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2018, Wagner College, Lares's review: "Cyclophosphamide 50 mg. Buy Cyclophosphamide online.". Safety and effectiveness in patients who were converted to monotherapy from a previous regimen of other anticonvulsant drugs have not been established in controlled trials order cyclophosphamide 50mg on line. TOPAMAX^ (topiramate) Tablets and TOPAMAX^ (topiramate capsules) Sprinkle Capsules are indicated as adjunctive therapy for adults and pediatric patients ages 2 - 16 years with partial onset seizures order cyclophosphamide 50 mg with mastercard, or primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and in patients 2 years of age and older with seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. TOPAMAX^ (topiramate) Tablets and TOPAMAX^ (topiramate capsules) Sprinkle Capsules are indicated for adults for the prophylaxis of migraine headache. The usefulness of TOPAMAX^ in the acute treatment of migraine headache has not been studied. TOPAMAX^ is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any component of this product. Hyperchloremic, non-anion gap, metabolic acidosis (i. This metabolic acidosis is caused by renal bicarbonate loss due to the inhibitory effect of topiramate on carbonic anhydrase. Such electrolyte imbalance has been observed with the use of topiramate in placebo-controlled clinical trials and in the post-marketing period. Generally, topiramate-induced metabolic acidosis occurs early in treatment although cases can occur at any time during treatment. Bicarbonate decrements are usually mild-moderate (average decrease of 4 mEq/L at daily doses of 400 mg in adults and at approximately 6 mg/kg/day in pediatric patients); rarely, patients can experience severe decrements to values below 10 mEq/L. Conditions or therapies that predispose to acidosis (such as renal disease, severe respiratory disorders, status epilepticus, diarrhea, surgery, ketogenic diet, or drugs) may be additive to the bicarbonate lowering effects of topiramate. In adults, the incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate (levels of <20 mEq/L at two consecutive visits or at the final visit) in controlled clinical trials for adjunctive treatment of epilepsy was 32% for 400 mg/day, and 1% for placebo. Metabolic acidosis has been observed at doses as low as 50 mg/day. The incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in adults in the epilepsy controlled clinical trial for monotherapy was 15% for 50 mg/day and 25% for 400 mg/day. The incidence of a markedly abnormally low serum bicarbonate (i. Serum bicarbonate levels have not been systematically evaluated at daily doses greater than 400 mg/day. In pediatric patients (<16 years of age), the incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in placebo-controlled trials for adjunctive treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or refractory partial onset seizures was 67% for TOPAMAX (at approximately 6 mg/kg/day), and 10% for placebo. The incidence of a markedly abnormally low serum bicarbonate (i. Cases of moderately severe metabolic acidosis have been reported in patients as young as 5 months old, especially at daily doses above 5 mg/kg/day. In pediatric patients (10 years up to 16 years of age), the incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in the epilepsy controlled clinical trial for monotherapy was 7% for 50 mg/day and 20% for 400 mg/day. The incidence of a markedly abnormally low serum bicarbonate (i. The incidence of persistent treatment-emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate in placebo-controlled trials for adults for prophylaxis of migraine was 44% for 200 mg/day, 39% for 100 mg/day, 23% for 50 mg/day, and 7% for placebo. The incidence of a markedly abnormally low serum bicarbonate (i. Some manifestations of acute or chronic metabolic acidosis may include hyperventilation, nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue and anorexia, or more severe sequelae including cardiac arrhythmias or stupor. Chronic, untreated metabolic acidosis may increase the risk for nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis, and may also result in osteomalacia (referred to as rickets in pediatric patients) and/or osteoporosis with an increased risk for fractures. Chronic metabolic acidosis in pediatric patients may also reduce growth rates. A reduction in growth rate may eventually decrease the maximal height achieved. The effect of topiramate on growth and bone-related sequelae has not been systematically investigated. Measurement of baseline and periodic serum bicarbonate during topiramate treatment is recommended. If metabolic acidosis develops and persists, consideration should be given to reducing the dose or discontinuing topiramate (using dose tapering). If the decision is made to continue patients on topiramate in the face of persistent acidosis, alkali treatment should be considered. Acute Myopia and Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma A syndrome consisting of acute myopia associated with secondary angle closure glaucoma has been reported in patients receiving TOPAMAX^. Symptoms include acute onset of decreased visual acuity and/or ocular pain. Ophthalmologic findings can include myopia, anterior chamber shallowing, ocular hyperemia (redness) and increased intraocular pressure. This syndrome may be associated with supraciliary effusion resulting in anterior displacement of the lens and iris, with secondary angle closure glaucoma. Symptoms typically occur within 1 month of initiating TOPAMAX^ therapy. In contrast to primary narrow angle glaucoma, which is rare under 40 years of age, secondary angle closure glaucoma associated with topiramate has been reported in pediatric patients as well as adults. Examples of incest include: Uncles and nieces or nephewsAunts and nieces or nephewsLaws vary by state as to specifically what constitutes incest purchase 50mg cyclophosphamide amex. There are three types of partner rape:Battering rape ??? involving both physical and sexual violenceForce-only rape ??? involving the imposition of power and control over anotherObsessive/Sadistic rape ??? involving torture and perverse sexual actsThis type of rape happens between two people that know each other cyclophosphamide 50mg otc. Often acquaintance