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By U. Jack. Marywood University. 2018. Part of a Web site with equal text in two or more languages Notes for a Part of a Web Site (optional) General Rules for Notes Notes is a collective term for any useful information given after the citation itself Complete sentences are not required Be brief Specific Rules for Notes System requirements Other types of material to include in notes Box 89 System requirements System requirements describe the particular software and hardware needed to view the Web site buy benzoyl 20 gr lowest price. Box 90 Other types of material to include in notes The notes element may be used to provide any further information useful order 20gr benzoyl visa. Part of a Web site with supplemental note included Examples of Citations to Parts of Web Sites 1. Sleep disorder (sedative-hypnotic) drug information; [updated 2009 May 21; cited 2009 Jun 10]; [about 2 screens]. Part of a Web site with equal text in two or more languages Health Canada = Sante Canada [Internet]. Clinical resources for neonatology and perinatology: information about sick newborns for professionals and families; 1995 Oct 31 [modified 2006 Jul 1; cited 2007 Mar 27]. Part of a Web site with date(s) of update/revision Chlamy Center: an Online Informatics Resource for Chlamydomonas [Internet]. Part of a Web site with date of citation only Complementary/Integrative Medicine [Internet]. Part of a Web site with location (pagination) estimated as page numbers MedlinePlus [Internet]. Part of a Web site with location (pagination) estimated as number of screens NursingWorld: Official Web site of the American Nurses Association [Internet]. Part of a Web site with location (pagination) shown as number of paragraphs Complementary/Integrative Medicine [Internet]. Part of a Web site with location (pagination) shown as number of bytes Max-Planck-Institut fur Experimentelle Medizin [Internet]. Part of a Web site with hyperlinks so location (pagination) cannot be provided MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You [Internet]. Electronic Mail Sample Citation and Introduction Citation Rules with Examples Examples B. Blogs Sample Citation and Introduction Citation Rules with Examples Examples D. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Electronic Mail The general format for a reference to an electronic mail message, including punctuation: Examples of Citations to Electronic Mail 1416 Citing Medicine Electronic mail or e-mail is a written message sent over communication networks to a single address or to multiple addressees. E-mail systems are maintained by most computer networks, and virtually all online services and Internet service providers have them. E-mail is a form of personal communication and is not often accepted by editors and others for inclusion in a reference list. Most authorities recommend placing references to e-mail communications within the running text, not as formal end references. Place the source information in parentheses, using a term or terms to indicate clearly that the citation is not in the reference list. These statements may include additional details, such as the reason for the communication. It is highly recommended that any message being considered for future citation be saved to disk or in print because not all e-mail systems use a standard method of saving or archiving messages. The rules below apply when an e-mail message is included in a reference list rather than within the text as described above. References to e-mail messages have a formal structure to clearly identify the author (initiator) and the recipient (receiver) of the communication. Because of the lack of other information to include in a citation to an e-mail message, providing the full names for both author and recipient is recommended as well as clarifying notes on content. Citation Rules with Examples for Electronic Mail Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference. Author (R) | Author Affiliation (O) | Title of Message (R) | Content Type (O) | Type of Medium (R) | Connective Phrase (R) | Recipient (R) | Recipient Affiliation (O) | Date (R) | Date of Citation (R) | Extent (Pagination) (O) | Availability (O) | Language (R) | Notes (O) Author for Electronic Mail (required) General Rules for Author Enter surname (family or last name) first for the person initiating the communication Capitalize surnames and enter spaces in surnames as they appear in the document cited. Moskva becomes Moscow Wien becomes Vienna Italia becomes Italy Espana becomes Spain 1424 Citing Medicine Box 15 No affiliation found If no affiliation is found or the affiliation is incomplete but it can be determined from elsewhere in the message or from knowledge of the writer, put the place name in square brackets Wolf, Michael R. Electronic mail message with position titles for author and recipient included in affiliation 9. Consideraciones sobre la regulacion de medicamentos vigente en la Argentina [Issues regarding the legal regulation of drugs in Argentina] [Internet]. Box 19 No title can be found Occasionally an author will leave the subject line blank; the message simply begins with the text. When this occurs: Construct a title from the first few words of the text Use enough words to make the constructed title meaningful Place the constructed title in square brackets Examples for Title 1. Standard citation to an electronic mail message Content Type for Electronic Mail (optional) General Rules for Content Type Use a content type to describe the format of the item being cited