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By H. Luca. Arizona International College. Bismuth subsalicylate should not be taken by children recovering from the flu generic dramamine 50mg amex, chicken pox order 50 mg dramamine with amex, or other viral infection, as it may mask the nausea and vomiting associated with Reye’s syndrome, a rare but serious illness. Nutritional Supplements Vitamins A and E Vitamins A and E have been shown to inhibit the development of stress ulcers in rats and are important factors in maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier. It is found in relatively high concentrations in several body tissues, most notably skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and the brain. The exact biological role of carnosine is still under investigation, but numerous animal studies have demonstrated that it possesses strong and specific antioxidant properties, protects against radiation damage, improves heart function, and promotes wound healing. Zinc bound to carnosine exerts significant protection against ulcer formation and has ulcer-healing properties. Clinical studies with humans demonstrate the same effects, including an ability to antagonize H. However, one of the substances in licorice, glycyrrhizinic acid, has known side effects that include salt and water retention, leading to hypertension. The activity of the most potent flavonoid was shown to be similar to that of bismuth subcitrate. The flavor is bitter at first, but after being chewed the drops release a refreshing, slightly piney or cedary flavor. People in the Mediterranean region have used mastic as a medicine for gastrointestinal ailments for several thousand years. In a double-blind clinical trial carried out on 38 patients with symptomatic and endoscopically proved duodenal ulcer, the patients were given either mastic gum (1 g per day) or a placebo for two weeks. Symptomatic relief was obtained in 16 patients on mastic (80%) and in 9 patients on the placebo (50%), while endoscopically proved healing occurred in 14 patients on mastic (70%) and only 4 patients on the placebo (22%). In one double-blind study, rhubarb extract stopped bleeding from gastric or duodenal ulcers in more than 90% of 312 patients, and accomplished this in less than 60 hours. In cases of active gastrointestinal bleeding, we recommend rhubarb or aloe vera preparations. The most accessible treatment may be drinking aloe vera juice, about 4 cups per day, during these times. Patients must be carefully evaluated to determine which of the factors discussed earlier in this chapter are most relevant to their situation. The first step is to identify and eliminate or reduce all factors implicated in peptic ulcers: H. Once the causative factors have been controlled, attention should be directed at healing the ulcers, inhibiting exacerbating factors (e. Eat a diet high in dietary fiber, and consume fresh cabbage juice and other vegetable juices on a regular basis. It may be a manifestation of a more systemic condition, such as diabetes, anemia, vitamin deficiency states, leukemia, or other disorders of white blood cell function. Therefore, the focus in such cases should be on treating the underlying condition rather than the “periodontal disease. This disease is a good example of a condition that is probably best treated with the combined expertise of a dentist or periodontist and a nutritionally minded physician. Although oral hygiene is of great importance in treating and preventing periodontal disease, it is not sufficient in many cases. The patient’s immune system and other defense mechanisms must be normalized if development and progression of the disease are to be controlled. The rate of periodontal disease is approximately 15% at age 10, 38% at age 20, 46% at age 35, and 54% at age 50. As a group, men have a higher prevalence and severity of periodontal disease than women. The occurrence of periodontal disease is inversely related to increasing levels of education and income; rural dwellers have a higher level of severity and prevalence than city dwellers. In periodontal disease, this means understanding the normal protective factors in the gums and supporting structures (periodontium). Many experts agree that the presence of bacteria is not sufficient to cause disease; a person’s immune status and other defense mechanisms must be involved. The Environment of the Gingival Sulcus The gingival sulcus is the V-shaped crevice that surrounds each tooth. The anatomy of the gingival sulcus is ideal for growth of bacteria, as it is resistant to the cleansing action of saliva. Furthermore, the gingival fluid (the fluid found in the sulcus) provides a rich nutrient source for microorganisms. The clinical determination of the depth of the gingival sulcus is an important part of the diagnosis. Individuals who have periodontal disease should see their dentist no less than once every six months for proper evaluation and cleaning. Bacterial Factors Bacterial plaque has long been considered the causative agent in most forms of periodontal disease. As they defend the body against microbes, neutrophils release numerous free radicals (which break down collagen), inflammatory compounds, and a compound that stimulates alveolar bone destruction. When questioned about his small amount of practice buy generic dramamine 50mg on line, as compared with other concert pianists order dramamine 50 mg