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By O. Rhobar. University of Redlands. Bacterial Bacillus anthracis x Emus are short-day breeders order 2.5mg indapamide visa, with a breeding season x x Bordetella avium that lasts from October to March in the United x Clostridium botulinum States purchase 1.5 mg indapamide. Free-ranging emus are gregarious during the Campylobacter jejuni x x non-breeding season, but these birds tend to form E. Free-rang- Edwardsiella tarda x ing birds may begin egg laying at two to three years Pasteurella multocida x of age. Captive females may require one to two extra Haemophilus paragallinarum x x years to reach sexual maturity. Sev- Mycoplasma synoviae x eral females will lay eggs near a nest established by the Mycoplasma gallisepticum x male. The male collects these eggs for about one week and then initiates incubation of all the eggs at one time Mycoplasma meleagridis x so that the hatch is synchronized. There are many disease syndromes that disease, ostriches are little more than giant chickens. The important differ- Waste management, sanitation and human move- ences lie with the susceptibilities and relative preva- ment patterns within the flock are essential in pre- lence of these diseases. Many of the infectious diseases venting the transmission of infectious agents from are also shared by psittacines, waterfowl and other paddock to paddock or from farm to farm. Sound manage- clinicians must be acutely aware of the role they can ment dictates that ratites should not be reared in close play in the transmission of disease through improper proximity to other types of birds. Many young hens may be very in an area separated from the remainder of the group dark brown or even have a few black feathers, but for at least one month. Prolapse of the vagina can occur without egg laying and may be seen in hens less than one year of age. These prolapses are thought to be caused by unsea- Reproductive Abnormalities sonably cold temperatures. This Peritoneal hernias occur in the caudal abdominal represents a considerable economic loss given cur- cavity, allowing the intestines and uterus to prolapse rent market values for fertile eggs. Affected hens appear to the egg must occur during the first 15 minutes after have a large pericloacal swelling. Ratite hens are subject to all the reproductive disor- ders seen in other birds including oviduct infections, E. Affected hens gener- and pathogenesis of disease are comparable to the ally present with a history of erratic egg production, psittacine model (see Chapter 29). In contrast to the cessation of egg production or malformed or odorifer- smaller avian species, ratites may be afflicted with ous eggs. On physical examination, the temperature severe reproductive disorders for months or even and respiration are variable. The hen may have a years, but remain otherwise healthy and exhibit no discharge below the cloaca and may have a peculiar outward signs of disease. Affected hens often have white blood counts movement of the cloaca when a hen is jogging may be ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 (pronounced hetero- an early sign of egg-related problems. In mild cases, only the upon the reproductive history, physical examination uterus or shell gland (metritis) may be affected, and (including cloacal palpation and eversion of the phal- in these hens clinical signs range from the formation lus), and diagnostic tests including hematology and of abnormal shells to the cessation of breeding. Salpingitis or peritonitis may also occur with chronic infections or those that occur secondary to septice- Prolapse of the phallus has been described in male 27 mia. A partial prolapse may occur in reproduc- ate antimicrobial therapy, multiple vitamin and cal- tively active males with no adverse effects. Surgical (laparotomy) or nonsurgical cise etiology is unknown, but debilitation toward the (vaginal) flushing of the oviduct can be used to re- end of the breeding season and extreme weather move accumulated debris. Full prolapse requires replacement of the lated from the reproductive tracts of ratites but their phallus into the cloaca, with or without a purse- clinical importance is unknown. The prognosis is good if the damage is not too to be caused by genetic factors, malnutrition, cold extreme. Many affected hens are asymptomatic, while others may present with a his- Intersex appears to be common in the ostrich. An im- black pigment of the male’s feathers is due to a lack pacted egg may be palpable in the caudal abdomen. A mature black bird that sexes cloacally Radiology or ultrasound may be required for diagno- as a hen will not reproduce and may have inactive sis. Ovocen- tesis procedures that have been described for correct- ing egg binding in other avian species are dangerous in the ostrich because of the likelihood of fractured egg shell damaging the oviduct. None of the methods traditionally used to artificially collect semen from birds is effective in ostriches be- cause of their physical size, demeanor and lack of sexual imprinting response. Ostrich semen has been collected by means of forced massage and voluntary response; however, the semen collected is usually contaminated with urine, making assessment of con- centration, volume and pH unreliable. Beltsville chicken semen extender in a 1:1 dilution has been found to be an appropriate diluent in some birds. For example 1.5 mg indapamide mastercard, coenzyme Q10 and Saint-John’swort ( Hypericum perforatum) may reduce the efficacy of Coumadin cheap indapamide 2.5 mg without prescription, while proteolytic enzymes and several