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By F. Anktos. University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Science. Deaths associated with ivermectin treatment of women cheap dulcolax 5 mg mastercard. Crusted scabies: clinical and prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among sexually active non- immunological fndings in seventy-eight patients and a review of the intravenous drug-using adults 5mg dulcolax, San Francisco, 1997–2000. Hepatitis C virus among factors associated with follow-up care. Am J Obstet Gynecol self declared non-injecting sexual partners of injecting drug users. Unsafe sex and increased sexual HIV transmission: quantifying the per-act risk for HIV on the incidence of hepatitis C virus infection among HIV-infected men basis of choice of partner, sex act, and condom use. Sex Transm Dis who have sex with men: the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Increase in HCV inci- HIV seroconversion in health care workers after percutaneous exposure. HIV postexposure prophylaxis hepatitis C infections in HIV positive homosexual men: is sexual trans- use among Ontario female adolescent sexual assault victims: a prospec- mission feeding the increase? Postexposure prophylaxis C virus in HIV-positive men who have sex with men linked to high-risk for HIV in children and adolescents after sexual assault: a prospec- sexual behaviours. Evidence of a large, international HIV post-exposure prophylaxis for sexual assault survivors. With peak onset at 18-25 years, schizophrenia causes loss of productivity and high medical and social services costs. The suffering of patients with schizophrenia and their families is usually great. Some fortunate individuals manage relatively uninterrupted lives. However, sustained recovery maintained 5 years after the initial episode is only 14% (Robinson et al, 2004). It is likely this name will change in the life of the reader. Schizophrenia is diagnosed (at the moment) by the presence of hallucinations, delusions and formal thought disorder. This is like diagnosing heart disease only at the time of myocardial infarction. Recently, schizophrenia has been conceptualized in four phases. By the time hallucinations and delusions appear, brain changes have occurred; early detection and prevention has become an area of research interest (Insel, 2010). In 1893, Emile Kraepelin (German) drew a distinction between “manic depressive insanity” (bipolar disorder) and “dementia praecox” (meaning dementia of the young; now called schizophrenia). Bleuler believed that formal thought disorder (FTD) in which the patient slips off one track of thought onto another is the primary/defining feature of schizophrenia, rather than the more obvious positive symptoms of hallucinations and delusions. An early categorization divided the symptoms into two groups: “positive” and “negative” (Andreasen et al, 1982). The positive symptoms (phenomena which are in addition to normal experience), are the remarkable features of the acute/psychotic phase, that is, hallucinations, delusions and FTD. The negative symptoms (Andreasen et al, 1982; loss of personality features and abilities) are the most troublesome symptoms of the chronic phase of schizophrenia. The DSM-5 sub-classification is as follows: 1) Affect impairment (flattening or blunting) - diminished emotional expression, with reduced expression of emotion in the face, speech and bodily movements, 2) Anhedonia - reduced ability to experience pleasure, reduced interpersonal skills, 3) Asociality – apparent lack of interest in social interaction, 4) Avolition (apathy) - reduced self-initiated purposeful activities, 5) Alogia – diminished speech output (this is another view of poverty of speech, discussed in Chapter 6). While the negative symptoms are regarded as the predominant feature of the chronic phase, they may be detected as early as the first psychotic episode. Some researchers found that certain symptoms did not easily fit into the two category model, and developed a three category/factor model (Bilder et al, 1985). Along with the positive and negative symptom groups, a third group was designated “disorganisation” - this included some thought disorder, bizarre behaviour, impaired attention and some cognitive dysfunction. A range of other ways of grouping the symptoms of schizophrenia have been suggested, but will not be described. Medical students only require knowledge of the positive/negative symptom division; those wanting to do exceptionally well in psychiatry should be aware the third set of disorganized symptoms/cognitive dysfunction. Symptoms (Psychotic/acute) Hallucinations See Chapter 5. These items were kept by a young man with schizophrenia. He was socially isolated and secretive and brought to hospital by his parents. His parents explained that he had written “Cursing Jar For Good” on the lid of this jar, and had written multiple “curses” concerning “enemies” which he placed inside. His parents told that he behaved as if these curses were a serious matter, and he expected them to be effective. While not proof, this activity was highly suggestive of