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By Y. Arokkh. Wisconsin Lutheran College. 2018. It was determined the prevalence of staphylococcal component of vaginal habitat (92 strains - 32 cheap drospirenone 3.03 mg without a prescription. The second position in the structure microbiocenosis occupied by representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae (64 strains of laboratory - 22 cheap 3.03mg drospirenone with mastercard. Determination of the sensitivity remote laboratory strains of Staphylococcus showed a high frequency of resistance to benzylpenicillin, doxycycline and lincomycin. Sensitivity laboratory strains of Enterobacteriaceae high to ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, chloramphenicol. Therapy vulvovaginitis, caused by opportunistic pathogens, must be made individually based on the results determine the sensitivity of aerobic microorganisms to antibiotics. If you can not conduct this study drugs of choice for treating vulvovaginitis caused by opportunistic aerobic bacteria can serve as ceftriaxone and quinolones, which observed the highest sensitivity opportunistic agents. According to the World Health Organization, urogenital chlamydia infection is one the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The feature of the clinical course is (scanty symptomatology or its full absence in man and women case), so difficulties of the laboratory diagnostics lead to the thing, that infected persons refer to the specialists untimely. Therefore it prevents treatment and increases the risk of complications development. It is gram-negative, intracellular parasite, that infect the epithelium of the mucosa of the urogenital tract, nasopharynx, conjunctiva and causes their inflammatory disease. Chlamydia is indetified in every second of the explored women, who suffer from the inflammatory urogenital diseases, 2/3 of women suffer from infertility and 9/10 women suffer from miscarriage. The main scheme of treatment of the Chlamydia infection consists of causal therapy (antibacterial preparation), pathogenetic, eubiotic therapy, the effect on nonspecific body resistance, system enzymotherapy, immunomodulatory therapy. However it is not recommended to use the ready scheme of treatment because the course of the chlamydia‘s process has its own features. Currently there are three main groups of antibiotics to treat the Chlamydia infection. They are tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, penicillins, and cephalosporins. Unreasonably the long courses of antibiotics of the different classes, (that are aimed only at elimination chamydia from the urogenital tract), fight with the specific microbe and forget about the readjustment of microorganism in which the microbe lives, and don‘t consider the immune dysfunction. As a result of treatment there may be some complications such as drug-induced hepatitis, dysbiosis of intestines, toxic-allergic reactions. The Chlamydia infection treatment is a big problem which must be resolved not only by the narrow section specialists, but immunologist doctor and therapist must also take part in treatment. So it is not recommended to use the ready scheme of treatment because the course of the chlamydia process has its own features. The application of antibacterial preparations as a topping medical factor is allowed only for young persons who have acute phase of Chlamydia infection without any associated diseases. In other cases of Chlamydia infection, it must be checked the state of the immune status, hepatobiliary zone, microbiocenosis of intestines and urogenital tract before the course of etiotropic treatment. Influenza - an acute infectious viral disease that is highly contagious, it passes with symptoms of intoxication , high fever and lesions of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Materials and methods : analysis of scientific literature and the results of cutting- edge research in the field of immunology. Every year , in the autumn- winter season under the threat of an influenza virus it is a large part of the population of Ukraine. In the autumn of 2015 and winter of 2016 in Ukraine were strains of influenza A viruses California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09; A virus -like А Switzerland / 9715293/2013 (H3N2), the type of virus В Phuket / 3073/2013 , influenza virus type A (H3) seasonal , A (H1N1) pdm09 and B. This type of virus can quickly genetic variation , so that every year is perceived by the immune system as a new one. But the dangerous is not the virus itself, and its complications(tracheitis, bronchitis, highmoritis; pneumonia, meningitis, neuritis, etc. The influenza virus has a segmented genome and related high changeability through the exchange of genes between viruses. In the manufacture subunit vaccines capsule virions destroy detergents and the resulting drug is used as a split vaccine. Of the influenza virus particles