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By I. Bandaro. John Carroll University. 2018. Te sensitivities Diagnosis of HSV Infection of these glycoprotein G type-specifc tests for the detection Te clinical diagnosis of genital herpes is both nonsensitive of HSV-2 antibody vary from 80%–98% generic meclizine 25mg without a prescription, and false-negative and nonspecifc order 25 mg meclizine. Te classical painful multiple vesicular or results might be more frequent at early stages of infection. False-positive results is causing an increasing proportion of frst episodes of ano- can occur, especially in patients with a low likelihood of HSV genital herpes in some populations (e. Repeat or confrmatory testing might be indicated in MSM) and might now account for most of these infections some settings, especially if recent acquisition of genital herpes (148,149). Recurrences and subclinical shedding are much is suspected. IgM testing for HSV is not useful, because the less frequent for genital HSV-1 infection than for genital Vol. Terefore, all patients with frst episodes of recurrent episodes of herpes (159). Because nearly all HSV-2 infections are sexually acquired, Recommended Regimens* the presence of type-specifc HSV-2 antibody implies anogeni- tal infection. In this instance, education and counseling appro- Acyclovir 400 mg orally three times a day for 7–10 days priate for persons with genital herpes should be provided. Te OR presence of HSV-1 antibody alone is more difcult to interpret. Acyclovir 200 mg orally fve times a day for 7–10 days Most persons with HSV-1 antibody have oral HSV infection OR acquired during childhood, which might be asymptomatic. Famciclovir 250 mg orally three times a day for 7–10 days However, acquisition of genital HSV-1 appears to be increas- OR ing, and genital HSV-1 also can be asymptomatic (147–149). Valacyclovir 1 g orally twice a day for 7–10 days Lack of symptoms in an HSV-1 seropositive person does not *Treatment can be extended if healing is incomplete after 10 days of therapy. Established HSV-2 Infection Type-specifc HSV serologic assays might be useful in the Almost all persons with symptomatic frst-episode genital following scenarios: 1) recurrent genital symptoms or atypical HSV-2 infection subsequently experience recurrent episodes of symptoms with negative HSV cultures; 2) a clinical diagnosis of genital lesions; recurrences are less frequent after initial genital genital herpes without laboratory confrmation; or 3) a partner HSV-1 infection. Intermittent asymptomatic shedding occurs with genital herpes. HSV serologic testing should be considered in persons with genital HSV-2 infection, even in those with for persons presenting for an STD evaluation (especially for longstanding or clinically silent infection. Antiviral therapy for those persons with multiple sex partners), persons with HIV recurrent genital herpes can be administered either as suppres- infection, and MSM at increased risk for HIV acquisition. Many persons might prefer symptomatic patients and is the mainstay of management. Suppressive Therapy for Recurrent Genital Herpes Systemic antiviral drugs can partially control the signs and Suppressive therapy reduces the frequency of genital herpes symptoms of herpes episodes when used to treat frst clinical recurrences by 70%–80% in patients who have frequent recur- and recurrent episodes, or when used as daily suppressive rences (166–169); many persons receiving such therapy report therapy. However, these drugs neither eradicate latent virus nor having experienced no symptomatic outbreaks. Treatment also afect the risk, frequency, or severity of recurrences after the is efective in patients with less frequent recurrences. Randomized trials have indicated that and efcacy have been documented among patients receiving three antiviral medications provide clinical beneft for genital daily therapy with acyclovir for as long as 6 years and with herpes: acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir (160–168). Quality of life Valacyclovir is the valine ester of acyclovir and has enhanced is improved in many patients with frequent recurrences who absorption after oral administration. Famciclovir also has high receive suppressive therapy rather than episodic treatment. Topical therapy with antiviral drugs ofers The frequency of recurrent genital herpes outbreaks minimal clinical beneft, and its use is discouraged. Terefore, Newly acquired genital herpes can cause a prolonged periodically during suppressive treatment (e. Even persons with frst-episode herpes who have the patient. Such couples should be encouraged to consider suppressive antiviral therapy as part of a strategy to prevent transmission, in addition to consistent condom use Severe Disease and avoidance of sexual activity during recurrences. Suppressive Intravenous (IV) acyclovir therapy should be provided for antiviral therapy also is likely to reduce transmission when patients who have severe HSV disease or complications that used by persons who have multiple partners (including MSM) necessitate hospitalization (e. Te recommended regimen is acyclovir 5–10 mg/ Recommended Regimens kg IV every 8 hours for 2–7 days or until clinical improvement