psychosis. Antidepressant pharma- antidepressants: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials cotherapy: economic outcomes in a health maintenance organiza- in treating depression cheap 5 mg dulcolax overnight delivery. Economic evaluation treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or tricyclic of amitriptyline generic dulcolax 5 mg on line, desipramine, nortriptyline, and sertraline in the antidepressant in drug-naıve¨ depressed patients. In: Jonsson B, management of patients with depression. Cost utility of tiveness of sertraline versus tricyclic antidepressants in primary maintenance treatment of recurrent depression with sertraline care. The use of decision analysis in the phar- coeconomics 1997;11:464–472. Psychopharmacol Bull 1995;31: a medical-offset effect among patients receiving antidepressant 249–258. Tricyclic antidepres- effectiveness of antidepressant treatment in primary care. Phar- sant and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressant macoeconomics 1995;8:524–540. Antidepressant selection citalopramversus standard therapy in major depression. Pharma- and use and healthcare expenditures—an empirical approach. A pharmacoeconomic study of the manage- the cost-effectiveness of oral therapies in the management of pa- ment of major depression: patients in a TennCare HMO. Cost-effectiveness of antidepressant treat- second-line therapies for depression. J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61: ment reassessed [see Comments]. Pharmacoeconomic analysis use and cost of venlafaxine or tricyclic antidepressant therapy of venlafaxine in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Phar- following selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor therapy for macoeconomics 1997;12:286–296. Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assess- 97. Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for major therapy: economic evaluation of fluoxetine, paroxetine, and ser- depression. Part II: The cost effectiveness of SSRIs in treatment traline in a health maintenance organization. Cost-effectiveness of ment for depression with fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline. LENOX ALAN FRAZER Bipolar disorder (BPD), the province of mood stabilizers, the more recent understanding that antidepressants share has long been considered a recurrent disorder. For more this property in UPD have focused research on long-term than 50 years, lithium, the prototypal mood stabilizer, has events, such as alterations in gene expression and neuroplas- been known to be effective not only in acute mania but ticity, that may play a significant role in stabilizing the clini- also in the prophylaxis of recurrent episodes of mania and cal course of an illness. By contrast, the preponderance of past research and stabilization stem from the acute pharmacologic effects in depression has focused on the major depressive episode of antidepressants and mood stabilizers; thus, both the acute and its acute treatment. It is only relatively recently that and longer-term pharmacologic effects of both classes of investigators have begun to address the recurrent nature of drugs are emphasized in this chapter. Thus, it is timely that we address in a single chapter the most promising research rele- vant to the pharmacodynamics of both mood stabilizers and MOOD STABILIZERS antidepressants. Effective treatments exist for However, for the purpose of our discussion, it is important the acute phases of both disorders; maintaining both types to differentiate the three clinical phases of BPD—acute of patients on such drugs on a long-term basis decreases the mania, acute depression, and long-term prophylactic treat- likelihood and intensity of recurrences. Further, because the ment for recurrent affective episodes. Although a variety of drugs are given long-term, they produce a cascade of phar- drugs are used to treat BPD (i. Both classes of psychotropic drugs incur a lag that only a drug with properties of prophylaxis should be period for therapeutic onset of action, even in the acute referred to as a mood stabilizer and included in this chapter. Consequently, it is widely subset of patients with BPD 1. However, the data for long- thought that the delayed pharmacologic effects of these term prophylaxis with anticonvulsants (i. The early realiza- In the absence of a suitable animal model, an experimental tion that lithium is effective prophylactically in BPD and approach, used to ascribe therapeutic relevance to any ob- served biochemical finding, is the identification of shared biochemical targets that are modified by drugs belonging to the same therapeutic class (e. Lenox: HeadCNSGroup, AventisPharmaceuticals,Bridgewa- possessing distinct chemical structures (e. Alan Frazer: Department of Pharmacology, University of Texas Health valproate). Although unlikely to act via identical mecha- Science Center, San Antonio, Texas. Mood stabilizers and antidepressant actions: short-term and long-term events. Although anxious depression is frequently severe and impairing discount dulcolax 5 mg line, its outcome is no worse than nonanxious depression