also produce surface antigens ,which can be scrutinize as the basis of chemical subunit vaccines. The main disadvantage is considered their low ability to induce cell- mediated immune reactions. Influenza vaccines are updated every year, given the circulation of influenza virus strains. Currently in Ukraine(according to the recommendations of the Ministry of health) permitted vaccines "Influvac" (production of "Abbott Biologicals B. At the same time drospirenone 3.03mg generic, domestic companies often performed audit formally discount drospirenone 3.03mg fast delivery, mostly just to meet the requirements of supervisory authorities. As information database of research were used laws of Ukraine, which are published in the official sources, and also the resources of Internet network and materials published in scientific and professional literature. Accordingly, there are not mandatory legal regulations to determine the order and rules of audit of quality systems, determination of requirements to auditors and the required reporting. We plan to conduct studies to comparative analysis of mentioned standards requirements, and determine the status of audits on domestic enterprises of different ownership, product range, magnitude and complexity of the of production processes. For our study, we chose the most acceptable variant to obtain information - a sociological survey to the representatives of company. The respondents, that the heads of quality control department will come forward, will be offered to fill an application form, that will contain questions about the form of audits, the number of involved auditors and their qualifications, frequency of audits, audit complex of documents, applicable auditing methods and so on. The sociological survey is planned to conduct by using of software products like Google of Form and Survio. The analysis of existing legal and regulatory requirements to the system found that the regulation of the formation of such systems and their individual processes, in particular - internal audits provided only by general provisions. Is also marked that the certain shortage of methodical literature and scientific publications on these questions. Accordingly, our research aimed at determining the best approaches to the organization of effective audits, as well as the assessment of internal audits proceedings in domestic companies. Jordan is considered a pioneer in the Arab world from the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry, since the first pharmaceutical factory was founded in Jordan in 1962. Since then, the volume of the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan has increased significantly: аs of January 2016 are 17 pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers. In Jordan, the dynamically developing production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, 70% of which are exported to other countries. Cosmetic products based on Dead Sea salts and dirt are exported to many European countries. In Jordan, there is no local manufacturing capacity for certain therapeutic groups of drugs – such as cancer drugs, vaccines. Our research has focused on the issue of theoretical analysis of pharmaceutical industry in Jordan. We used empirical methods: observation and comparison; and methods of experimental and theoretical: logical analysis, the hypothetical synthesis of theoretical generalizations. Local pharmaceutical manufacturers carry out contract manufacturing for major international pharmaceutical companies, but now it is less than 5% of the revenue of the pharmaceutical sector as a whole. Major pharmaceutical companies, which owns a number of factories producing medicines in Jordan: The Arab Pharm. Pharmaceutical company provides detailed information on the drug, which comprises the chemical structure, pharmacological and chemical properties, classification according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification regarding the therapeutic activity of the drug and its active ingredients on the organs or organ systems, to which they affect Conclusions. Therefore, this process can lead to the prices on the products will be higher on average than in some neighboring countries (such as in Egypt). In order to pass the accelerated registration procedure, the drug should be included in Rational Drug List Jordan. If the drug is approved for Rational Drug List, public hospitals can send their requests to the Department of Procurement Jordan. Patients in this case pay the international price of the drug, which is fixed by a pharmaceutical company in the country of origin. Currently, in Ukrainian pharmaceutical business facilities insufficient attention paid to audit quality, which conducted by the organization itself. However, it is internal audits first of all make it possible to determine as required and accepted at the discretion of the procedure and planned activities properly