Acyclovir 400 mg orally twice a day is observed, followed by oral antiviral therapy to complete at OR least 10 days of total therapy. Acyclovir dose adjustment is Famiciclovir 250 mg orally twice a day recommended for impaired renal function. OR Counseling Valacyclovir 500 mg orally once a day* OR Counseling of infected persons and their sex partners is Valacyclovir 1 g orally once a day critical to the management of genital herpes. Te goals of counseling include 1) helping patients cope with the infection * Valacyclovir 500 mg once a day might be less efective than other vala- cyclovir or acyclovir dosing regimens in patients who have very frequent and 2) preventing sexual and perinatal transmission (174,175). Although initial counseling can be provided at the frst visit, many patients beneft from learning about the chronic aspects Acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir appear equally efec- of the disease after the acute illness subsides. Multiple resources, tive for episodic treatment of genital herpes, but famciclovir including websites (http://www. Ease of administration and cost also are clinicians who become involved in counseling. Although the psychological efect of a serologic diagnosis of HSV-2 infection in a person with asymptomatic or unrecog- Episodic Therapy for Recurrent Genital Herpes nized genital herpes appears minimal and transient (176), some Efective episodic treatment of recurrent herpes requires HSV-infected persons might express anxiety concerning genital initiation of therapy within 1 day of lesion onset or during the herpes that does not refect the actual clinical severity of their prodrome that precedes some outbreaks. Br J resonance spectroscopy of the left medial temporal and frontal Pharmacol 1994;164:27–34 buy discount meclizine 25mg online. Proton magnetic reso- studied with positron emission tomography order meclizine 25mg otc. Am J Psychiatry nance spectroscopy in the frontal and temporal lobes of neuro- 2000;157:269–271. Biol Psychiatry 1998; lobe proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of patients with 43:263–269. Proton lobe 1H MR spectroscopy in childhood-onset schizophrenia. J magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the temporal lobes in Magn Reson Imaging 1998;8:841–846. Psychiatry spectroscopy of the left temporal and frontal lobes in schizophre- Res 1999;92:45–56. It is in this arena that functional neuroimaging has had the broadest HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE application and greatest impact in psychiatry. This now ex- tensive body of work has left no doubt that schizophrenia Functional neuroimaging studies utilize the fact that neu- is associated with measurable, objective signs of altered brain ronal activation results in regionally increased blood flow function, and clinical and pathophysiologic correlations and metabolism. This can be measured either by radiotracer have begun to emerge. Increasingly, it appears that dysfunction oglobin to oxyhemoglobin imaged by magnetic resonance of a system of functionally and/or structurally intercon- techniques (the blood oxygenation level dependent [BOLD] nected cortical and limbic brain regions is present to lesser effect). This work began in earnest some 50 years ago with or greater degrees, producing more or less psychopathology the pioneering studies of Seymour Kety and colleagues who in individual patients, and that certain brain regions, such developed the first reproducible, quantitative technique for as frontal cortex, may play a special role in this larger picture. When this method was applied to ticularly cognitive impairment. Although it is likely that at schizophrenia (1), these investigators found no alteration in least some of the functional abnormalities are generative of the overall average CBF level in patients, a result that has these features and not simply a response to them, clarifica- largely been confirmed by more recent studies; however, tion of this 'chicken versus egg' issue must be a crucial this finding did not rule out the existence of neurophysio- component of any research program in this area, and the logically meaningful changes in specific brain structures. Current functional ment of rigorous methods that could differentiate the func- neuroimaging has much to offer in guiding this quest, par- tional level of specific cortical regions, albeit with only 2- ticularly when combined with new information now avail- cm anatomic accuracy at best (2). This method, administra- able from other fields such as genetics and cognitive science. The resulting findings delineate their relationship to other neurobiological and of functional abnormality in the frontal lobe spurred a shift clinical properties of the illness, discuss conceptual issues in focus throughout many research domains in the field that and controversies, examine methodologic considerations remains a prevailing force today. In the 1980s, the advent (including technical constraints), summarize new tech- of tomographic methods, such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and PET, which both use radioactive compounds as tracers, brought improved in- Karen Faith Berman: National Institute of Mental