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By W. Delazar. Canisius College. The sacral plexus is embedded within the kidney discount 40 mg telmisartan with mastercard, which makes removal The bursa of Fabricius generally may be found asso- of the kidneys difficult purchase telmisartan 20 mg mastercard. The renal parenchyma is examined for organ may resemble a large lymph node in young discoloration, pallor, swelling or masses or linear birds (see Figure 5. The ovary will be small and have a The testes of male birds are elongate to cylindrical slightly granular appearance (see Colors 13, 29). In sexually active enlargement in sexually mature individuals and may hens, the oviduct is a prominent, large, off-white, be quite large in breeding birds. Some species of male birds mation wherein the distal wall of the oviduct will have melanistic testicles. Sections of the uropygial gland may be taken from appropriate species if masses are pal- pated or observed. Examination of Special Organs and Tissues Examination of the nervous system and associated tissues is governed by the presence or absence of neurologic or ocular disease. Although the brain and ischiatic (sciatic) nerves are routinely obtained for histologic evaluation, the spinal cord, brachial and sacral nerve plexuses and eyes are obtained only if pathology is present. Brain The brain is relatively accessible and is frequently obtained for routine histopathologic examination (Figure 14. The brain may be removed by pluck- ing the feathers from the head, incising the scalp and reflecting it. A sagittal incision is made through the calvarium using a pair of blunt-sharp scissors. Using a forceps or rongeurs, the bony calvarium is removed as necessary to expose the brain. Before removing the brain from the calvarium, it should be inspected for congestion or hemorrhage. Depending upon the rapidity of death or method of euthanasia, agonal hemorrhage may be observed in birds following severe terminal motor activity. Occasionally, the right ovary (ro) and oviduct will also ing is more typical of old hemorrhage. Note the large follicle (f) and enlarged left oviduct (arrows) indicative of a reproductively active hen. The optic tectum (a bony plate that covers the large optic the ovaries are frequently bilateral. The juvenile left lobes) may present a problem in removing the brain ovary appears yellow and granular, resembling a from psittacine birds. The halves of the calvarium may be fixed The yellow color is imparted by variable quantities of in toto or one-half of the calvarium may be retained yolk. Vertebral Column The adrenal glands are identified as small, round, If neurologic disease involves spinal cord or nerve yellow structures to the left and right of the midline roots, appropriate sections of the vertebral column or at the cranial pole of the kidneys. Adrenal gland synsacrum may be identified, removed en bloc and enlargement may be observed in chronically stressed fixed in formalin solution. These tissue sections can be processed and Specimens of skin, feather follicles and feathers may examined microscopically to evaluate nervoustissue, be taken for histopathology if they have not already bone and attached soft tissues. The parathyroid case, hydropericardium was associated glands are present at the caudal pole of the with avian viral serositis in a Blue and Gold thyroid gland but are normally minuscule. The parasites were identified as a vessels were partially calcified and the his- new species of filariid worms,Chandlerella tologic diagnosis was atherosclerosis. The bird the left and right hepatic peritoneal mem- was provided cuttlebone that was seldom branes (open arrows). The bird flew into a wall and caudal thoracic air sac is also clearly visible sustained multiple fractures. Radiographs through the transparent, contiguous wall of the indicated metabolic bone disease and egg- cranial thoracic and caudal thoracic air sacs. A mature Moluccan Cockatoo was pre- The normal syringeal muscles (s), trachea sented for an acute onset of lethargy, dysp- (t), thyroid (th) and thoracic esophagus (e) nea and weakness. Note how the thoracic large quantity of blood was noted in the esophagus passes dorsally to the syrinx at right axillary and neck region. The Pericarditis can be caused by many bacte- pale heart is shown resting in an increased rial, fungal or viral pathogens. The hemorrhage can be an indication of septice- bird died shortly after presentation. His- Note the syringeal bulla (arrows) that is an topathologic changes included extension of the trachea found in some male atherosclerosis and myocardial fibrosis. Auditory evoke poten- Lobules of normal thymic tissue (arrows) tials indicated a centralized inflammatory within fascial planes adjacent to the cervi- disease. Necropsy indicated an internal cal musculature in a young cockatoo (cour- and external bacterial ear infection with tesy of Ken Latimer). In any system for the practice of telemedicine cheap telmisartan 20 mg mastercard, the value of the information transmitted depends on its quality cheap telmisartan 40 mg free shipping, representa- tion and reliability. In these critical