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T. Dawson. University of Vermont. What could be effected was only that some itching pustules appeared cilostazol 100 mg with visa, which soon vanished again cilostazol 50 mg amex, when the plaster was left off. More frequently there ensued a moist soreness of the skin, or at best a more or less violent, itching of the skin, which in rare cases extended also to the other parts not covered by the plaster. This, indeed, would cause for a time a striking alleviation of even the most severe chronic diseases flowing from a psoric source; e. But this much could not be attained on the skin of many patients (frequently all that could be attained was a moderate or small amount of itching), or again, if I could produce a violent itching, this frequently became too unbearable for the patient to sustain it for a time sufficient to produce an internal cure. When the plaster then was removed in order to relieve him, even the most violent itching, together with the eruption present, disappeared very soon, and the cure had not been essentially advanced by it; this confirms the observation made above, that the eruption if evolved a second time (and so also the itching reproduced) had not by any means the full characteristics of the eruption of the itch which had originally been repressed, and was therefore of little assistance in the real advancement of a thorough cure of the psora through internal remedies, while the little aid afforded loses all value owing to the often unbearable infliction of the artificially produced eruption and itching of the skin, and the weakening of the whole body which is inseparable from the titillating pain. He will say, indeed: Ò If it is not known - and hardly ever does it become demonstrably known - where, when, at what occasion and from what person avowedly suffering from itch the infection has been derived, then he could not discover from the present, and often insignificant little eruption whether it was real itch; so he was not to be blamed for the evil consequences, if he supposed it to be something else and endeavored to remove it from the skin as soon as possible by a lotion of lead solution, or an ointment of cadmia, or white precipitate of mercury, according to the wishes of the aristocratic parents. For, first of all, no cutaneous eruption of whatever kind it may be, ought to be expelled through external means by any physician who wishes to act conscientiously and rationally. In every case there is at the bottom a disorderly state of the whole internal living organism, which state must first be considered; and therefore the eruption is only to be removed by internal healing and curative remedies which change the state of the whole; then also the eruption which is based on the internal disease will be cured and healed of itself, without the help of any external remedy, and frequently more quickly than it could be done by external remedies. Secondly, even if the physician should not have presented to him the original, undestroyed form of the eruption, - i. In such a case we can never doubt as to the infection with itch, though in genteel and wealthy families we can seldom secure the information and the certainty as to how, where and from whom the infection has been derived; for there are innumerable imperceptible occasions whereby this infection may be received, as taught above. The homoeopathic physician in his private practice seldom gets to see and to treat an eruption of itch spread over a considerable part of the skin and coming from a fresh infection. The patients on account of the intolerable itching either apply to some old woman, or to the druggist or the barber, who, one and all, come to their aid with a remedy which, as they suppose, is immediately effective (e. Only in the practice of the barracks, of prisons, hospitals, penitentiaries and orphan asylums those infected have to apply to the resident physician, if the surgeon of the house does not anticipate him. Even in the most ancient times when itch occurred, for it did not everywhere degenerate into leprosy, it was acknowledged that there was a sort of specific virtue against itch in sulphur; but they knew of no other way of applying it, but to destroy the itch through an external application of it, even as is done now by the greater part of the modem physicians of the old school. So also the most ancient physicians, like the moderns, prescribed for their itch patients baths of warm sulphurous mineral water. Such patients are usually also delivered from their eruption by these external sulphur remedies. But that their patients were not really cured thereby, became manifest, even to them, from the more severe ailments that followed, such as general dropsy, with which an Athenian was afflicted when he drove out his severe eruption of itch by bathing in the warm sulphur baths of the island of Melos (now called Milo), and of which he died. Epidemion, which has been received among the writings of Hippocrates (some three hundred years before Celsus). Internally the ancient physicians gave no sulphur in itch, because they, like the moderns, did not see that this miasmatic disease