Begin type information with a left square bracket Enter the words "electronic mail on the" End content type with space Specific Rules for Content Type Titles ending in punctuation other than a period Titles not in English Box 20 Titles ending in punctuation other than a period Most message titles end in a period. Rapid expansion of air causes a negative pressure cheap 20gr benzoyl with amex, which sucks fluid up the feeding tube system discount 20gr benzoyl with visa, where it is atomized. Larger particles impact on baffles and the walls of the chamber and are returned for renebulization. Negative pressure generated as compressed air expands at the Venturi and draws air in through the open vent, resulting in more airflow through the chamber than provided by the compressor; therefore more aerosol is generated in a given period of time. This nebulizer design has been combined with a manual interrupter that the patient operates to allow aerosol generation only during inspiration. For a given medication dose placed into the nebulizer, the use of the manual interrupter results in greater delivery to the airways but with prolongation of the nebulization time (92). With the breath-assisted open vent nebulizers, the vent is designed to be open only during inspiration, enhancing aerosol generation only during the inspiratory phase. Aerosol generation continues as a result of the continuous gas flow from the compressor during expiration, but is not enhanced by the vent, which is closed during expiration (Fig. The primary advantages of this design include significantly improved delivery of drug placed into the nebulizer into the airway and the convenience of continuous operation without the need for patient coordination of actuation of a manual interrupter. Other benefits include the generation of a greater fraction of smaller particles due to increased evaporation from droplets due to the additional airflow, and the need for less powerful compressors with this category of nebulizer (92). On inspiration the valve located at the top of the chamber opens, allowing extra air to be sucked through the vent on inspiration. The main effect of this is to pull more aerosol from the nebulizer on inspiration, increasing the dose to the patient. On expiration the vent closes and aerosol exits via a one-way valve near the mouthpiece. Aerosol lost from the nebulizer on expiration is thus proportionally less than that from a conventional nebulizer. Nebulization times will be faster and the drug dose received by the patient will be significantly greater than with conventional nebulizers but not as fast as with the open vent nebulizer. In one study using nebulized budesonide, four different nebulizer devices, and tidal volumes ranging from 75 to 600 mL, the estimated percentage of the dosage placed into the nebulizer to be inhaled by the patient varied over a fourfold range depending on these factors ( 94). With proper use, the mask (or mouthpiece) with its attached tubing provides a critical function as a reservoir containing aerosol-laden air from the nebulizer. During each tidal inhalation, much of the air that the patient inspires comes from this reservoir. Without the reservoir, nearly all of the air that the patient inhales is unmedicated room air; nearly all of the aerosol simply escapes into the atmosphere. Even with proper use of a mask or mouthpiece, significant entrainment of room air occurs (95). When nebulizers are used in older children and adults, the use of a mouthpiece in preference to face mask may reduce unwanted systemic effects ( 96). Most drugs used for nebulization are now supplied in single-use ampoules, largely eliminating the need for preservative additives, some of which have been documented to have significant bronchoconstrictor effects. When multiple use vials are used, the clinician should be aware of the additives present and any bronchoconstrictor potential that they may have with repetitive dosing ( 97). Choice of nebulizer is important when corticosteroid suspensions are administered, but is less critical with other medications used in the treatment of asthma. Age 3 to 4 is usually the appropriate time to wean children who first developed asthma at a younger age from nebulized therapy. For clinic and emergency room use in this situation, the choice between the two modalities depends on the preferences of the staff and the equipment available. However, all patients for whom inhaled controller medications are prescribed also require a rescue bronchodilator ( 98). Priorities for Inhaled Drug Delivery in Clinical Practice For the busy clinician barraged by competing claims from marketers of various modalities of delivery of inhaled medication, the practical issue to be addressed is summarized by the following question: is there a delivery system that is clearly clinically superior to the others? As the preceding discussion and references indicate, there are well-documented differences in the characteristics of various devices in terms of delivery of drug to the airways, but consistent clinically relevant ramifications of these differences are more difficult to establish. A delivery system that is clinically highly efficacious for delivery of one drug formulation may show inferior performance with a different drug or formulation. Data comparing clinical effects of specific drug formulations administered via specific delivery devices in side-by-side trials must be evaluated to conclusively prove the relative merits of one drug device combination over another. Preferences of individual patients, as