systems, all data with questionable quality, representa- tion or reliability are worse than worthless because they could lead to medical errors and consequent risks. Communications among different systems can be ensured through standards for data storage and communication. Not only will this change the way medical knowledge is applied, it will also change the way that knowledge itself is pro- duced. Applying data-mining techniques to large databases of medical signals can generate huge amounts of information and lead to a new strategy for formulating hypotheses to be tested with the scienti¿c method. It is even reasonable to expect that these analyses might reveal systematic alterations in one or more signals before the onset of an event [15]. Kaiser Family Foundation (2004) The Uninsured: A primer, key facts about Americans without health insurance. Health Care Financ Rev 5:81–86 29 Telemedicine to Improve Care in the Critically Ill 347 12. Murias G, Sales B, García-Esquirol O, Blanch L (2010) Telemedicine: Improving the quality of care for critical patients from the pre-hospital phase to the intensive care unit. Murias G, Sales B, Garcia-Esquirol O, Blanch L (2009) Telemedicine in critical care. Open Respir Med J 3:10–16 Professionalism, Quality of Care 30 and Pay-for-Performance Services A. Our society requires changes – radical changes – that place the organisational apparatus of the health care system in a critical position. Public opinion, as well as the opinion of medical professionals, reÀects doubts concerning the ability of physicians to preserve their current role in serving patients. The term profes- sionalism is frequently found in the medical literature and in debates about how to obtain the best organisation of health care systems. Although there is no consensus regarding the de¿nition of professionalism, the term is closely related to the moral principles and stan- dards of care, handed down from generation to generation, that make up the foundations of the medical profession [1, 2]. Renewal of the medical profession entails improvements in the quality of professional attributes related to ethics and morality, to clinical practice based on evidence and to stan- dards for medical care and the use of new technologies. It also involves improvements in monitoring the quality of outcome, acquisition of knowledge and use of such knowledge through the observance of the Hippocratic Oath. Along the same line, it involves improve- ments in monitoring clinical research conducted for the sole purpose of helping patients. The correct application of all these elements and the presence of a solid and dynamic pro- cess of continuing medical education and specialisation represent the one way of renewing the medical profession. Lubahan de¿ned it, the term professionalism is “the image of the ethical and moral conduct of those who practice the medical profession” [3]. In medicine, the term professionalism implies “good medical practice”, which derives from the long and demanding training process that the profession requires. The demand for a better de¿nition of professionalism in medicine is a result of signi¿cant changes within our society and a growing need to guarantee improved quality in community-based health care services. Thus, the term professionalism is being identi¿ed as the essence of humani- sation, competence and specialisation [3]. Modi¿ed from [5] De¿nition That part of the system represented by healthcare professionals Role To pause; to allow for critical-thinking skills Goal To do the best for patients; patient safety; professional performance Bion and co-workers recently focused on the importance of human factors in managing critically ill patients [4]. The analysis of human factors provides a useful framework in which to understand and rectify unreliability and causes of errors, in particular, in complex systems such as the critical care setting. Human factors inÀuence performance as concerns the task, the individual and the organisation or system. By de¿nition, professionalism indicates a crucial concept concern- ing the contract between medicine and society (Table 30. In this scenario we express our personal point of view on medical professionalism according to physicians’ specialty, practice set- ting and pay-for-performance trials [5]. Professionalism, which is fundamental to medical practice, must be thought of explic- itly. It is the basis of the relationship between medicine and society, which most observers call a social contract. The social contract serves as the basis for society’s expectations of medicine and medicine’s expectations of society. It therefore directly inÀuences pro- fessionalism, considering that we live in the era of commercialism, consumerism, bu- reaucratisation and industrialisation [6]. When we think of profes- sionalism, it should be related to different cultures and their social contracts, respecting local customs and values [7]. All subjects were provided a 2 20 mg telmisartan otc,000-calorie-per-day diet and participated in a supervised walking program for 30 minutes a day cheap telmisartan 40mg otc, five days a week. Group B demonstrated similar