composed, performed and to prevent adverse effects. Internal Audit is the highest form of management control quality management system of Pharmacy company. Internal audit is an important management function, which covers accounting, financial analysis and monitoring, evaluation and comparison actual results achieved with the goal and objectives of pharmaceutical companies. The research of our thesis focused on the analysis of the audit of the pharmaceutical company, drafting the audit plan for example Chemical- Pharmaceutical Factory «Червона Зірка». Materials and methods: the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, periodic publications, experimental and theoretical methods: logical analysis, the hypothetical synthesis of theoretical generalizations. Audit regularly monitors the activities of all facilities management, identifies the causes of deviations from the standards deviations from the objectives set for the specific object, promotes efficient elimination of the violations. Built-in mechanisms for continuous optimization of processes within the Quality Management System can not only continually reduce risks to product quality and increase the level of satisfaction of requirements but also to reduce unproductive costs, positive impact on costs. Thus, the introduction of the Quality Management System is a rational step towards the strengthening of the market position and further business expansion. Company audit as a function of business management – a strict regulation of activity, the definition of duties and responsibilities of specialists, qualification requirements, relationships between departments and personnel. Te mechanical glucose and mannose in a 1:3 ratio (Channe extrusion of the mucilaginous gel from the inner Gowda et al effective 3.03 mg drospirenone. Chemically preserved fresh Aloe vera Polysaccharides in Aloe vera gel consist of gel stored at room temperature or incubated at linear chains of glucose and mannose molecules cheap drospirenone 3.03 mg on line, 40 °C for 48 hours exhibited degradation in its 40 Aloe vera Table 1. Aloe vera latex contains Te Aloe vera whole leaf extract (sometimes four major C-glycosyl constituents: aloin A, referred to as whole leaf Aloe vera juice, Aloe aloin B, aloesin, and aloeresin A (Fig. Aloin A, a C-glycosyl anthrone, also aqueous extract of the whole leaf with lignifed referred to as barbaloin, is the major component fbres removed. Aloin A and its epimer, aloin B, also both the gel from the inner parenchyma leaf pulp referred to as isobarbaloin, have a 9-anthrone and the latex. Te restricted distribution of the skeleton and a β-D-glucopyranosyl substit- bitter latex within the margins of the leaves of uent. Aloesin, also known as aloeresin B, is a the Aloe vera plant suggests that this thin layer 5-methyl chromone with an 8-β-D-glucopyra- is the primary site of secondary metabolites nosyl substituent, and aloeresin A is a 5-methyl biosynthesis: compounds that do not function chromone with an 8-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2- directly in plant growth and development and O-trans-p-coumarol substituent. A wide variety of secondary compounds isolated from Aloe vera, including aloe-emodin, have been isolated from the Aloe vera latex the anthraquinone of barbaloin and isobarbaloin (Reynolds, 2004). In addition, the latex from Aloe vera contain little or no latex anthraquinones, carbon contains several aromatic compounds, such as adsorption changes the physical and chemical aldehydes and ketones (Saccù et al. Aloe vera sugar moiety in aloins is D-glucose, and studies decolorized whole leaf extract difers from the indicate that carbon atom 1 of the D-glucose gel in that it exhibits a degradation in rheological moiety is linked directly to carbon atom 10 of the properties and a loss of approximately 19–23% of anthracene ring in a β-confguration (Fig. Cleavage of the β-C-glucosyl liquid originating in the cells of the pericycle and bond results in the formation of aloe-emodin, adjacent leaf parenchyma, and fowing sponta- the cathartic principle of the latex, and other free neously from the cut leaf, allowed to dry with anthraquinones and anthrones (Boudreau et al. In commercial prod- material is used for medicinal purposes and its ucts containing whole leaf extract, a rapid dete- composition is specifed in several ofcial phar- rioration of aloin was detected during storage, macopoeias (see Section 1. Most of the published and colour caused by the anthraquinone compo- analytical methods (Table 1. Tis results in a product determination of the anthraquinone compounds termed “decolorized whole leaf extract” that has in the latex, and fewer and mostly qualitative quite diferent properties from the whole leaf methods are available for authentication. Aloe vera decolorized whole leaf extract To carry out an exhaustive quality control of is also referred to as “whole leaf Aloe vera gel” commercial