when treated appropriately (71) buy 5mg dulcolax otc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special Features of Anxiety Disorders in Dr. Stein has received research support from the following the Elderly companies: Bristol-Myers Squibb; Eli Lilly and Company; Forrest Laboratories; Hoffman-LaRoche Pharmaceuticals; The fact that medical illness becomes more common with Novartis; Parke-Davis; Pfizer; SmithKline Beecham; and increasing age can put a special twist on the presentation Solvay Pharmaceuticals. He is currently or has been in the and origins of certain anxiety disorders in the elderly. First past a consultant for Forrest Laboratories; Hoffmann-La and foremost, it must be recognized that many medical Roche Pharmaceuticals; Janssen Research Foundation; illnesses (e. Finally, nary disease, and stroke, to name just a few) may be associ- he receives or has received speaking honoraria from Bristol- ated with de novo anxiety symptoms or with the exacerba- Myers Squibb; Eli Lilly and Company; Hoffmann-La tion of a preexisting anxiety disorder (66). Most 'new' Roche Pharmaceuticals; Pfizer; Pharmacia & Upjohn; anxiety disorders in older life are either GAD or agorapho- SmithKline Beecham and Solvay Pharmaceuticals. Agoraphobia in older adults is usually a different phe- REFERENCES nomenon, with different etiology, from agoraphobia in younger adults. Major depression always a complication of PD (73)—the individual comes and generalized anxiety disorder: same genes, (partly) different environments? Psychopathology currence of panic or difficulty escaping should a panic attack in the offspring of anxious parents. In the elderly, the newonset of agoraphobia is rarely Psychiatry 1997;36:918–924. Familial transmission maladaptive reaction to some form of medical illness experi- of simple phobias and fears: a preliminary report. Arch Gen Psy- ence that renders the individual fearful of being unable to chiatry 1990;47:252– 256. Childhood anxiety disor- function safely away from home (66). Expressed emotion therefore avoids leaving the house alone. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry in young people: prevalence estimates of selected psychiatric dis- 1997;36:910–917. Panic disorder in children and ado- Arch Gen Psychiatry 1993;50:429–439. Panic attacks in young adoles- tion in children of parents with panic disorder and agoraphobia: cents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998;37:1308– 1316. Behavioral inhibi- panic attack history in sixth-and seventh-grade girls. Am J Psychia- tion as a risk factor for anxiety disorders. Biological bases of childhood York: Guilford Press, 1995:212–234. Adolescent social anxiety as panic attacks: presenting symptoms, stressors, and comorbidity. J Am Acad J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1993;32:826–829. Relation between symptoms of matic stress disorder symptoms in children exposed to disaster: anxiety and depression in children: a multitrait-multimethod- results from confirmatory factor analyses. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry EJ, Barkley RA, eds. Child-adolescent posttrau- cence into young adulthood: An 8-year follow-up study. Am J matic stress disorder: prevalence, risk factors, and comorbidity. Posttraumatic stress disorder in abused and neglected 31:50–59. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1996; J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1992;31:114–116. The risk of early-adulthood J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1990;29:36–44. Is panic disorder associated with childhood separation depressive disorders. Specific phobia and generalized phobia symptoms among children and adolescents. Social phobia and overanxious disorder in school-age 43. Stability and natural history of DSM-III 1984;41:949–958. Depression in British and American disorders and their comorbidity with mood and addictive disor- children and its relation to anxiety and fear. In addition purchase dulcolax 5mg mastercard, DA produced effects on afferent drive of these neurons that was dependent on the origin of the projection system discount dulcolax 5 mg on-line. Thus, DA attenuates afferents from limbic structures such as the PFC and MD thalamus, whereas afferent input from auditory association cortex (Te3) is potentiated (Fig. Intracellular recordings re- vealed that this was a consequence of a D1-mediated de- crease in PFC-evoked EPSP amplitude, combined with a D2-mediated increase in BLA input resistance that poten- FIGURE 9. In vivo intracellular recordings from a pyramidal tiated Te3 afferent drive (129). PFC stimulation also caused neuron in the frontal cortex of a chloral hydrate anesthetized rat an excitation of BLA interneurons, which lead to a subse- is illustrated. The neuron was located near a microdialysis probe quent attenuation of input arising from Te3; however, in implanted to deliver the compounds to be tested by reverse di- alysis to the environment of the cell. Administration of NMDA (20 the presence of DA stimulation, the ability of the PFC stim- M) increases the number of spikes evoked by brief depolarizing ulation to