beneficial changes, but generally to a greater extent. The researchers concluded that the excess energy provided by fats in the form of medium-chain triglycerides would not be efficiently stored as fat, but rather would be wasted as heat. Acne vulgaris is characterized as a superficial disease that affects the hair follicles and oil- secreting glands of the skin; it is manifested as blackheads, whiteheads, and inflammation (redness). On the other hand, acne conglobata is a more severe form, with cyst formation and subsequent scarring. Rosacea is a chronic acne-like eruption on the face of middle-aged and older adults, associated with facial flushing (see the chapter “Rosacea”). In both superficial (acne vulgaris) and cystic (acne conglobata) acne, the lesions occur predominantly on the face and, to a lesser extent, on the back, chest, and shoulders. Causes Acne has its origin in the skin pore or, to use a more accurate term, the pilosebaceous unit. Such units usually consist of a hair follicle and the associated sebaceous glands, which are connected to the skin by the follicular canal through which the hair shaft passes. The sebaceous glands produce sebum, a mixture of oils and waxes that lubricates the skin and prevents the loss of water. Sebaceous glands are concentrated most highly on the face and to a lesser extent on the back, chest, and shoulders. Acne is more common among males, and onset is typically at puberty (somewhat later for the cystic form). This occurs because male sex hormones, such as testosterone, stimulate the cells that line the follicular canal to produce keratin, a fibrous protein that is the main component of the outermost layer of skin as well as of hair and nails. In addition, testosterone causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge and produce more sebum. So higher testosterone levels increase the likelihood that pores will become blocked by either excessive keratin or too much sebum. While boys are at greater risk, there is an increase in testosterone level in girls during puberty, making them susceptible as well. While the onset of acne usually reflects an increase in testosterone level, the severity and progression of acne are determined by a complex interaction among hormonal factors, keratin- producing cells, sebum, and bacteria. Here is the basic scenario: Pimples begin forming near the surface of the skin pore when the cells that line the canal start producing an excess of keratin; this eventually leads to blockage of the canal, resulting in ballooning and thinning. A blackhead will form if the blockage is incomplete, allowing the sebum to make its way to the surface, thereby avoiding the inflammation of a white-head (discussed below), and a whitehead will form if the blockage is complete. With the blockage of the canal, a bacterium known as Propionibacterium acnes (Corynebacterium acnes) can overgrow and release enzymes that break down sebum and promote inflammation. If the bacterium grows out of control or if the inflammation is severe, the condition can result in the rupture of the wall of the hair canal and damage to surrounding tissue. If this happens at the skin surface, it simply causes superficial redness and pustules. However, if it occurs deeper within the skin, a nodule or cyst can form, leading to more significant damage and possibly scar formation. As noted above, male hormones control sebaceous gland secretion and exacerbate the development of abnormal growth of the hair-follicle cells. But excessive secretion of male hormones is not necessarily the cause, since there is only a poor correlation between blood levels of these hormones and the severity of the disease. What this means is that if both parents had acne, three of four children will have acne. One study showed that 50% of patients with severe acne had increased blood levels of toxins absorbed from the intestines. Sulzberger stated, “There is no single disease which causes more psychic trauma and more maladjustment between parents and children, more general insecurity and feelings of inferiority and greater sums of psychic assessment than does acne vulgaris. Pillsbury first proposed a gastrointestinal mechanism for the overlap between depression, anxiety, and skin conditions such as acne. These doctors hypothesized that emotional states might alter the normal intestinal microflora, increase intestinal permeability, and contribute to systemic inflammation and increased sebum production. They also noted that as many as 40% of those with acne have hypochlorhydria, and they hypothesized that inadequate stomach acid would set the stage for migration of bacteria from the colon toward the distal portions of the small intestine, as well as an alteration of normal intestinal micro-flora. The remedies these authors discussed as a means to cut off the stress-induced cycle included administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures (long before they were known as probiotics) and also cod liver oil. Many aspects of this gut-brain-skin unifying theory proposed by Stokes and Pillsbury have recently been validated. Telmisartan
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