herbs, including Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng), devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), and dong quai (Angelica sinensis), can increase its effects. It’s likely that you can continue using these products, but don’t change the dosage from what your body is accustomed to. Garlic (Allium sativum) and ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) extracts may reduce the ability of platelets to stick together, increasing the likelihood of bleeding. We generally tell people taking Coumadin to avoid these products at higher dosages (more than the equivalent of one clove of garlic per day or more than 240 mg per day of ginkgo extract) but not to worry if they are just on the typical support dose. Iron, magnesium, and zinc may bind with Coumadin, potentially decreasing its absorption and activity. Take Coumadin at least two hours before or after any product that contains iron, magnesium, or zinc. Nutritional Supplements Magnesium The level of magnesium in the blood correlates with the ability of the heart muscle to manufacture enough energy to beat properly. Not surprisingly, many disorders of heart rhythm are related to an insufficient level of magnesium in the heart muscle. Magnesium was first shown to be of value in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in 1935. More than 75 years later, there are now many clinical studies that show magnesium supplementation to be of benefit in treating many types of arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular arrhythmias. Given the importance of these two electrolytes for proper nerve and muscle firing, it is little wonder that low levels of these substances can produce arrhythmias. According to the results from one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, magnesium supplementation may offer significant benefit in the treatment of new-onset atrial fibrillation. Because of the benefits noted in several studies of patients with atrial fibrillation who were taking magnesium, researchers decided to conduct a study to determine if magnesium and digoxin were better than digoxin alone in controlling ventricular response. Eighteen people with atrial fibrillation of less than seven days’ duration received either digoxin plus a placebo or digoxin plus magnesium, both intravenously. Those who received magnesium were given 20% of a magnesium solution during the initial 15 minutes, with the rest infused over the next six hours. The benefit of magnesium was obvious within the first 15 minutes, as heart rate decreased immediately from an average of 130 to 120 beats per minute. After 24 hours, the group that received the magnesium had an average heart rate of roughly 80, while the group that received only digoxin had an average heart rate of 105. In the magnesium group, 6 of 10 patients (60%) converted to normal rhythm, whereas just 3 of 8 in the digoxin-only group (37. The recommended intake for oral magnesium in arrhythmia appears to be approximately 6 to 10 mg/kg per day. Be sure to use a form that is easily absorbed, such as citrate, as other forms can cause diarrhea at these dosages. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Coenzyme Q10 plays a critical role in the cellular production of energy. As the heart is among the most metabolically active tissues in the body, a CoQ10 deficiency can lead to serious problems there. A good analogy is that the role of CoQ10 is similar to the role of a spark plug in a car engine. Just as the car cannot function without that initial spark, the human body cannot function without CoQ10. Because of its safety and possible benefit, CoQ10 supplementation is indicated in any condition affecting the heart. Botanical Medicines Hawthorn Hawthorn (Crataegus species) preparations have a long history of use in minor arrhythmias. The benefits in congestive heart failure have been repeatedly demonstrated in double-blind studies (see the chapter “Congestive Heart Failure”). Follow the general guidelines on diet and lifestyle in the chapter “Heart and Cardiovascular Health. Estimates have indicated that 50% of those over 50 years of age have symptomatic hemorrhoidal disease, and up to one-third of the total U. Although most individuals may begin to develop hemorrhoids in their 20s, hemorrhoidal symptoms usually do not become evident until the 30s. Causes The causes of hemorrhoids are similar to the causes of varicose veins (see the chapter “Varicose Veins”): genetic weakness of the veins and/or excessive pressure on the veins. Because the venous system that supplies the rectal area contains no valves, factors that increase venous congestion in the region can lead to hemorrhoid formation. These factors include increased intra-abdominal pressure (caused by defecation, pregnancy, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, physical exertion, or portal hypertension due to cirrhosis); an increase in straining during defecation due to a low-fiber diet; diarrhea; and standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time. Classification of Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are typically classified according to location and degree of severity. External hemorrhoids occur below the anorectal line—the point in the 3-cm-long anal canal where the skin lining changes to mucous membrane. They may be full of either blood clots (thrombotic hemorrhoids) or connective tissue (cutaneous hemorrhoids). A thrombotic hemorrhoid is produced when a hemorrhoidal vessel has ruptured and formed a blood clot (thrombus), while a cutaneous hemorrhoid consists of fibrous connective tissue covered by anal skin. Indapamide
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