without a prescription, he said, "I practice in my head. Kop, of Holland, a recognized authority on teach- ing piano, recommends that all pianists "practice in their heads. It should be memorized, and played in the mind, before ever touching fingers to the keyboard. Imagination Practice Can Lower Your Golf Score Time magazine reported that when Ben Hogan is play- ing in a tournament, he mentally rehearses each shot, just before making it. He makes the shot perfectly in his imagination—"feels" the clubhead strike the ball just as it should, "feels" himself performing the perfect follow- through—and then steps up to the ball, and depends upon what he calls "muscle memory" to carry out the shot just as he has imagined it. Alex Morrison, perhaps the most well-known golf teacher in the world, has actually worked out a system of mental practice. In his book, Better Golf Without Practice (New York, Simon and Schuster), Morrison tells how he taught Lew Lehr to break 90 for the first time, with no actual practice whatsoever. Morrison had Lehr sit in an easy chair in his living room and relax while he demonstrated for him the correct swing and gave a brief lecture on the "Morrison Keys. Morrison goes on to tell how several days later, with no physical preparation whatever, Lehr joined his regular foursome, and amazed them by shooting 9 holes in an even par, 36. The core of the Morrison system is "You must have a clear mental picture of the correct thing before you can do it successfully. Johnny Bulla, the well-known professional golfer, wrote an article several years ago in which he said that having a clear mental image of just where you wanted the ball to go and what you wanted it to do was more important than "form" in golf. The Real Secret of Mental Picturing Successful men and women have, since the beginning of; time, used "mental pictures," and "rehearsal practice," to achieve success. Napoleon, for example, "practiced" sol- diering, in his imagination, for many years before he ever went on an actual battlefield. Webb and Morgan in their book Making the Most of Your Life, tell us that "the notes Napoleon made from his readings during these years of study filled, when printed, four hundred pages. He imagined himself as a commander, and drew maps of the island of Corsica showing where he would place various defenses, making all his calculations with mathe- matical precision. Kaiser has said that each of his business ac- complishments was realized in his imagination before it appeared in actuality. It is no wonder that the art of "mental picturing" has in the past sometimes been associated with "magic. Cybernetics regards the human brain, nervous system, and muscular system, as a highly complex "servo-mecha- nism. As Alex Morrison says, you must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it. When you do see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative "success mech- anism" within you takes over and does the job much bet- ter than you could do it by conscious effort, or "will power. Thus, mental-picturing the desired end result, literally forces you to use "positive thinking. Finding Your Best Self This same creative mechanism within you can help you achieve your best possible "self" if you will form a picture in your imagination of the self you wanted to be and "see yourself" in the new role. This is a necessary condition to personality transformation, regardless of the method of therapy used. Each day, he has his "students" close their eyes, relax the body as much as possible, and create a "mental motion picture" of themselves as they would like to be. In this mental motion picture they see themselves as sober, re- sponsible persons. This is not the only technique used by McGoldrick, but it is one of the basic methods used at "Bridge House" which has a higher record of cure for alcoholics than any other organization in the country. I myself have witnessed veritable miracles in personality transformation when an individual changes his self image. However, today we are only beginning to glimpse the potential creative power which stems from the human imagination, and particularly our images concerning our- selves. Some mental patients can improve their lot and perhaps shorten their stay in hospitals just by imagining they are normal, two psychologists with the Veterans Administration at Los Angeles reported. And this in itself was enough to cause them to begin "acting like" and "feeling like" a well- adjusted person. Albert Edward Wiggam called your mental picture of yourself "the strongest force within you. Our aim is to find the "real self," and to bring our mental images of our- selves more in line with "the objects they represent. The Scriptures tell us that God created man "a little lower than the angels" and "gave him dominion"; that God created man in his own image. If we really believe in an all-wise, all-powerful, all-loving Creator, then we are in a position to draw some logical conclusions about that which He has created— Man. This is essential for the care of victims and suspects purchase 50mg dramamine free shipping, for the criminal justice system order 50mg dramamine with visa, and for society as a whole. As we enter the 21st century it is important that health care professionals are “forensically aware. A death in police custody resulting from failure to identify a vulnerable individual is an avoidable tragedy. Although