was, at the same time and especially, an internal disease. They only gave it in connection with the external means of driving away the itch, and, indeed, in doses which would act as purgatives, - ten, twenty and thirty grains at a dose, frequently repeated, - so that it never became manifest how useful or how injurious this internal application of such large doses, in connection with the external application, had been; at least the whole itch-disease (psora) could never be thoroughly healed thereby. The external driving out of the eruption was simply advanced by it as by any other purgative, and with the same injurious effects as if no sulphur at all had been used internally. For even if sulphur is used only internally, but in the above described large doses, without any external destructive means, it can never thoroughly heal a psora; partly because in order to cure as an antipsoric and homoeopathic medicine, it must be given only in the smallest doses of a potentized preparation, while in larger and more frequent doses the crude sulphur* in some cases increases the malady or at least adds a new malady; partly because the vital force expels it as a violently aggressive remedy through purging stools or by means of vomiting, without having put its healing power to any use. After assuming that a drug, which in a normal state of health causes the symptoms a, b, g, - in analogy with other physiological phenomena, produces the symptoms x, y, z, which appear in an abnormal state of health - can act upon this abnormal state in such a way that the disease-symptoms x, y, z, are transformed into the drug symptoms a, b, g, which latter have the peculiar characteristic of temporariness or transitoriness; he then continues: Ò This transitory character belongs to the group of symptoms of the medicine a, b, g, which is substituted for the group of symptoms belonging to the disease, merely because the medicine is used in an extraordinarily small dose. Should the homoeopathic physician give the patient too large a dose of the homoeopathic remedy indicated, the disease x, y, z may indeed be transformed into the other, i. If a very large dose is given, then a new often very dangerous disease is produced, or the organism does its utmost to free itself very quickly from the poison (through diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. This in time passes away, when the psora again lifts its head, either with the same morbid symptoms as before, or with others similar but gradually more troublesome than the first, or with symptoms developing in nobler parts of the organism. Ignorant persons will rejoice in the latter case, that their former disease at least has passed away, and they hope that the new disease also may be removed by another journey to the same baths. They do not know, that their changed morbid state is merely a transformation of the same psora; but they always find out by experience, that their second tour to the baths causes even less alleviation, or, indeed, if the sulphur-baths are used in still greater number, that the second trial causes aggravation. Thus we see that either the excessive use of sulphur in all its forms, or the frequent repetition of its use by allopathic physicians in the treatment of a multitude of chronic diseases (the secondary psoric ailments) have taken away from it all value and use; and we may well assert that, to this day, hardly anything but injury has been done by allopathic physicians through the use of sulphur. I know a physician in Saxony who gained a great reputation by merely adding to his prescriptions in nearly all chronic diseases flowers of sulphur, and this without knowing a reason for it. This in the beginning of such treatments is wont to produce a strikingly beneficent effect, but of course only in the beginning, and therefore after that his help was at an end. Even when, owing to its undeniable anti-psoric effects, sulphur may be able of itself to make the beginning of a cure, after the external expulsion of the eruption, either with the still hidden and latent psora or when this has more or less developed and broken out into its varied chronic diseases, it can nevertheless be but rarely made use of for this purpose, because its powers have usually been already exhausted, because it has been given to the patient already before by allopathic physicians for one purpose or another, perhaps has been given already repeatedly; but sulphur, like most of the antipsoric remedies in the treatment of a developed psora that has become chronic, can hardly be used three or four times (even after the intervening use of other antipsoric remedies) without causing the cure to retrograde. The cure of an old psora that has been deprived of its eruption, whether it may be latent and quiescent, or already broken out into chronic diseases, can never be accomplished with sulphur alone, nor with sulphur-baths either natural or artificial. Elevated serum levels of spaces quality 50mg cilostazol, and an interstitial infiltrate made up of lympho- aminotransferases order 50mg cilostazol with mastercard, creatine kinase, and lactate dehydro- cytes and mononuclear cells. Supportive care to