Aloe vera gel products (e. Dentali (2013) noted or cosmetic uses), the following analyses should that an industry standard for aloin content of be carried out: (i) investigation of authenticity; decolorized Aloe vera whole leaf extract is < 10 (ii) test for identifcation of additives (to control ppm. Traditional uses include the literature for analysis and authenticity control external treatment of minor wounds and infam- of Aloe vera. Common addi- In recent times, the oral consumption of tives found in Aloe vera gel preparations, which Aloe vera has been promoted as prophylaxis can be detected by chromatographic methods, and therapy for a variety of unrelated systemic include preservatives such as benzoic acid and conditions. Te scientifc literature yields little sorbic acid, or antioxidants such as ascorbic acid to substantiate claims of usefulness for systemic (Lachenmeier et al. Several methods to conditions by the ingestion ofAloe vera (Boudreau control the gel material for contamination with et al. Aloe vera may also be used in medicine in many contemporary cultures, food supplements (Steenkamp & Stewart, 2007). Both (which combines both the gel and latex) and classes of Aloe vera leaf products, gel and latex, Aloe vera decolorized whole leaf extract (from are reported to possess a wide range of pharma- which most of the latex components have been ceutical activities. Te liquid samples all 46 Aloe vera contained either aloe-emodin or aloin A at ≤ 10 1. Unlike liquid prod- individual dose is the smallest amount required ucts, many solid and semisolid products (11 out to produce a sof-formed stool. For adults and of 30) contained one or both of the compounds, children aged more than 10 years, the dose is aloe-emodin and aloin A, at ≥ 10 ppm. Te European Medicines Agency suggests turizer in cosmetics and personal care prod- a maximum daily dose of hydroxyanthracene ucts (O’Neil et al. Other products containing Aloe vera of Aloe vera latex (Perkins & Livesey, 1993; Stolk include afer-shave gel, mouthwash, hair tonic, & Hoogtanders, 1999). It is difcult to estimate shampoo, and skin-moistening gel (Newton, rates of laxative abuse, and more so for cases of 2004). Aloe vera may be used in cosmetics for For medicinal use ofAloe vera gel, 25 to 100 mL marketing reasons (i. Te International Aloe Science Council a low level (Committee of Experts on Cosmetic recommended a total daily consumption of Aloe Products, 2008). For topical use, application of a cosmetic formulation containing pure Aloe vera gel is ofen used liberally on the > 0. Regulatory author- (a) Production process ities in Germany have proposed that cosmetic products for which claims are made regarding Aloe vera grows best in dry chalky soil or in a Aloe vera should contain at least 5 g of Aloe vera sandy loam (Grindlay & Reynolds, 1986). Aloe vera whole leaf extract is obtained by Te quality of Aloe vera plant products varies grinding the whole fresh leaves, without removal considerably due to diferences in growing, of the rind. Extraneous material and lignifed harvesting, processing, and storage techniques fbres are then removed by homogenizing and (Boudreau et al. Aloe vera has become an important plant vera decolorized whole leaf extract is the frst crop in Arizona and in the Rio Grande valley of processing step where an extract is intention- southern Texas (Boudreau et al. Aloe vera Te production processes for Aloe vera prod- decolorized whole leaf has lower rheological ucts include various steps such as crushing, values than the gel and has a lower content of grinding or pressing, fltration, decoloriza- complex carbohydrates than either gel or whole tion, stabilization, heat processing, and may leaf extracts (Pelley et al. A complete overview of production stable, a problem that may cause diferences was provided by Ahlawat & Khatkar (2011). This understanding has generated profound changes in the field order drospirenone 3.03 mg on-line, leading to new families of materials drospirenone 3.03 mg low price, new concepts, and wide-ranging improvements in the mechanical behavior and in all other properties of materials. In our energy-conscious society, materials and structures are required to be more performant, lightweight, and cheap. The best answer to these requirements is often provided through the powerful concept of reinforcement of a “matrix” material with second-phase dispersion (clusters, fibers). It is an interesting fact that many natural forms of reinforcement possess a nanometric dimension, whereas most cur- rent synthetic composites include fibers in the micrometer range. Expected bene- fits of such “miniaturization” would range from a higher intrinsic strength of the reinforcing phase (and thus of the composite) to more efficient stress transfer, to possible new and more flexible ways of designing the mechanical properties of yet even more advanced composites (1). Presently, reinforcement