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By H. Grimboll. University of La Vernee. 2018. J Am Soc Nephrol 2006 400mg albendazole for sale; 17: intensive care unit patients with acute kidney injury undergoing 2363–2367 cheap albendazole 400mg with mastercard. Academic ampicillin/sulbactam in patients with acute kidney injury undergoing Press-Elsevier: San Diego, 2007. Drug therapy in patients undergoing in septic patients with and without extended dialysis. Operational characteristics of permeability and blood flow in the artificial kidney. Trans Am Soc Artif continuous renal replacement modalities used for critically ill patients Organs 1956; 2: 102–105. Influence of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis on hemodialysis: kinetic model and comparison of four membranes. A simple method for predicting drug clearances flow rate on the pharmacokinetics of cefazolin. The essential medicines list needs to be country specific addressing the disease burden of the nation and the commonly used medicines at primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare levels. The medicines used in the various national health programmes, emerging and reemerging infections should be addressed in the list. Healthcare delivery institutions, health insurance bodies, standards setting institutions for medicines, medicine price control bodies, health economists and other healthcare stakeholders will be immensely benefitted in framing their policies. The first National List of Essential Medicines of India was prepared and released in 1996. While the former deals with the standards of identity, purity and strength of medicines the later provides the information on rational use of medicines particularly for healthcare professionals. Gupta, Head, Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Prof. Sharma, Head, Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Dr. Tyagi, Deputy Industrial Advisor, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi Page 7 of 123 Dr. Singh, Secretary-cum-Scientific Director, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ghaziabad Dr. During the meeting it was felt that opinion/views may be taken from across the country by organizing brainstorming regional workshops. However, considering the logistics and time constraints it was decided that a National consultation meet should be organized in Delhi inviting experts from various specialties and from different parts of the country. Experts from different disciplines from medical and pharmaceutical institutes, hospitals from across the country and concerned government agencies participated. The groups were asked to specifically give the reasons/evidence which guided their decision regarding addition/deletion/alteration. Subsequently the recommendations of the individual groups were discussed in the open house. Thereafter the draft recommendations of the Workshop were prepared with general consensus. The Expert Core Committee recommended that all the medicines which are being provided under various National Health Programmes are considered as essential medicines. Therefore it is possible that a medicine with more than one indication appears in more than one category. Page 11 of 123 The meetings/deliberations of core committee/ National consultation meetings held for preparing the National List of Essential Medicines 2011 Core Committee Meetings 1. The list is considered to include the most cost-effective medicines for a particular indication. It is developed in concordance with the standard treatment guidelines keeping in mind the healthcare needs of the majority of the population. Careful selection of a limited range of essential medicines results in a higher quality of care, better management of medicines and more cost-effective use of health resources. The list of essential medicines guides the hospital drug policies, procurement and supply of medicines in public sector, medicine cost reimbursement and medicine donations. The list serves as a reference document for correct dosage form and strength for prescribing. Preference is given to single drug formulations as opposed to fixed dose combinations where appropriate. Such rational use of medicines, especially antimicrobial drugs, reduces development of drug resistance. The list also serves as a reference for assessing the healthcare access of the populace. Melphalan T Tablet 2 mg, 5 mg Tablet 50 mg Mercaptopurine T Injection 100 mg / ml Tablet 2. P) Dilute 34 ml of Formaldehyde formaldehyde solution P, S, T Solution Solution with water to produce 100 ml (As per I. P) Glutaraldehyde S,T Solution 2% Potassium P, S, T Crystals for solution Permanganate Page 58 of 123 Section: 16 –Diuretics Route of Administration/ Medicines Category Strengths Dosage Form Injection 10 mg/ ml Furosemide P,S,T Tablets 40mg Hydrochlorothia 25 mg, P,S,T Tablets zide 50 mg Mannitol P,S,T Injection 10%, 20% Spironolactone P,S,T Tablets 25 mg Page 59 of 123 Section: 17 – Gastrointestinal