maintain pulmonary ratory tract samples and plasma early in illness and of and other organ system functions remains the mainstay urine and stool later on. Coronaviruses that cause those illnesses infection-control practices to contain the disease. A Vaccines have been developed against several animal common cold–like syndrome is the illness most com- coronaviruses but not against known human coronaviruses. The virus may also because its replication in vitro leads to the fusion of be spread by coarse aerosols produced by coughing or neighboring cells into large multinucleated syncytia. In immunosuppressed patients, proteins: the G protein, by which the virus attaches to shedding can continue for weeks. Antigenic diversity is reflected by differences terized by necrosis of the bronchiolar epithelium and a in the G protein, and the F protein is highly conserved. Interalveolar thickening and filling of alveolar outbreaks, although there are typically alternating pat- spaces with fluid can also be found. Because reinfection occurs frequently and is often somewhat milder than those with group A viruses. Rates of illness Studies in infants, however, suggest that maternally are highest among infants 1–6 months of age, peaking at acquired antibody provides some protection from lower 2–3 months of age. The attack rates among susceptible respiratory tract disease, although illness can be severe infants and children are extraordinarily high, approach- even in infants who have moderate levels of maternally ing 100% in settings such as day care centers where large derived serum antibody. In infants, 25–40% of infections result in lower less sensitive in children <4 months of age. Physical examination may reveal diffuse wheez- similar to that for other viral infections of the upper res- ing, rhonchi, and rales. For lower respiratory tract infections, pansion, peribronchial thickening, and variable infiltrates respiratory therapy, including hydration, suctioning of ranging from diffuse interstitial infiltrates to segmental or secretions, and administration of humidified oxygen and lobar consolidation. Illness may be particularly severe in antibronchospastic agents, is given as needed. In severe children born prematurely and in those with congenital hypoxia, intubation and ventilatory assistance may be cardiac disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, nephrotic required. Illness is occasionally associ- that treatment with aerosolized ribavirin “may be consid- ated with moderate systemic symptoms such as malaise, ered” for infants who are severely ill or who are at high headache, and fever. Administration of undergoing stem cell and solid-organ transplantation, standard immunoglobulin, immunoglobulin with high whose case-fatality rates of 20–80% have been reported. In settings such as pediatric wards where rates of techniques have sensitivities and specificities of 80–95%; transmission are high, barrier methods for the protection they are somewhat less sensitive with specimens from of hands and conjunctivae may be useful in reducing the adults. Types 1 and 2 cause epidemics during the fall, cold syndromes and occasionally pneumonia, which is seen often occurring in an alternate-year pattern. Type 3 infec- primarily in elderly patients and those with cardiopul- tion has been detected during all seasons of the year, but monary diseases. In studies conducted in the United States, parainfluenza virus infections have accounted for 4. Parainfluenza virus type 1 (with the possible exception of croup in young children) is the most frequent cause of croup (laryngotracheo- are not sufficiently distinctive to be diagnosed on clinical bronchitis) in children; serotype 2 causes similar, although grounds alone. Type 3 is an important cause tion of virus in respiratory tract secretions, throat swabs, or of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, but illnesses nasopharyngeal washings. Viral growth in tissue culture is associated with type 4 have generally been mild. Unlike detected either by hemagglutination or by a cytopathic types 1 and 2, type 3 frequently causes illness during the effect. Rapid viral diagnosis may be made by identification first month of life, when passively acquired maternal of parainfluenza antigens in exfoliated cells from the respi- antibody is still present. Serologic diagnosis can be established by tal infections but may be somewhat shorter for naturally hemagglutination inhibition, complement-fixation, or neu- occurring disease in children. Passively acquired serum neu- is also a common cause of croup during epidemic periods. If complications such as sinusitis, otitis, or Parainfluenza virus infections occur most frequently superimposed bacterial bronchitis develop, appropriate among children, in whom initial infection with serotype antibacterial antibiotics should be administered. Mild 1, 2, or 3 is associated with an acute febrile illness cases of croup should be treated with bed rest and moist 50–80% of the time. More severe cases require sore throat, hoarseness, and cough that may or may not hospitalization and close observation for the develop- be croupy. A brassy or barking cough