Health, Intramural terregional spatial resolution on the order of 5 to 6 mm Research Program, Bethesda, Maryland and allowed measurement of subcortical regional function. A particular advantage ing (fMRI) has emerged as the premier technique for neu- for research in schizophrenia is that neural activity during ropsychiatric functional neuroimaging. By taking advantage correct and incorrect trials can be measured separately and of the differential paramagnetic properties of oxyhemoglo- compared, allowing more incisive study of the mechanism bin versus deoxyhemoglobin and the altered ratio between of cognitive failure and better experimental control of po- them that occurs when blood volume and blood flow change tential confounds based in performance discrepancies that in response to neural activation, BOLD fMRI uses intrinsic often occur between patient and control groups. Event- properties of the blood itself rather than an extrinsic contrast related fMRI has very recently come into wide use in neu- or tracer agent, to generate maps of brain function. It is, roimaging of cognitive systems in healthy subjects, but as thus, entirely noninvasive, and measurements can be re- of this writing has had only limited application to the study peated over time, conferring significant advantage in experi- of schizophrenia. In this approach, blood flow and other measures advance brought further improvements in spatial resolution such as MR spectroscopy, neuroreceptor measurements, and as well as enhanced temporal resolution, which, although electrophysiology (with MEG or EEG) are determined in still slow (several seconds) compared to neuronal signaling the same patients. One example of the richness of the data (on the order of 200 ms), improved to the degree that event- that can be gleaned is the use of PET or fMRI to measure related neural activity could be recorded with anatomic blood flow in conjunction with EEG or MEG. PET and precision heretofore unavailable with electrophysiologic fMRI allow localization of the brain regions that work to- methods. On the other hand, EEG and MEG TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVE have relatively poorer spatial resolution, but provide fine time resolution (i. Combining these meth- As can be seen in the preceding brief history, over the years ods, together with the application of the advanced computa- the sophistication of the questions that could be asked and tional cross-registration and source localization techniques the hypotheses about schizophrenia that could be tested that now exist, provides exponentially more information have paralleled the development of new brain imaging tech- than any of these techniques alone. For example, this allows nologies and analytic methods. This parallel development the determination of the sequence in which various finely is evident in the evolution of the science from the search localized regions are activated during cognition and the test- for regionally specific pathologic function to that in neural ing of the hypothesis that this sequence of events is altered systems, and from measures sensitive only to static patho- in schizophrenia. Although this specific multimodal ap- physiology to explorations of the dynamic interplay among proach has not been applied in schizophrenia, other exam- regions in those neural systems. Therefore, a brief discussion ples are described in the following. New Vistas in Data Analysis The analytic approaches for the two data collection modali- New Vistas in Data Acquisition ties discussed, event-related fMRI and fusion of spatial and Event-related fMRI is a relatively recent class of experimen- temporal neurofunctional data (i. Another recent set of analytic methods ad- fMRI and PET approaches that blocked together relatively dresses the growing appreciation that the transduction be- long (e. This approach has much in common with tradi- uted components of neural systems (interregional integra- tional evoked-potential electrophysiology and offers advan- tion of neural function). Questions about functional tages in experimental design. Because different trial types integration and coordinated interregional activity are likely can be randomly intermixed and then separated for analysis, to have particular relevance for schizophrenia, as discussed order effects and habituation can not only be controlled in later sections. Willemsen-Swinkels SH purchase meclizine 25 mg fast delivery, Buitelaar JK cheap 25mg meclizine with visa, Nijhof GJ, et al. Failure trolled study of repetitive thoughts and behavior with autistic of naltrexone hydrochloride to reduce self-injurious and autistic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Am J Psychiatry behavior in mentally retarded adults. Long-term administration ing together approaches to pull apart the disorder. Arch Gen of valproic acid in the treatment of affective symptoms in people Psychiatry 1996;53:980–983. Self-mutilative behav- ison of clomipramine, desipramine, and placebo in the treat- iour as a feature of the de Lange syndrome. A pilot study of drome: abnormalities of sleep and behavior. J R Soc Med 1989; clomipramine in young autistic children. Low medial prefron- 1756 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress tal dopaminergic activity in autistic children. D8/17 in haloperidol on discrimination learning and behavioral symp- obsessive-compulsive disorder and trichotillomania (letter). J Autism DevDisord 1989;19: Afr Med J 1999;89:755–756. Long-term efficacy of Life Threat Behav 1983;13:71–84. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1989; Psychiatr Scand 1989;79:283–289. Self-injurious behavior 1997;241:451–465 and the Gilles de la Tourette syndrome: a clinical study and 90. Self-mutilation, obsessionality and review of the literature. Am J Psy- Relationships between regional cerebral metabolism and associ- chiatry 1992;149:221–226. Successful outcome and of 60 adult chronic hair pullers. Am J Psychiatry 1991;148: behaviors in 71 female hair-pullers: a survey study. Pharmacotherapy dents of self-destructiveness in borderline personality disorder. In: Stein DJ, Christenson GA, Hollander E, Can J Psychiatry 1997;42:63–69. Aggression, suicide, and macol Bull 1992;28:451–455. Tri- fluid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations differentiates chotillomania. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, impulsive from non-impulsive violent behavior. Stein DJ, Hollander E, Liebowitz MR: Neurobiology of impul- 75. Stimulant use and trichotil- sivity and impulse control disorders. Serotonergic studies in serotonin reuptake blockers in the treatment of trichotillomania. Risperidone augmenta- In: Frances AJ, Hales RE, eds. Washington, tion of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in obsessive-compulsive DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1988. Familial trichotillo- correlations of suicide and aggressivity in major depressions mania. Am J Psychiatry 1992;149:283 (with melancholia): 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and cortisol in 80. Rates of obsessive cerebral spinal fluid, dexamethasone suppression test and thera- compulsive disorder in first degree relatives of patients with peutic response to 5-hydroxytryptophan. Magnetic resonance brain derline personality disorder compared with normal controls. Hair-pulling in a patient Int J Eat Disord 1995;17:33–38. Chapter 121: Compulsive and Impulsive Aspects of Self-Injurious Behavior 1757 108. Venlafaxine in the treatment of patients who habitually mutilate themselves. Pain perception in self- for repetitive self-injurious behavior: an open-label trial. The ability of this receptortoundergoregulatedinternalizationis indicatedbythedopamine-inducedredistribution of immunoreactive receptors from the plasma membrane (visualized as linear staining at the cell periphery) to endocytic vesicles (visualized as punctate structures located throughout the cytoplasm) generic meclizine 25mg without prescription. In addition to being extremely a specific subcellular localization or to measure accurately useful for examining posttranslational modifications of the rate or extent of specific trafficking processes purchase 25mg meclizine visa. The im- GPCRs, in some cases it is possible to use these techniques portance of these processes has motivated the development to isolate receptor-containing complexes that presumably of biochemical methods for examining GPCR trafficking. The In addition to their utility for receptor localization, antibod- basic idea is to immunopurify a specific GPCR from cell ies specifically recognizing GPCRs facilitate biochemical or tissue extracts (or from a partially purified subcellular studies of GPCR trafficking using techniques adapted from fraction prepared from a cell or tissue lysate) using an anti- other areas of cell and molecular biology. For example, one body recognizing the native receptor or an engineered epi- method that has been extremely useful for quantitative stud- tope tag, and then to analyze proteins specifically associated ies of GPCR endocytosis is cell-surface biotinylation cou- with this complex using a different antibody. In general, pled with immunoprecipitation of receptors. Proteins pres- this is accomplished by immunoprecipitation of the receptor ent in the plasma membrane of cells can be specifically followed by analysis of associated proteins in the complex labeled by incubating intact cells in the presence of biotin by immunoblotting with the appropriate additional anti- coupled to an activated ester, which is membrane-imper- body. In some cases, the protein complexes are sufficiently meant and therefore forms a covalent bond only with ex- stable that they remain associated through the initial immu- posed amine moieties present in plasma membrane proteins. In other cases this is not true, In general, biotinylation in this manner does not adversely and the complexes dissociate before the receptor can be affect GPCR function, allowing biotinylation to be used as purified from the extract. In this case, various chemical a chemical tag for surface receptors. Using variations of this basic biochemistry, it is possi- teraction with heterotrimeric G proteins (52) and with - ble to measure a wide variety of membrane trafficking pro- arrestins (53), and to examine the regulation of these protein cesses. For example, internalization of GPCRs has been interactions by ligand-induced activation