attenuate responses from Te3 was diminished pulses. Following washout, administration of NMDA DA (30 (129). These data suggest that the PFC is normally capable M) greatly increases the spikes evoked per unit current. This occurs despite the fact that DA did not appear to significantly of attenuating amygdala responses to sensory inputs, which affect current threshold. In the case of NMDA alone, the increase could be a mechanism for decreasing emotional responses to in the number of spikes per unit current occurs with (and may be familiar or nonthreatening stimuli. However, with excessive secondary to) a decrease in current threshold; that is, the cell is simply more excitable. In the case of DA added to NMDA, the cell DA stimulation, the ability of the PFC to suppress amyg- fires more spikes during the current-induced depolarization, but dala-mediated emotional responses may be lost. Because the VP is positioned anatomically at the crossroads of the limbic and extrapyramidal system, DA modulation in this area has the ability to potently influence motivated behavior by its actions in this region (121). Mediodorsal Thalamus Anatomic studies have revealed the presence of a DA inner- vation of the mediodorsal (MD) thalamic nucleus arising from the midbrain. Using in vitro intracellular recordings, DA was found to alter MD neuron activity via a D2-me- diated effect. In particular, quinpirole was found to increase membrane excitability and enhance the low threshold spike FIGURE 9. DA attenuates prefrontal cortex (PFC) modulation in these neurons (127). This was mediated at least in part of basolateral amygdala (BLA) neuronal responses. The PFC pro- via an alteration in potassium conductances. By increasing vides a direct drive of BLA projection neurons and interneurons, the low threshold spike, DA was found to facilitate oscilla- whereas inputs from the sensory association cortex project only to the output neurons. As a result, the PFC inhibits the ability tory activity within the MD, which would potently impact of the sensory association cortex to activate BLA neuron firing. However, the PFC inputs are attenuated by elevated DA levels in the BLA, removing a source of inhibition on BLA projection neurons. Furthermore, elevated DA levels in the BLA increase the input resistance of BLA projection neurons, leading to augmenta- Basolateral Amygdala tion of nonsuppressed inputs to BLA neurons. Thus, DA receptor activation enables sensory-driven amygdala-mediated affective The basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) exhibits a responses by removal of regulatory inputs and augmenting sen- substantial innervation from the midbrain DA neurons. Locally Overall, studies support the suggestion that DA actions evoked IPSCs in neurons of the substantia nigra zona reticu- in the PFC may have a greater involvement in the regulation lata (ZR) are GABAergic in nature, and are believed to arise of novel circumstances, with the striatum involved more in from striatal afferents. These IPSCs are depressed by DA expression of learned behaviors (140). This model is consis- acting on D1 but not D2 receptors. The fact that this tent with the physiologic studies cited that show that DA depression was accompanied by increased paired-pulse facil- can selectively activate circuits within frontal cortex and itation and not by a change in membrane potential or con- striatal complex, potentially facilitating information flow ductance indicates that the effect is likely presynaptic in along new pathways when a change occurs, but playing less origin (130). It is interesting to note that the striatonigral of a role once a new stable steady state is achieved at which neurons that exhibit terminal D1 receptors do not exhibit the internal representation is at equilibrium with the pre- D1 receptors on their local collaterals within the striatum dicted external events. This suggests that these neurons can selectively traffic presynaptic receptors to long projection sites. SUMMARY OF DA ACTIONS BEHAVIORAL CORRELATES OF DA SYSTEM FUNCTION It is clear from the preceding that DA exerts multiple actions at each level of integration within the cortico-striato-pal- DA is known to play an important role in working memory lido-thalamo-cortical loop. The actions exerted at each stage and response sequencing in the PFC. One example is new thinking to break the mould of traditional research and development (R&D) cheap dulcolax 5 mg on line, where more products are being created through partnerships between universities discount 5 mg dulcolax fast delivery, governments, international organizations and the private sector. All nations therefore need to be producers of research as well as consumers of it. All nations will benefit from taking a systematic approach to the monitoring and evaluation of research investments, practices, outputs and applications. Te discussion led to research questions of two kinds. Te frst kind is about improving health: What kinds of health systems and services are needed and for whom? How can the necessary health services be provided, and at what cost? How should health services adapt to