may develops, humidified oxygen and intermittent racemic progress to frank stridor. Management Cocaine intoxication: Initial management includes en- Incidence/prevalence suring a clear airway and ventilation if needed cheap cilostazol 50 mg overnight delivery. Amphetamineandderivatives(includingecstasy)arethe 1 Seizures are treated with diazepam or lorazepam order 50 mg cilostazol mastercard. Chapter 15: Alcohol and drugs of abuse 525 Pathophysiology 1 Seizures and agitation are treated with diazepam or Amphetamines are stimulant drugs with cardiovascular, lorazepam. Multi- 2 Hypertension should be treated with diazepam or ple doses, taken to maintain euphoria, can lead to intox- if this is ineffective, intravenous glyceryl trinitrate ication, and feelings of anxiety and paranoia. The excre- tion of amphetamine depends on urine pH – acid urine increases its clearance. Ecstasy abuse Definition Clinical features Ecstasy is a semi-synthetic derivative of amphetamine Physical effects of an amphetamine-intoxicated state in- with hallucinogenic properties. A history should be taken of re- usually comes in tablets or capsules, which may have centandpreviousrecreationaldruguse,includingmeth- logos or pictures on them. Occasionally it is and social history should be taken, as well as a medical found in a powder form that is smoked or snorted. Incidence/prevalence Complications Ecstasy use continues to rise, doubling in the last 5 Medical complications include seizures, coma, tach- years. Acute ecstasy, with rates approaching 30% in university stu- hepatic failure has been reported. There have been over 200 deaths from the drug in tions include paranoia, eating disorders, hallucinations 15 years. If physical side-effects highly variable, but in addition idiosyncratic responses are present, U&Es, liver function tests, creatine kinase appear to occur, both in naıve and chronic users. Clinical features r Effects begin within an hour and usually last 4–6 Management hours, but may persist for 48 hours with very high In more than mild toxicity, patients should have cardiac doses. Increasedthirstcanbemarked,suchthatex- 5 Metabolic acidosis should be corrected with sodium cessive water intake occurs, leading to hyponatraemia. Mood effects are 6 Narrow complex tachycardias are treated with intra- of euphoria, and ecstasy is unique in its ability to make venous β-blockers. A psychiatric and social his- Overview of acute poisoning tory should be taken, as well as a medical history and examination. Definition Acute poisoning may result from accidental self- ingestion, deliberate self-harm or medical error. Complications Deaths: These appear to be due to cardiac arrhythmias, fulminant liver failure and neuroleptic malignant syn- Incidence/prevalence drome, which may cause acute renal failure, dissemi- Common presentation to A&E, commonest cause of nated intravascular coagulation and metabolic acidosis. Neuropsychiatric complications include memory and concentration loss, insomnia, hallucinations and flash- Age backs. Aetiology Many different substances are involved in poisoning, es- Management pecially in children (see Table 15. In severe toxicity, initial management includes ensuring aclear airway, and ventilation if needed. Clinical features 1 All patients should have cardiac, pulse, blood pressure Acutepoisoningshouldbeconsideredinanypatientpre- and temperature monitoring. A full physical examination glyceryl trinitrate, but in refractory hypertension con- should be made. Principles of management: Other neurological features include altered behaviour, r Reduction of absorption by emptying the stomach seizures, hallucinations, motor disturbances. However, r Cardiovascular system: Altered heart rate, arrhyth- lavage or induced emesis is contraindicated following mias, blood pressure instability. The patient must have an intact cough reflex dice, vomiting and diarrhoea, alcohol may be smelt or a cuffed endotracheal tube to protect the airway. Alternatively activated charcoal is useful for certain r Eyes: Miosis (constriction of the pupil is seen with drugs, ideally within 4 hours of ingestion dependent opiates and organophosphates) or mydriasis (dilation on the drug. Following an accidental These will depend on the presentation and the availabil- overdose social circumstances need to be considered ity of a reliable history. Patients presenting fol- mayhavetobeinvestigatedandmanagedasanacutecon- lowing deliberate ingestion require a psychiatric eval- fusional state or coma. Appropriate investigations may uation prior to discharge in order to assess their risk include of further self-harm and to identify and manage any r plasma paracetamol and salicylate levels. Accidental or deliberate overdose of paracetamol, caus- r blood gases to detect respiratory failure or metabolic ing liver damage. Complications Incidence These depend on cause and clinical state but may include Currently the commonest drug used for deliberate over- hypothermia, rhabdomyolysis and convulsions. In significant over- dose a prothrombin time, liver and renal function tests and a lactate should be checked and repeated at 24 hours. P-450 Mixed function oxidase