training in clinical forensic medicine at the undergraduate level is variable, once qualified, every doctor will have contact with legal matters to a varying degree. A Physician’s Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine concentrates on the clinical aspects of forensic medicine, as opposed to the pathological, by endeavoring to look at issues from fundamental principles, including recent research developments where appropriate. This volume is written primarily for physicians and nurses working in the field of clinical forensic medicine—forensic medical examiners, police surgeons, accident and emergency room physicians, pediatricians, gynecologists, and forensic and psychiatric nurses—but such other health care professionals as social workers and the police will also find the contents of use. The history and development of clinical forensic medicine worldwide is outlined, with special focus being accorded the variable standards of care for detainees and victims. Because there are currently no international standards of training or practice, we have discussed fundamental principles of consent, confidentiality, note-keeping, and attendance at court. The primary clinical forensic assessment of complainants and those suspected of sexual assault should only be conducted by those doctors and nurses xi xii Preface who have acquired specialist knowledge, skills, and attitudes during both theoretical and practical training. All doctors should be able to accurately describe and record injuries, although the correct interpretation requires considerable skill and expertise, especially in the field of nonaccidental injury in children, where a multidisciplinary approach is required. Avoidance of a death in police custody is a priority, as is the assessment of fitness-to-be-detained, which must include information on a detainee’s general medical problems, as well as the identification of high-risk individuals, i. Deaths in custody include rapid unexplained death occurring during restraint and/or during excited delirium. The recent introduction of chemical crowd-control agents means that health professionals also need to be aware of the effects of the common agents, as well as the appropriate treatments. However, in recent years there have been a number of well-publicized miscarriages of justice in which the conviction depended on admissions made during interviews that were subsequently shown to be untrue. Recently, a working medical definition of fitness-to-be-interviewed has been developed, and it is now essential that detainees be assessed to determine whether they are at risk to provide unreliable information. The increase in substance abuse means that detainees in police custody are often now seen exhibiting the complications of drug intoxication and withdrawal, medical conditions that need to be managed appropriately in the custodial environment. Furthermore, in the chapter on traffic medicine, not only are medical aspects of fitness-to-drive covered, but also provided is detailed information on the effects of alcohol and drugs on driving, as well as an assessment of impairment to drive. Once the eBook is installed on your com- puter, you cannot download, install, or e-mail it to another computer; it resides solely with the computer to which it is installed. Your web browser will open and you will be taken to the Humana Press eBook registra- tion page. If you need further assistance, contact Humana Press eBook Support by e-mail at ebooksupport@humanapr. Forensic medicine is now commonly used to describe all aspects of forensic work rather than just forensic pathol- ogy, which is the branch of medicine that investigates death. Clinical forensic medicine refers to that branch of medicine that involves an interaction among law, judiciary, and police officials, generally involving living persons. The practitio- ners of clinical forensic medicine have been given many different names throughout the years, but the term forensic physician has become more widely accepted. In broad terms, a forensic pathologist generally does not deal with living individuals, and a forensic physician generally does not deal with the deceased. However, worldwide there are doctors who are involved in both the clinical and the pathological aspects of forensic medicine. There are many areas where both clinical and pathological aspects of forensic medicine over- lap, and this is reflected in the history and development of the specialty as a whole and its current practice. The forensic physician must also present the information orally to a court or other tribunal or forum. This table illustrates the role of forensic physicians in the United Kingdom; roles vary according to geographic location. Police surgeon, forensic medical officer, and forensic medical examiner are examples of other names or titles used to describe those who practice in the clinical forensic medicine specialty, but such names refer more to the appointed role than to the work done. Table 1 illustrates the variety of functions a forensic physician may be asked to undertake. Some clinical forensic medical practitio- ners may perform only some of these roles, whereas others may play a more History and Development 3 extended role, depending on geographic location (in terms of country and state), local statute, and judicial systems. Forensic physicians must have a good knowl- edge of medical jurisprudence, which can