well as economic considerations, must be taken into account; in many situations such issues may supersede recommendations based on purely scientific considerations. Many patients adhere poorly to complicated treatment programs involving multiple inhaled medications, each administered with a different type of device on a different schedule. Attention directed to minimizing the number of daily doses administered and the number of different categories of devices used for such patients is often dramatically effective in restoring adherence with resultant attainment of satisfactory asthma control. H2 antagonists were first synthesized in 1969 for the purpose of developing a drug capable of inhibiting gastric acid secretion ( 13) 20 gr benzoyl with mastercard. These agents have a closer structural resemblance to histamine because most are simple modifications of the histamine molecule itself ( 14 benzoyl 20 gr amex,15). Histamine is composed of a single imidazole heterocyclic ring linked to an ethylamine group, whereas H1 antagonists consist of one or two heterocyclic or aromatic rings joined to a linkage atom (nitrogen, oxygen, or carbon) ( 3) (Table 5. Generally, these compounds are rapidly absorbed orally or intravenously, resulting in peak serum concentrations within 2 to 3 hours and symptomatic relief within 30 minutes. They have large volumes of distribution, have slow clearance rates, and are metabolized primarily by hydroxylation in the hepatic cytochrome P-450 system. Most of the parent drug is excreted as inactive metabolites in the urine within 24 hours of dosing. The lipophilic nature of these antihistamines allows them to cross the placenta and the blood brain barrier. Pharmacokinetics of H1 receptor antagonists in healthy young adults Pharmacodynamics The first-generation H1 antagonists compete with histamine for binding to histamine receptors. This competitive inhibition is reversible and, therefore, highly dependent on free drug plasma concentrations. As these agents are metabolized and excreted into the urine as inactive metabolites, the histamine receptors become desaturated, allowing surrounding histamine to bind. This mechanism emphasizes the need to instruct patients in using these agents on a regular basis to achieve a maximal therapeutic benefit (3,22). Interestingly, smaller doses of H 1 antagonists have been found to inhibit mast cell activation in vitro, whereas larger doses cause mast cell activation and histamine release ( 23). Before the availability of pharmacokinetic data, these agents were believed to have short half-lives, which necessitated frequent dosing intervals in order to be effective ( 22). The availability of sustained-release preparations of shorter half-life agents has also allowed less frequent dosing, thereby improving patient compliance and minimizing side effects. Whether treatment with sustained-released formulations of conventional agents with shorter half-lives offers any advantages over conventional agents with longer half-lives when dosed similarly remains unclear ( 25,26 and 27). Chemical derivations of second-generation H1 receptor antagonists and dual-action antihistamines Second-generation Agents Structure Because the new nonsedating antihistamines do not fit into one of the existing structural classification categories of first-generation antagonists, they have been placed into a separate category referred to as second-generation antagonists. Their structural and pharmacokinetic profiles are responsible for their milder side effects and better tolerance among patients (3,28,29). The two available agents in the United States are fexofenadine, the acid metabolite of terfenadine, and loratadine. Terfenadine and astemizole are no longer available in the United States because of safety concerns. Both of these agents were associated with serious interactions with drugs that were also metabolized by the liver cytochrome P-450 enzyme 3A4, such as erythromycin and ketoconazole. This led to accumulation of the parent compound, which caused cardiac side effects such as torsades de pointes. Although this was a rare occurrence and dose dependent, the advent of newer antihistamine drug metabolites that were not dependent on cytochrome oxidase metabolism made them expendable. Pharmacokinetics The pharmacokinetic data available for second-generation agents are summarized in comparison to first-generation agents in Table 5. Data in humans on volumes of distribution for these agents is not available ( 3,17). The major active meta bolite of astemizole is N-desmethylastemizole, which has a half-life of 9. Astemizole is unique because it has a slower elimination half-life of 18 to 20 days, compared with terfenadine, which has a half-life of 4. Even though the half-life of terfenadine in children is only 2 hours, it is equally effective pharmacodynamically as in adults ( 41). Cetirizine and fexofenadine are not extensively metabolized in the cytochrome P-450 system and are therefore less likely to compete for elimination with other medications metabolized by the same cytochrome P-450 enzyme systems. Its elimination can be also impaired in patients with renal insufficiency ( 3,32,40). Food and Drug Administration became aware of numerous reports associating terfenadine with malignant cardiac arrhythmias such as torsades de pointes ( 42). By July 1992, 44 reports of adverse cardiovascular events had been reported, 9 resulting in death, 3 of which occurred after an overdose of terfenadine ( 42). Retrospective analysis of case reports citing terfenadine-induced cardiovascular