medicines 17. Colchicin Page 77 of 123 Alphabetical List of Medicines – Therapeutic area wise 5. The child breathes from the mouth of the bottle in the same way as he would with a spacer 76 | P a g e Silent chest Salbutamol nebulizer 2 order 400 mg albendazole visa. Nocturnal Asthma Patients who get night attacks should be advised to take their medication on going to bed albendazole 400 mg on line. Chronic Asthma in Adults The assessment of the frequency of daytime and nighttime symptoms and limitation of physical activity determines whether asthma is intermittent or persistent. Therapy is step-wise (Step 1-4) based on the category of asthma and consists of: Preventing the inflammation leading to bronchospasm (controllers) Relieving bronchospasm (relievers) Controller medicines in asthma Inhaled corticosteroids e. Acute bronchitis is one of the most common conditions associated with antibiotic misuse. Pertussis is the only indication for antibacterial agents in the treatment of acute bronchitis. Diagnosis Patients with acute bronchitis present with a cough lasting more than five days (typically one to three weeks), which may be associated with sputum production. Patients may get secondary bacterial infection with development of fever and production of thick smelly sputum. Non Pharmaceutical Treatment Stop smoking and/or remove from hazardous environment Prompt treatment of infective exacerbations 78 | P a g e Controlled oxygen therapy Physiotherapy Bronchodilator may give some benefit Pharmaceutical Treatment Give β-agonist e. Additionally, a generalized sub classification of exacerbations based on health-care utilization is proposed. The major diseases included in this category are: Chronic bronchitis - a chronic, inflammatory condition of the bronchi characterized by coughing and expectoration (spitting-up) of sputum (mucous coughed-up from the lungs) occurring on most days and lasting 3 months or longer for at least two consecutive years. Surgical treatment options for the treatment of patients with advanced emphysema, which include: Bullectomy Lung-volume reduction surgery Lung transplantation 80 | P a g e 5. The most common cause is viral infection (particularly parainfluenza viruses) but may also be due to bacterial infection. Diagnosis The symptoms include paroxysmal “barking” cough, insipiratory stridor, fever, wheezing, hoarseness of voice and tachypnoea Such symptoms usually occur at night Respiratory failure and pneumonia are potentially fatal complications. Children between 1-5 years of age are most susceptible although non- immune adults are also at risk. Diagnosis Diphtheria is characterized by grayish-white membrane, composed of dead cells, fibrin, leucocytes and red blood cells as a result of inflammation due to multiplying bacteria. General management Isolate the child Gently examine the child’s throat – can cause airway obstruction if not carefully done. Diagnosis After an incubation period of 7 –10 days, the child develops fever, usually with a cough and nasal discharge which are clinically indistinguishable from a common cough and cold 82 | P a g e In the second week, there is paroxysmal coughing which can be recognized as pertussis The episodes of coughing can continue for 3 months or longer The child is infectious for a period of 2 weeks up to 3 months after the onset of illness The main clinical feature is paroxysmal cough associated with a whoop. General management During paroxysms of coughing, place the child head down and prone, or on the side, to prevent any inhaling of vomitus and to aid expectoration of secretions. Diagnosis The diagnosis is usually established clinically on the basis of chronic daily cough with viscid sputum production, and radiographically by the presence of bronchial wall thickening and luminal dilatation on chest x-rays. General management Antibiotics are used to treat an acute exacerbation and prevent recurrent infection by suppression or eradication of existing flora. Acute excarcebation Adults A: Ciprofloxacin 500mg every 12 hours for 7-10 days Plus A: Metronidazole 500mg every 8 hours for 7-10 days Children: A: Amoxycillin 40mg/kg (O) in 3 divided doses for 5-7 days Plus A: Metronidazole 7. Diagnosis It is characterized by high fever, breathlessness, cough productive of large amounts of foul- smelling sputum and haemoptysis. The infection is usually polymicrobial and necessitates the use of combined drugs. Clinical types are recognized according to findings when the patient is first seen. These include: Threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, complete abortion and missed abortion. Diagnosis Clinical features will depend on the types of abortion Viginal bleeding which may be very heavy in incomplete abortion, intermittent pain which ceases when abortion is complete and cervical dilation in inevitable abortion In missed abortion, dead ovum retained for several weeks while sympoms and signs of pregnancy disappear When infected (septic