be defined as the application of medi- cal science to the law within their own jurisdiction. The extent and range of the role of a forensic physician is variable; many may limit themselves to specific aspects of clinical forensic medicine, for example, sexual assault or child abuse. Currently, the role and scope of the specialty of clinical forensic medicine glo- bally are ill defined, unlike other well-established medical specialties, such as gastroenterology or cardiology. A variety of somatic cell types are capable of undergo- ing nuclear reprogramming following nuclear transplantation to yield live off- spring dramamine 50 mg mastercard. In addition buy generic dramamine 50 mg online, nuclear trans- plantation technology may allow for additional resources for organ transplantation through the generation of syngeneic cells, tissues, or organs (made from one’s own cells) or xenogeneic cells, tissues or organ for use in xentotransplanatation. Embryo transfer and related techniques in domestic animals, and their implications for human medicine. Transplantation of nuclei of various cell types from neurulae of the Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicana). The developmental potentialities of regeneration blastema cell nuclei as deter- mined by nuclear transplantation. Transgenic bovine chimeric offspring produced from somatic cell-derived stem-like cells. Nuclear transplantation by microinjection of inner cell mass and granulosa cell nuclei. Nuclear transplanta- tion in the bovine embryo:Assessment of donor nuclei and recipient oocyte. Full-term development of mouse blastomere nuclei transplanted into enucleated two-cell embryos. Full-term development of mice from enucleated oocytes injected with cumulus cell nuclei. Somatic cell cloned trans- genic bovine neurons for transplantation in parkinsonian rats. Turning brain into blood: A hematopoietic fate adopted by adult neural stem cells in vivo. Inhibition of xenoreactive natural antibody production by retroviral gene therapy. Relationship between nuclear remodeling and development in nuclear transplant rabbit embryos. The transplantation of nuclei from single cultured cells into enucle- ate frogs’ eggs. The developmental capacity of nuclei transplanted from keratinized skin cells of adult frogs. Chondrogenic differentiation of cultured human mesenchymal stem cells from marrow. De novo reconstitution of a functional mammalian urinary bladder by tissue engineering. Generation of transgenic porcine chimeras using primordial germ cell-derived colonies. The relationship between embryonic, embryonal carcinoma and embryo-derived stem cells. Influence of nuclear and cytoplasmic activity on the development in vivo of sheep embryos after nuclear transplantation. The sins of the fathers and mothers: Genomic imprinting in mammalian devel- opment. Not only inner cell mass cell nuclei but also trophectoderm nuclei of mouse blastocysts have developmental totipotency. In particular, the use of mutant mice as models of human disease, and more recently their use to explore somatic gene therapy, has been expanding. Multiple genetic assets of the mouse make the devel- opment of new models of human disease relatively straightforward in the mouse as compared to other species. These include the existence of inbred strains of mice, each with a unique but uniform genetic background, an increasingly dense map of the murine genome, and defined experimental methods for manipulating the mouse genome. Although each of these methods has potential advantages and disadvantages, all have been successful in generating models of human disease for use in develop- ing gene therapy technology. Reviewing several common methods of manipulating the mouse genome, addressing questions relating to genetic disease that can be asked (and answered) using mouse models, describing how mouse models can be used to evaluate somatic gene transfer, and finally speculating on what experimen- tal approaches to model development might be used in the future are the scope of this chapter. In the past, pet mice were selected and propagated based on the presence of an unusual phenotype. Phenotypes such as coat color alterations or neurological disorders were chosen because of their striking visual impact. For phenotypes with a heritable basis, subsequent mating of affected animals produced “lines” of mice displaying the genetic-based phenotype. More recently, with the establishment of large scientific and commercial breeding facilities along with careful programs of animal monitoring, many additional lines of spontaneous mutants have been established. In some cases, an observed pheno- type may be caused by mutation of a gene that is responsible, in humans, for a specific genetic disease. These models are usually identified based on phenotypic similarities between the mouse and human diseases. The mutated gene needs to be identified if these models are to assist in the research or testing of somatic gene therapies. Organism- specific antigens may also be found in the cytosol buy dramamine 50 mg fast delivery, or in associa tion with cell walls or membranes generic 50 mg dramamine visa. The most fundamental concern with respect to the suitability of antigen is its specificity. This, however, should be viewed within the context of diseases or problems to be studied with the assay method. For example, depending upon the distribution of the strains in