of common materi- als (alloys, polymers) with nanostructures is one of the most promising areas of study. As one of the major factors that determine the quality of reinforcement is the mechanical strength of nanostructures, the studies of elastic properties of nano- materials are of significant importance. Besides reinforcement, investigation of the mechanical properties of nanowires is essential to determine the material strength for practical implementation as electronic or optical interconnects, as components in microelectromechanics, and as active or passive parts in nanosensors. Mechanical failure of those interconnects or building blocks may lead to malfunction, or even fatal failure of the entire device. Mechanical reliability, to some extent, will deter- mine the long-term stability and performance for many of the nanodevices currently being designed and fabricated. When nanowire properties have been adequately explored and understood, their incorporation into solutions of practical problems will become evident more quickly and feasible for active and concerted pursuit. Nanomechanical measurements are a challenge, but remain essential to the fabri- cation, manipulation, and development of nanomaterials and perhaps even more so to our fundamental understanding of nanostructures. For this purpose, various experimental techniques, or methods, have been developed in the last several years, including tensile, resonance, nanoindentation, and bending tests. Traditional opti- cal microscopy lacks the resolution to investigate phenomena of colloidal dimen- sions adequately, and electron and X-ray techniques are greatly limited either by environmental (e. Today, very few electron microscopes are capable of the true atomic resolution required for fundamental studies on inter- molecular and colloidal behavior of two- or three-body interactions, for exam- ple. In many cases, this is feasible because of lengths exceeding a few microns that scatter enough light for adequate contrast. The tip and sample positions are manipulated relative to each other with piezoelectric or other (e. These are arranged either with three inde- pendent, orthogonal piezoelectric blocks or in a tube configuration. Various attractive and repulsive forces act between the tip and sample, such as van der Waals, electrostatic, and capillary forces. To some extent, such forces can be controlled by altering the sampling medium—for example, sam- pling under water can eliminate the effect of capillary forces. Typically, a diode laser reflects off the back of the cantilever onto a quadrant photodetector, which senses cantilever bending and twisting. If the cantilever spring constant is known, the cantilever deflections may be converted to quantitative force data. Cantilevers are sold with typical force constants that may, in fact, vary by an order of magnitude from reported aver- age values. For a uniform, rectangular cross-section, the cantilever’s spring constant is given by k = Ewt3/4l3, where w is the width of the cantilever, l is its length, t is its c thickness, and E is the elastic modulus. Most cantilever probes are rectangular or triangular with a “two-beam” geometry connecting at the tip. From the deflection of the cantilever, we calculate tip-sample force data by using Hooke’s law F = kcz, where F is the magnitude of the force acting between the tip and sample, kc is the cantilever spring constant, and z is the cantilever deflection at its free end. In most imaging modes, a feedback 316 Dobrokhotov system senses instantaneous cantilever deflection and adjusts scanner elements to maintain a constant interaction between the tip and sample. For example, selective chemical functional groups may be attached to the probe, generating force data reflecting sample composition. The image produced will thus be a convolution map of chemical makeup, not merely surface topogra- phy. Force spectroscopy generates a force–distance curve for a single location on the sample. This is a plot of the magnitude of the force acting between tip and sample versus the position of the scanner in the direction normal to the substrate. Force–distance curves hold a wealth of information about the sample’s mechanical properties. Points of dis- continuity, the slopes of the approach, and retract curves, as well as any observed hystereses all cede hints to surface behavior. Hysteresis, for example, is the result of adhesion, surface deformation, and/or nonlinear performance of the instrument, such as piezoelectric or other transducers for scanning and the probe detection sen- sor (e. Rather, it controls and/or measures the vertical scanner position, the cantilever deflection, and the sample deformation. We often collect an array of force–distance curves at discrete sites over an area of the sample surface to determine effects of sample heterogeneity. Drospirenone
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