tyrosine R-group hydroxyl residues. Post-translation Phosphorylation or glycosylation may be used to activate Rapid modification or deactivate an enzyme. In the response to insulin, the phosphorylation of multiple enzymes, including glycogen synthase, helps control the synthesis or degradation of glycogen and allows the cell to respond to changes in blood sugar. Another example of post-translational modification is the cleavage of the polypeptide chain. Chymotrypsin is produced in the inactive form, the proenzyme, as chymotrypsinogen. Bacteria may Slow become resistant to penicillin because enzymes called β-lactamases are induced which hydrolyse the crucial β-lactam ring within the penicillin molecule. Compartmental- Fatty acids are synthesised by one set of enzymes in the isation cytosol, and used by a different set of enzymes as a source of energy in the mitochondrion. For example, haemaglutinin, in the influenza virus, is activated by a conformational change caused by the acidic conditions which occur when it is taken up inside its host cell and enters the lysosome. Many of the proteins that bind calmodulin are themselves unable to bind calcium, and so use calmodulin as a calcium sensor and signal transducer. Calmodulin undergoes a conformational change upon binding of calcium, which enables it to bind to specific proteins for a specific response. For example: • allosteric changes in enzyme activity occur in milliseconds or less • transmembrane ion channels open or close in milliseconds or less • G-protein transmembrane signalling operates over a few milliseconds • protein kinases and phosphatases operate over a few seconds • a protein switches compartments in a minute or so • changes in gene expression are evident over about 24 hours • growth/differentiation occurs over a few days. Today, commercially purified and sometimes immobilised enzymes are used by industry and medicine. A natural event; the gene for lactase (ß-galactosidase) is ‘switched on’ at birth and ‘switched off’ after weaning. As a result, lactose is unabsorbed by the body, ferments in the lower gut and produces intestinal gases (methane), leading to pain and flatulence. In most Europeans, however, the infant condition persists, and the lactase gene remains active (possibly linked with the domestication of cattle and goats in the Near East some 10 000 years ago; the ability to digest lactose throughout life could have conferred some nutritional advantage). The gene encoding lactase in humans is located on chromosome 1; 70% of ‘Westerners’ have a mutation in the gene such that it fails to ‘switch off’, thus conferring lactose tolerance. For those lactose-intolerant individuals, lactase may be added to milk or taken as capsules before a meal; it is supplied as a pro-enzyme called prolactazyme. The pro-enzyme is activated by partial digestion in the stomach, so that it has the opportunity to function in the small intestine. So-called ‘live yogurts’ solve this problem because the lactose (in the yogurt) is digested by the bacteria present. Lactase enzyme is expensive however; nowadays milk can be pre-treated with lactase before distribution. It is useful for diabetics to measure their blood sugar level throughout the day in order to regulate their use of insulin. Wahrenberg ea (2005) found that a waist circumference of less than 100 cm excludes insulin resistance in both sexes buy hydrea 500 mg with visa. Montgomery and Ekbom (2002) reported an increased risk for diabetes and obesity among the offspring of women who smoked during pregnancy generic hydrea 500 mg. Hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, hypopituitarism, and Cushing’s syndrome are associated with obesity among other things. The characterization of an obesity gene (ob) on chromosome 6 in mice (and its human homologue) was reported in 1994. It was hypothesised that the ob gene on chromosome 7 produced an ob protein (this 1883 turned out to be leptin ) that acted on brain ob receptors leading to satiety and a reduction in food intake. In fact, in excess of one hundred genes have been implicated in the determination of body weight. These act mainly through the brainstem and hypothalamus and influence food intake and tendency to exertion. Leptin (‘ob protein’; Gk: leptos, thin) levels are chronically elevated in obese humans. Apart from the few people with inherited leptin deficiency, therapeutic leptin use failed to work. According to Watts (2007) cells produce leptin to prevent too much weight loss during lean times rather than to prevent obesity! Leptin 1881 Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quételet (1796-1874), Belgian astronomer, mathematician, statistician, and sociologist. When injected into the peritoneum it causes a reduction in feeding and an increase in energy output. It inhibits 1887 neuropeptide Y (a powerful appetite stimulant) in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. Galanin is an orexigenic peptide that probably acts at the level of the paraventricular nucleus. It was indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise for obesity or overweight adult (> 18 years) patients with associated risk factors, e. It should be avoided in uncontrolled serious psychiatric disorder and it was not recommended for people on antidepressants. It was not recommended during pregnancy and is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Social or cultural factors may moderate or mediate the association between obesity and mood disorder. Unresolved dynamic-neurotic factors and learning theory are generally considered to be operative. Suggested psychiatric criteria for obesity (Volkow & O’Brien, 2007) Need to eat more to be satisfied (tolerance) Dieting-associated distress/dysphoria Eats more than intended Always wants food and can’t curtail amount consumed Avoid activities because of fear of rejection due to obesity Overeats despite knowing of ill effects and psychological sequelae Clouston, in 1881, wrote that fattening a patient would improve the mental state. Direct intra-hypothalamic injection of chlorpromazine in animals leads to an increase in food intake. Morbid obesity provides an increased reservoir for psychotropic drugs with persistence of the effects of such drugs. Animals that have their food intake restricted have less cancer than do animals allowed to eat as much as they wish. Adami and Tichopoulos (2003) felt that the risk of cancer from obesity is small relative to the 1899 effects of smoking, a view not shared by Haslam and James. Anti-obesity drugs do not cause particularly significant weight loss and have their own adverse event profile. The chief approach is a normal reducing diet: eat plenty of fibre and 1905 exercise regularly. As long as the calorie content of the diet is reduced it doesn’t seem to matter whether the emphasis is on protein, carbohydrate or fat when composing such a diet. Obese people tend to eat more than they report during a diet and to overestimate physical activity. Self- monitoring, response prevention strategies to counter identified behavioural and cognitive cues, reinforcement, family or marital work, and psychotherapy are all useful in individual cases. Liposuction (fat removal by suction) may reduce weight (often temporarily), girth, and leptin levels in plasma, but it may not improve metabolic problems associated with obesity and therefore may not reduce the risk for coronary disease. There is a small mortality risk in the short term and abdominoplasty may be required by many patients. Central stimulants (phentolamine, diethylpropion, and amphetamine) act on adrenergic receptors causing central stimulation and may precipitate psychiatric problems. In acute treatment, fluoxetine and fluvoxamine may cause weight loss (at least in the short term), whereas citalopram, sertraline and paroxetine seem to be weight 1907 neutral. Phentermine (Ionamin), an amphetamine derivative1909, should not be given for longer than 6 months and is usually given for 4-6 weeks. Phentermine therapy should be adequately supervised and is not a first-line therapy. Hydrea
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