abortion) patient presents with fever tachycardia, offensive vaginal discharge, pelvic and abdominal pain. Puerperal/Post abortal Sepsis Pyrexia in women who has delivered or miscarried in the previous 6 weeks may be due to puerperal or abortal sepsis and should be managed actively. The uterus may need evacuation however parenteral antibiotics must be administered before evacuation. V)1gm start Plus A: Metronidazole 500mg Plus A: Gentamycin 80mg stat Patient should continue with the following oral antibiotics after evacuation for 5 to 7days For Mild/moderate A: Amoxycillin (O) 500mg every 8 hours for 10 days Plus A: Metronidozole (O)400 mg every 8 hours for 10 days Plus A: Doxycycline (O)100 mg every12hrs for 10 days Treatment Guidelines for severe cases 0 Body temperature higher than (38 C) Marked abdominal tenderness are signs of severe post abortal sepsis Drug of Choice: A: Benzylpenicillin (I. V) 500mg every 6 hours Plus A: Metronidazole 500mg 8hrly for 5 days For urgent Delivery irrespective of gestational age A: Benzylpenicillin (I. Continue with antibiotics after delivery for 3-5 days Note: Use of antibiotics for prophylaxis during surgery, should be evaluated from situation to situation and not generalized 5. Management If vomiting is not excessive, advise to take small but frequent meals and drinks If persistent, vomiting cases, search for other reasons e. General measures Admit in the hospital Give B: Normal saline Plus C: Nifedipine 10-20 mg 12 hrly; Plus C: Hydralazine 10 mg (I. High blood sugar levels in the mother’s body are passed through the placenta to the developing baby. Gestational diabetes usually begins in the second half of pregnancy and goes away after the baby is born. Management Pregnant women should avoid: Food and beverages that cause gastrointestinal distress Tobacco and alcohol Eating big meals; should eat several small meals throughout the day Drinking large quantities of fluids during meals Eat close to bedtime; they should give themselves two to three hours to digest food before they lie down Sleep propped up with several pillows or a wedge. Tackling the burden of non-adherence requires a collaborative buy cheap albendazole 400 mg online, patient- centric approach that considers individual patient needs and results in intelligent interventions that combine high-tech with high-touch generic 400mg albendazole overnight delivery. His • The emerging paradigm of patient centricity in doctor prescribed multiple meds: the critical insu- adherence. He takes out his Industry Dynamics Reshape pill box but wonders, “Should I take both doses Healthcare Delivery together or skip the frst one? Expected to account for three-fourths intriguing and complex of patient behaviors. Non- of all deaths globally by 2020 , chronic illness1 adherence to a therapeutic regimen can result is straining the healthcare capacity of many in negative outcomes, and it can be compound- countries that lack the resources to provide ed in populations with chronic illness because of adequate healthcare services. Industry interest in patient engagement has Non-adherence leads to One school of thought spiked, infuenced by the release in late August deteriorating health out- 2012 of the Meaningful Use Stage 2 Final Rule by postulates that instead comes across patient the U. Now that patient engagement is being mortality rates in dia- creating new medications called the biggest blockbuster drug of the century, betes and heart disease pharmaceuticals and healthcare industry players to cure chronic diseases, patients, non-adherers need to reconfgure their resources to develop applying a fraction of had much higher mortal- innovative business models that are based on val- ity rates (12. Its three tenets include improving the eases, applying a fraction of that cost to helping patient experience, improving population health patients adhere to their medications would actu- and reducing the per capita cost of healthcare. Kearney analysis Figure 1 Traditional Management of adherence in certain situations, but a “one-size- Non-adherence fts-all” approach is not effective; one-tool solutions often become marginalized if the pro- Conventional health models have historically gram does not address the underlying barriers placed patients with different health conditions of adherence. The traditional approach of designing programs Understanding the Causes of that address individual adherence barriers has Non-Adherence resulted in extremely siloed health management programs. These programs are less effective The reasons for patient non-adherence are because they don’t account for the fact that non- complex and multifactorial, and an effective adherence is caused by the presence of multiple coordinated care model needs to consider all of factors. Both internal factors (a taking their medication, and adherence rates patient’s intentional and unintentional beliefs) plummet, in just a few months, with 50% to 90% and external factors (those related to the health- of patients stopping their prescribed therapies by care system, family support, the therapy regimen, the end of the frst year of treatment (see Figure 1). All of these factors education, pharmacy programs, awareness have a powerful infuence on patient decision- campaigns and fnancial rewards, can impact making and behavioral change. Quick Fact The Health Belief Model proposes that patients act on treatment recommendations when they believe that the benefts of treatment outweigh treatment barriers. In a study of 18 small, medium and large pharmaceuticals companies, 12 had dedicated patient adherence teams. Human health behavior professionals, who can better understand patients’ motivations, psychology and emotions are increasingly a part of these teams. For example, the more the patient interest of preventing patients from switching to must change his or her lifestyle, the less likely he competitive offerings, infuencing positive health or she is to follow recommendations. In addition, outcomes and reducing the overall cost of health- the less complicated the treatment regimen, the care by offering a set of adherence services along higher the rate of adherence. The Emerging Adherence Paradigm Acquiring new patients costs pharmaceuticals of Patient Centricity companies an average of 62% more than retaining the ones they already serve. In addition, the less companies are now work- ing to engage with patients complicated the Approximately 69% of total healthcare costs are heavily infuenced by consumer behaviors. Working together, these com- What Patient Centricity Means for panies launched a head-to-head clinical trial of Various Stakeholders Plavix (clopidogrel) and Effent (prasugrel) that highlighted not just which molecule is more eff- Today’s healthcare environment has led hos- cacious but also which patients would be best pitals, physician groups and payers to develop suited to which drug. Traditionally, laborative approaches will demonstrate the value providers have educated patients on adher- of determining appropriate treatment pathways ence. However, payers are increasingly working for a particular condition rather than just ran- to ensure their members have better health domly assessing the effcacy of individual drugs outcomes and lower costs. For any disease state, patients progress Devices and sensors can increase self-monitoring through different stages, including diagnosis, and management; gamifcation and analytics treatment and care. All of these interactions need various stakeholders in the healthcare ecosys- to be seamless so that patients can focus on their tem — physicians, paramedic staff, care providers, care rather than being caught in a web of interac- payers, pharmaceuticals companies, pharmacies tion challenges. We call this the “5 C’s”: collect data, capture events, con- To address the issue of medication non-adher- nect stakeholders, compress time and create ence, we have developed a patient-centric model opportunities. An effective adherence model must use a holistic Patient-centric Adherence Framework patient engagement framework that is designed Patient interactions within the healthcare ecosys- to address the causes of non-adherence from a tem are exceedingly complex; therefore, a holistic patient’s point of view. With physicians and pharmacists involved in the patient recruitment cycle, organizations can expect a jump in program enrollments in the range of 17% to 36% based on regions and disease type. Framework considerations should include: • Patient stratifcation: Patients need to be categorized in different ways, and customized engagement programs need to be designed for the different segments. Different adherence methods are applicable to different situations, depending on the type of adherence being assessed, the precision required and the intended application of the results. As there is no “gold standard” for measuring patients’ adherence to medicines, and no single tool to detect all types of non-adherence, the choice of method for measuring adherence to a medication regimen should be based on its usefulness and reliability for a particular patient profle, therapeutic area, drug under consideration, etc. Patients should be able to use their own health devices and smartphones ration among various stakeholders. Predictive surveys are questionnaires supplied to patients that can help predict their behavior • Self-help and education: Enabling patients and enable segmentation. Legal commercial actors—whose primary concern is proft maximisation—would be free to aggressively promote consumption through marketing and advertising generic albendazole 400mg on line. The potential for such an approach to create unacceptable public health costs has been all too clearly demonstrated with the example of the free markets for tobacco in much of the developed world during the frst 60 years of the 20th century 400 mg albendazole for sale, and to a greater extent