of the receptor. Recent studies provide strong support for this idea and, specifically, provide evidence for homo- and heterodimeri- Methods for Examining Specific Protein zation of individual GPCRs in vivo. This principle is per- Interactions Involved in GPCR Function haps best established for receptor tyrosine kinases, where it and Regulation is well established that oligomerization of receptors is re- A salient lesson emerging from recent cell biological studies quired for appropriate ligand-dependent signal transduction is that GPCR signal transduction can be viewed, in essence, (54). A relatively early hint that GPCRs may also undergo as a dynamically regulated network of protein–protein in- oligomerization came from studies of the 2-adrenergic re- teractions that occur in specific subcellular locations. There- ceptor using epitope-tagging techniques, where it was ob- fore, an important goal of current and future research is to served that receptors tagged with one epitope could specifi- define these critical protein interactions and elucidate their cally coimmunoprecipitate receptors tagged with a distinct temporal and spatial regulation in intact cells and tissues. More recently, evidence for oligomerization of many Coimmunoprecipitation Techniques to GPCRs has been reported. A particularly compelling exam- Examine Defined Protein Interactions ple of this is the recent observation that distinct subtypes with GPCRs in Intact Cells of GABA-B receptor hetero-oligomerize in cells, and that As discussed above, it is possible to rapidly purify GPCRs oligomerization is essential for the formation of recombi- from cell or tissue extracts using receptor-specific antibodies nant receptors possessing the functional properties charac- 22: G-Protein–Coupled Receptors 285 teristic of native GABA-B receptors observed in vivo interactions. A cDNA library prepared from a tissue of inter- (57,58). Both the bait and prey expressed opioid receptors (59). In a recently published study transcription of the reporter gene. However, if the fused (60), glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fusion proteins en- bait and prey polypeptides form a sufficiently stable pro- coding the C-terminal tail of the D5 receptor were shown tein–protein interaction, they bring their corresponding to interact with the GABA-A receptor present in rat hippo- DNA binding and transcriptional activation domains into campal extracts. Additionally, using an antibody recogniz- close proximity, thus reconstituting transcriptional activa- ing the dopamine D5 receptor, it was possible to coimmu- tion of the reporter gene. Transformed yeast cells containing noprecipitate the GABA-A receptor from cell extracts. In addition to known proteins that mediate and regulate Protein interactions suggested to occur by the yeast two- GPCR signaling (heterotrimeric G proteins, GRKs, ar- hybrid system can be examined using various in vitro bio- restins), which were originally identified by functional as- chemical techniques, such as affinity chromatography facili- says using biochemical purification, cDNA cloning meth- tated by GST-fusion proteins. In addition to serving as an ods have facilitated the identification of additional protein independent assay for previously defined candidate interact- interactions with GPCRs that were completely unantici- ing proteins, this method can be used to identify novel pated (61). These novel protein interactions, while their protein interactions with GPCRs de novo (63). In this functional relevance remains unclear in many cases, are of method a DNA encoding a polypeptide sequence of interest great interest and potential therapeutic importance as drug is fused to GST using standard cDNA cloning techniques targets. The GST Of the many techniques for identifying novel pro- portion of the fusion protein allows the efficient immobili- tein–protein interactions developed over the last 10 years, zation of the protein by binding to agarose beads covalently interaction cloning methods such as the yeast two-hybrid derivatized with glutathione. Proteins from a cell or tissue system (62) have been particularly useful for studies of extract that bind to the fusion protein then can be isolated GPCRs. In the yeast two-hybrid system, protein interac- as an immobilized protein complex by affinity chromatogra- tions are detected by their ability to reconstitute the activity phy. A transcrip- shown recently (64) that the third cytoplasmic loop of the tion factor such as GAL4 can be divided into two domains: dopamine D2 receptor binds specifically to spinophilin, a a DNA binding domain and a transcriptional activation large cytoskeleton-associated protein that also binds to pro- domain. For the transcription factor to be active, these two tein phosphatase-1. A polypeptide sequence for which one phy using GST-fusion proteins. However, even in the event that extensive colocalization is observed, immunocytochem- ical techniques of this sort do not provide direct evidence for a physical interaction between candidate proteins. Coimmunoprecipitation techniques, as discussed above, A provide a useful method for addressing this question. Meclizine
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