events has been helpful in defining risk factors in patients prone to these cardiac side effects ( 42). It should be emphasized that terfenadine and astemizole were very safe and effective drugs that were able to be used in most clinical circumstances. Pharmacodynamics In contrast to first-generation agents, second-generation agents do not operate by simple competitive inhibition. Instead, these agents bind to and dissociate from H 1 receptors slowly in a noncompetitive fashion. They are not displaced from H 1 receptors in the presence of high histamine concentrations ( 29,42). Research on phenotype genotype correlations on exis- Optimal use of national resources for established co- ting data and specifcally established cohorts discount benzoyl 20gr on line. Correlation studies of phenotypic evolution of diseases Evidence on the impact of the environment on the in subgroups or individuals within longitudinal cohorts buy benzoyl 20gr on line, evolution of diseases. Support for decision makers and for example in terms of poly-pathologies, socio-econo- providers to set up public health measures for disease mic inequalities and access to care. Develop inexpensive and rapid test systems to produce A better understanding of disease mechanisms related a short development cycle for diagnosis and therapy, to genetic variants and the design of biopharmaceutical e. Earlier diagnostic markers would support the assessment of prognosis, monitoring and identifcation of the most efective treat- ment for a given group of patients. Optimise individual drug therapies and poly-pharmacy More specifc and efective drug therapies particularly especially in the case of multi-morbidity. Reduction of drugs prescribed, side-efects and costs through fewer and more specifc therapies. Research on drug interaction (drug drug and drug Optimised therapies with minimised side-efects. Increasing the number of well validated and robust biomarkers with proven stratifcation potential ready for clinical routine. However, evidence for real benefts to national health sys- Unfortunately independent international communica- tems remains scarce. Such a cross-bor- in the implementation of personalised prevention, diag- der research funding scheme would be synergetic and nosis and therapy. Regulation, Reimbursement & Market Access ents Forum, Belgium: Citizens Perspective and 4. Improve communication and education strategies to increase patient health literacy. All recommendations have been colour-coded according to the activities referred to, which are grouped into three broad 6. However, many recommendations do have a share in system and increase the patient s role in all phases two or sometimes all three types of activity (see also fgure 3 of research and development. In these cases, the recommendation has been assigned to the activity deemed to have the major share. Develop common principles and legal frameworks that enable sharing of patient-level data for rese- arch in a way that is ethical and acceptable to pati- The colour-coding is as follows: ents and the public. Promote the development of high quality sustain- Challenge 1 Developing Aware- able databases including clinical, health and well- ness and Empowerment being information. Develop and promote models for individual res- ponsibility, ownership and sharing of personal he- 12. Develop mobile health applications to maximise engagement of patients with their treatment pa- 13. Create a European big data framework and adapt rectly to benefts for individual citizens and society. Encourage a systematic early dialogue between in- Clinical Research and Beyond novators, patients and decision-makers throughout all regulatory steps to provide guidance and clarity. Develop methods to better integrate and evalua- te the information provided by genomic, epige- 27. Facilitate partnerships and innovation networks to netic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-border col- microbiome analyses. Support research in preclinical models to validate hypotheses resulting from molecular analyses of 28. Provide support and guidance for companies to patient samples and treatment outcomes. Promote collaborative pre-competitive and trans-disciplinary research in all disease areas to gain trustworthy and objective information. Support developmWent of new clinical trial de- personal health data that facilitate accurate and signs and promote integration with concomitant on-going assessment of highly dynamic health in- preclinical testing. Encourage a citizen-driven framework for the ad- option of electronic health records. Promote engagement and close collaboration bet- to the Market ween patients, stakeholders and healthcare actors across sciences, sectors and borders. Optimise individual drug therapies and poly-phar- patients regardless of economic or geographic macy especially in the case of multi-morbidity. A report on grs de la gntique : vers une mdecine de prcisi- business opportunities in Personalised Medicine on? Les enjeux scientifques, technologiques, sociaux in Northern Ireland by the Northern Ireland Scien- et thiques de la mdecine personnalise], January ce Industry Panel of the Department of Enterpri- 2014. Europe 2020, the Digital line medicine: the ethics of personalised healthca- Agenda, the Innovation Union and Horizon 2020. Keeling; Pharmacogenomics (2013), cine in Europe: a look at the European Commission s 14(1), 89 102. Public Health Geno- Horgan, Etienne Richer, Angela Brand, Ulrike Buhof mics 2014;17:287 98. Benzoyl Peroxide
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