in large parts of the developing world today (see: 5. Nadelmann ‘Thinking Seriously About Alternatives to Drug Prohibition’, Daedalus, 1992, 121: pages 87–132. We describe them below, starting with the most restrictive and moving to the most open. Variants on these models already exist and function across the world, supporting the entirely legal distribution of a range of medical, quasi-medical and non-medical psychoactive drugs. Of course, the precise nature of the respective regulatory frameworks and enforcement infrastructure varies from country to country. This leads to a certain amount of generalisation, but also helps emphasise that such models will inevitably operate differently in different locations. We have also made some basic suggestions as to how to adapt these basic models to cater for the challenges of non-medical drug supply in the future. Under this model, drugs are prescribed to a named user by a qualified and licensed medical practitioner. They are dispensed by a licensed practitioner or pharmacist from a licensed pharmacy or other designated outlet. These guide, oversee and police the prescribing doctors and dispensing pharmacists. They also help determine which drugs are available, in what form, where, and under what criteria. It is limited to medical necessity, which restricts its actual or poten- tial use to the problematic/chronic dependent end of the drug use 9 spectrum. Most commonly, it supports maintenance prescribing as part of a treatment regimen or harm reduction programme. As such it will only ever involve a small fraction of the total drug using population, although it should be noted that this user group is disproportionately associated with the greatest personal and 10 societal harms (especially under prohibition ). Prescribed injectable heroin (diamorphine) also has a long history, and established evidence 11 base. Less common, although not unknown, is the prescription of stimulants, including amphetamines and cocaine. They provide a useful, if limited, demonstration of how legal regulation of drugs can help people become prescribed, rather than street, users; a clear example of the benefts of decriminalisation of drug use and regularisation of their supply route. It is hard to know how such services would develop if managed with the latitude afforded to other, less controversial areas of patient care such as, for example, diabetes or mental health. Witton, ‘Thematic review—heroin prescribing’, Drug and Alcohol Findings, 2003, issue 9, page 16. These include requirements for consumption to be supervised in a specifc venue, for very specifc qualifying criteria to be met, or for the prescribing doctor to obtain a special licence. Prescribing is often time limited, administered in progressively reduced dosage, or made conditional on the patient meeting specifc rehabilitation milestones. It raises some diffcult questions for practitioners, as it exposes the grey areas between medical, quasi-medical and non-medical use. There are ongoing controversies and conficts between the clear need to reduce harms associated with problematic illicit drug use and a reluctance to dispense drugs that are being used in any way non-medically. From a medical point of view, these are particularly helpful to those injecting, who are at high risk of contracting blood borne diseases. These benefts are sometimes undermined if practitioners are accused of supporting drug use for pleasure or recreation, while simultaneously ‘failing to treat’—or even ‘endorsing’—dependence. Specialist training, a specifc qualifcation/licence, or a new specialist prescribing-practitioner professional niche could be put in place. These would be supported 22 4 5 6 Making a regulated system happen Regulated drug markets in practice Appendices by a strictly ethical code of conduct, and clearly defned general guidance. They would potentially be overseen by a new regulatory agency, or equivalent sub-group. Users were registered and managed in Iran until 1953, and then again in the early 1970s (similar programmes are now being cautiously re-introduced); comparable systems also existed in Pakistan and India—where remnants still function—and in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and elsewhere. Pharmacists are trained and licensed to dispense prescriptions, although they cannot write them. They can also sell certain generally lower risk medical drugs from behind the counter. These include restrictions according to buyer age, level of intoxication, quantity requested, or case-specifc concerns relating to potential misuse. In addition, pharmacists are trained to offer basic medical advice, support and information. However, it could easily be adapted and developed into an effective way of managing the avail- ability of currently illicit drugs for such purposes. Licensed and trained professionals could serve as gatekeepers for a range of such drugs. Albendazole
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