Prothrombin time measured 24 hours post ingestion is the best marker for liver damage. Toxic Intermediates Glutathione Hepatocyte Management macromolecules r Activated charcoal is given if the patient presents within 1 hour of ingestion and >12 g (6 g in the high risk treatment group) or ≥150 mg/kg have been in- gested, whichever is the smaller. Mercaptopuric acid Cell death r N-acetylcysteine (a glutathione precursor) is given by intravenous infusion if the plasma paracetamol level is Figure 15. It is maxi- mally effective before 8 hoursfollowing ingestion but Aetiology may be of value up to and beyond 24 hours. Hard stools discount 50mg cilostazol with mastercard, delaying usually more than a day buy cilostazol 50 mg on-line, clotted, often covered with mucus (or nearly always soft, fermenting stools, like diarrhoea). Chilblains and pains as from chilblains, even outside of the severe cold of winter; even, also, in summer. Drawing, tensive pains in the neck, the back, the limbs, especially, also, in the teeth (in damp, stormy weather, in northwest and northeast winds, after colds, overlifting, disagreeable emotions, etc. Renewal of pains and complaints while at rest, and disappearance of the same while in motion. Most of the ailments come on at night, and are increased with a low barometer, with north and northeast* winds, in winter and towards spring. Unhealthy skin; every little lesion passes into sores, cracked skin of the hands and of the lower lips. Here or there a rough, scaling spot on the skin, which causes at times a voluptuous itching and, after the rubbing a burning sensation. Here or there at times, though seldom, a single insufferably pleasant, but unbearably itching vesicle, at its point sometimes filled with pus, and causing a burning sensation after rubbing, on a finger, on the wrist or in some other place. Suffering from several or from a greater number of these ailments (even at various times and frequently), a person will still consider himself as healthy, and is supposed to be so by others. He may also lead a quite endurable life in such a state, and without much hindrance, attend to his business as long as he is young or still in his vigorous years, and so long as he does not suffer any particular mishap from without, has a satisfactory income, does not live in vexation or grief, does not overexert himself; but especially if he is of quite a cheerful, equable, patient, contented, disposition. With such persons the psora (internal itch malady), which may be recognized by a connoisseur by means of a few or by more of the above symptoms, may slumber on for many years within, without causing any continuing chronic disease. This is mostly wont to happen in fall or winter, but often also by preference in springtime. But even where a person, whether a child or an adult, who has the psora slumbering within him, shows much semblance of health, but happens upon the opposite of the above-described favorable conditions of life, when his health and whole organism have been very much weakened and shaken by a prevalent epidemic fever or an infectious acute disease,* smallpox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, purple rash, etc , or through an external severe lesion, a shock, a fall, a wound, a considerable burn, the breaking of an arm or a leg, a hard labor, the confinement due to a disease (usually helped on by the incorrect and weakening Allopathic treatment), confinement at a sedentary occupation in a gloomy, close room, weakening the vital force; the sad losses of beloved relatives bending down the soul with grief, or daily vexation and annoyance which embitter the life; deterioration of the food or an entire want of what is necessary and indispensable, exposure and inferior food beating down manÕs courage and strength; then the, psora, which has hitherto slumbered, awakes and shows itself in the heightened and augmented symptoms enumerated below, in its transition to the formation of severe maladies; one or another of the nameless (psoric) chronic diseases breaks out and most of all through weakening and exhausting improper treatment by allopathic physicians, they are aggravate from time to time without intermission, often to a fearful height, if external circumstances favorable for the patient do not interpose, and cause a moderation in the process of the malady. This the physicians explain as a new generation of itch in this individual body replete with bad humors (scilicet), since they know nothing of a psora in man which may be quiescent for a long period. But the itch-disease cannot now be generated or arise or be created anew of itself, just as no smallpox or cow-pox, no measles, no venereal chancre disease, etc. A passionate, peevish disposition gives an extraordinary predisposition to the development of the psora; so also previous exhaustion through frequent pregnancies, excessive nursing of infants, extraordinary hardships, exhausting erroneous medical treatment, debauchery, and a profligate mode of living. The internal itch-disease is, as before mentioned, of such a peculiar nature that it may remain, as it were, tied down and covered up for a long through external favorable