the expected shifs in disease burden in the coming years? Te second kind of question is about measurement: What is the best way to measure the coverage of services and fnancial risk protection in any setting? How will we know when we have reached universal coverage? In the context of this report, scientifc research provides the set of tools used to stimulate and harness creative solutions to these questions – i. Tis chapter gives an overview of the changing landscape of research. Te frst observation is that creativity, imagination and innovation – which are fun- damental in any culture of enquiry – are universal. A premise of this report is that new ideas will fourish wherever they are encouraged and permitted to do so. Te second observation is that there has been a striking increase in research productivity in low- and middle-income countries over the past two decades, in the wake of the 1990 report of the Commission on Health Research for Development among others (1). A greater recognition of the value of research for health, society and the economy has added impetus to the upward trend. Although the growth is uneven, most countries now have the foundations on which to build efective research programmes. Te process of doing research presents questions on several levels: What health problem needs to be solved? On the spectrum from disease etiology to health policy, what kind of question is being asked about this problem? Te sequence of research questions is not linear but cyclical: questions lead to answers and then to yet more questions. For instance, which stages of investigation in the research cycle will be included – measuring the problem, understanding the options to address the problem, solving the problem by comparing the options, implementing the preferred solution, or evaluating the 31 Research for universal health coverage Box 2. Research defnitions used in this report Research is the development of knowledge with the aim of understanding health challenges and mounting an improved response to them (2, 3). Research is a vital source, but not the only source, of information that is used to develop health policy. Other considerations – cultural values, human rights, social justice and so on – are used to weigh the importance of different kinds of evidence in decision-making (4, 5). Research excludes routine testing and routine analysis of technologies and processes, as would be done for the maintenance of health or disease control programmes, and as such is distinct from research to develop new analytical techniques. It also excludes the development of teaching materials that do not embody original research. Basic research or fundamental research is experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge about the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view (6). Applied research is original investigation undertaken to acquire new knowledge, directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective (6). Operational research or implementation research seeks knowledge on interventions, strategies or tools so as to enhance the quality or coverage of health systems and services (7, 8). The design could be, for example, an observational study, a cross-sectional study, a case−control or cohort study, or a randomized controlled trial (Box 2. Translational research, which moves knowledge gained from basic research to its application in the clinic and community, is often characterized as “bench-to-bedside” and “bedside-to-community”. The translation is between any of several stages: moving basic discovery into a candidate health application; assessing the value of an application leading to the development of evidence-based guidelines; moving guidelines into health practice, through delivery, dissemination, and diffusion research; or evaluating the health outcomes of public health practice (9). This has also been called experimental development research, which is the terminology used in the study described in Fig. Health policy and systems research (HPSR) seeks to understand and improve how societies organize themselves in achieving their collective health goals, and how different actors interact in the policy and implementation pro- cesses to contribute to policy outcomes. HPSR is an interdisciplinary blend of economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, public health and epidemiology that together draw a comprehensive picture of how health systems respond and adapt to health policies, and how health policies can shape − and be shaped by − health systems and the broader determinants of health (10). Research for health covers a broader range of investigations than health research, reflecting the fact that health also depends on actions taken outside the health sector – in agriculture, education, employment, fiscal policy, housing, social services, trade, transport and so on. This wider view of research will become increasingly important in the transition from the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to a post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Dulcolax
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