health and disease, a very narrowly strain-specific bacterial antigen may, or may not, be appropriate for screening clinical samples. The molecular size of the antigen will be important in determining how the immunoreactive material distributes itself in body fluids and tissues. Materials which are immunochemically unstable may be damaged in body fluids or during incubation of the assay. A variety of protective agents may be tried in an effort to minimize such damage [1]. Of particular concern in the area of communicable diseases is the possibility that the antigens may be toxic or associated with toxic or infectious materials. Under these circumstances it may become necessary to take steps to decontaminate samples and assay constituents. For example, methods for detection of specific tuberculoproteins require consideration of the requirement for re moving viable organism from materials to be used as assay standards. An even greater problem is presented by the need to assure that samples which might contain substantial numbers of organisms, such as sputum or culture media, are rendered safe for handling in open laboratories. Our approach to this problem has been to construct assays to measure heat-treated immunoreactive materials [2,3]. Samples may be heat inactivated if antigenic specificity is heat- stable, and if antisera are raised to recognize heat-treated antigen. Since immunogens and standards need not be pure, the méthodologie problems inherent in working with impure material are primarily concerned with the production of adequate labeled antigen. The validity of the assay depends on identical immuno- reactivity of standards and unknowns in their abilities to compete against the binding of labeled antigen and is not dependent on the similarity of the immunoreactivity of labeled antigen to that of standard or unknown. All that is required of the labeled antigen is that it binds to antibody and is specifically displaced by unlabeled antigen. Iodination and Purification of Antigens: The general priniciples of iodination and purification can be reviewed else where [1]. In general, for protein antigens, iodination at neutral or slightly alkaline pH by the chloramine T method is the procedure of choice. Alternatively, the impure material may be labeled and then the desired antigen may be purified from the mixture of labeled materials. First, the desired specific antigen must make up a suf ficient proportion of the total radiolabeled materials. Although it is theoretically possible to work with less pure label, from a prac tical standpoint, at least 50% of the total radioactivity should be capable of binding to antibody so that B/F ratios (bound labeled antigen/free labeled antigen) of 1. Second, the specific activity, or the ratio of radioactiv ity to mass of antigen (e. The concentration of labeled antigen employed should not be much greater than, and preferably should be smaller than, the lowest concentration of unlabeled antigen to be measured. For example, itis unlikely that an antigen concentration of 10 M ( can be detected using a labeled antigen at 10. This is because the error in delivering and counting the labeled antigen may be greater than the 1% increment provided by the unlabeled antigen, and also because a 1% increment in total antigenconcentration will not appreciably alter the B/F ratio. The desired specific activity depends on the sensitivity of the counting system, the volume of incubation mixture to be counted, and the concentration of antigen to be measured. When antigens are found in fluids at concentrations below 200 pg/mL, special attention must be given to the limitations imposed on the labeled antigen. Sensitivity limit ations imposed by labeled antigen of low specific activity can be appreciated by studying the effect of varying the number of counts used in the assay on the total binding of labeled antigen. If, for a given antibody concentration, a reduction in the number of counts per assay tube results in an increase in the B/F and a sharper initial slope for the standard curve, then the labeled antigen can be considered to be limiting because of low specific ^|ivity. The specific activity may be increased by increasing the i/antigen ratio in the iodination mixture and/or by employing a purification procedure which separates components on the basis of charge. Purification of the iodination mixture requires the recovery of the labeled antigen after the removal of damaged antigen and unre acted radioiodide. Damaged peptide antigens frequently adsorb to albumin and a globulins, thereby increasing their molecular size. Rapid purificaiton methods based on the adsorption of the labeled antigens to cellulose and silica granules, or on differences in the molecular size of components are frequently adequate although they generally do not separate labeled from unlabeled antigen. When this is required ion exchange chromatography or electrophoresis may be used to separate the more negatively changed labeled antigen. The standards and unknowns need not be chemically identical, nor do they have to be of identical biologic potencies. The source of standard antigen will depend upon thé biology of the organism and the antigen. It may be a culture medium, a cell wall preparation, an extract of whole cells, or a plasma or other body fluid containing high concentrations of antigen. Dramamine
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