surroundings, so that a man may seem to the superficial observer healthy for years, even for many years, until circumstances unfavorable to the body or the soul, or to both, may arise, and serve as a hostile impulse to awaken the disease slumbering within and thus develop its germs. His acquaintances and his physician, yea, the patient himself, can not then comprehend how his health could so suddenly fall into a decline. To bring some examples for explanation from my own experience: After a simple fracture of a limb attended with confinement to bed for five or six weeks, there may follow diseased conditions of another kind, the cause of which cannot be guessed, which diseased condition, even when measurably removed, nevertheless returns, and which even without any error in diet nevertheless at their return show aggravation. This is mostly the case in fall (winter) and spring and becomes a tedious ailment increasing from year to year, a lasting cure for which, without the substitution of a still worse disease for it by an allopathic cure, has been hitherto vainly sought for in the councils of former physicians and also in visits to mineral springs. There are in manÕs life innumerable stumbling-blocks or unfavorable occurrences of this kind which serve to awaken the psora (the internal itch- disease) which till then has been slumbering (perhaps for a long time previously) and which cause its germs to develop. They are often of such a nature that the grave evils which gradually follow on them are out of all proportion to them, so that no rational man can consider those occurrences as sufficient causes for the chronic diseases which follow and which are often of a fearful character. But such a man is compelled to acknowledge a deeper seated hostile cause of these appearances, which cause has only now developed itself. In a few weeks, however, her youthful constitution had pretty well recovered, and she might have been of a speedy return to lasting good health, when the announcement of the dangerous illness of a beloved sister, living at a distance, threw her back and augmented her former ailments, which had not yet been quite removed, by the addition of a multitude of nervous disorders and convulsions, thus turning them into a serious illness. But the sick young wife still remains sick, and even if she seems to recover for a week or two, her ailments nevertheless return without any apparent cause. Every succeeding confinement, even when quite easy, every hard winter, adds new ailments to the old, or the former disorders change into others still more troublesome, so that at last there ensues a serious chronic illness though no one can see why the full vigor of youth, attended by happy external surroundings, should not have soon wiped out the consequence of that one miscarriage; still less can it be explained why the unfortunate impression of those sad tidings should not have disappeared, on hearing of the recovery of her sister, or at least on the actual presence of her sister fully restored. In a similar manner, a robust merchant, apparently healthy, despite some traces of internal psoral perceptible only to the professional examiner, may in consequence of unlucky commercial conjunctures become involved in his finances, even so as to approach bankruptcy, and at the same time he will fall gradually into various ailments and finally into serious illness. The death of a rich kinsman, however, and the gaining of a great prize in a lottery, abundantly cover his commercial losses; he becomes a man of means - but his illness, nevertheless, not only continues but increases from year to year, despite all medical prescriptions, in spite of his visiting the most famous baths, or rather, perhaps, with the assistance of these two causes. A modest girl, who, excepting some signs of internal psora, was accounted quite healthy, was compelled into a marriage which made her unhappy of soul, and in the same degree her bodily health declined, without any trace of venereal infection. No allopathic medicine alleviates her sad ailments, which continually grow more threatening. But in the midst of this aggravation, after one yearÕs suffering, the cause of her unhappiness, her hated husband, is taken from her by death, and she seems to revive, in the conviction, that she is now delivered from every occasion of mental or bodily illness, and hopes for a speedy recovery; all her friends hope the same for her, as the exciting cause of her illness lies in the grave. She also improves speedily, but unexpectedly she still remained an invalid, despite the vigor of her youth; yea, her ailments but seldom leave her, and are renewed from time to time without any external cause, and they are even aggravated from year to year in the rough months. A person who had been unjustly suspected and become involved in a serious criminal suit, and who had before seemed healthy, with the exception of the marks of latent psora mentioned above, during these harassing months fell into various diseased states. But finally the innocence of the accused is acknowledged, and an honorable acquittal followed. Cilostazol
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