rape is known as " date rape " as the two people involved may be in a social relationship at the time. Two-out-of-three sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knowsAggravated rape is a type of rape defined in the law. Aggravated rape involves:Forced sex acts by threat of death or serious bodily injuryForced sex acts involving an unconscious or drugged victimSex acts with children under the age of 12Rape can occur in many other ways as well, including by strangers or in conjunction to a hate crime. The effects of rape can include both the initial physical trauma as well as deep psychological trauma. The most common and lasting effects of rape involve mental health concerns and diminished social confidence. Physical effects of rape can arise from both forced sexual assault and those not involving forcible submission, such as drug assisted date rape. Forced sexual assault frequently causes visible bruising or bleeding in and around the vaginal or anal area and bruises on other parts of the body from coercive violence. But both forced and other types of rape can have many other physical consequences:Painful intercourse (with significant other)Uterine fibroids ??? non-cancerous tumors in muscle wallSexually transmitted diseases (STDs) ??? HIV, genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and othersVictims experience both short and long-term psychological effects of rape. One of the most common psychological consequences of rape is self-blame. Victims use self-blame as an avoidance-based coping tool. Self-blame slows or, in many cases, stops the healing process. Other common emotional and psychological effects of rape include:Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ??? feelings of severe anxiety and stressFlashbacks ??? memories of rape as if it is taking place againBorderline personality disorderDissociative identity disorderDistrust of others ??? uneasy in everyday social situationsFeelings of personal powerlessness ??? victims feel the rapist robbed them of control over their bodiesThe aftermath of rape involves a cluster of acute and chronic physical and psychological effects. This only adds to the psychological impact of the rape on the victim. Victims of extremely violent rape, or those who were assaulted repeatedly or at a very young age, may need treatment for the rest of their lives. In fact, many therapies have been studied in rape treatment for decades. Therapy for rape victims can include one-on-one therapy, group therapy and even, in some cases, pharmacotherapy (medication) used alongside other therapies. The type of rape therapy used depends a lot on the individual and their circumstance but common rape therapies include: Stress inoculation therapyProlonged exposure therapyCognitive processing therapyEye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR)Stress inoculation therapy, prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy are all considered cognitive behavioral therapies. Many treatments for rape victims focus on treating the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as that is what women typically suffer from if trauma from the sexual assault is experienced long-term. Stress inoculation rape therapy was developed to treat those with elevated fear and anxiety as well as specific avoidance behaviors (such as avoiding walking in the dark). Stress inoculation rape therapy includes three phases: Education ??? explains that fear is a normal response to trauma. Also teaches about cues that may trigger fear (such as places that remind the victim of the rape). Skill building ??? rape victims are taught to control their fear reactions physically and psychologically. This includes cognitive behavioral techniques like thought stopping, mental rehearsal and guided self-talk. Application ??? victims now use their new skills to engage in fearful behavior. They are also taught to avoid self-criticism and manage avoidance behavior as well as reward themselves for their progress. Stress inoculation therapy has been shown to be successful in treating the symptoms of PTSD in rape victims. Prolonged exposure rape therapy is also known as flooding and is a way of desensitizing a person to the trauma of rape through repeated exposures to memories of the traumatic event. In prolonged exposure therapy, victims are asked to repeatedly recount their rape as well as confront situations in real life that remind them of the rape. Victims also listen to tape-recorded sessions telling of the rape to increase exposure. Prolonged exposure rape therapy has been found to treat PTSD as well as feelings of depression and guilt associated with the trauma. Cognitive processing rape therapy is designed to help people suffering from PTSD and depression. In this rape treatment, education, exposure and cognitive techniques are used. Victims are encouraged to identify parts of the trauma with "inadequately processed emotions" associated with them, known as "stuck points. Three of these trials also evaluated a saxagliptin dose of 10 mg daily cyclophosphamide 50 mg mastercard. The 10 mg daily dose of saxagliptin did not provide greater efficacy than the 5 mg daily dose buy cyclophosphamide 50mg free shipping. Treatment with Onglyza at all doses produced clinically relevant and statistically significant improvements in hemoglobin A1c (A1C), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and 2-hour postprandial glucose (PPG) following a standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), compared to control. Reductions in A1C were seen across subgroups including gender, age, race, and baseline BMI. Onglyza was not associated with significant changes from baseline in body weight or fasting serum lipids compared to placebo. A total of 766 patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on diet and exercise (A1C ?-U7% to ?-T10%) participated in two 24-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials evaluating the efficacy and safety of Onglyza monotherapy. In the first trial, following a 2-week single-blind diet, exercise, and placebo lead-in period, 401 patients were randomized to 2. Patients who failed to meet specific glycemic goals during the study were treated with metformin rescue therapy, added on to placebo or Onglyza. Efficacy was evaluated at the last measurement prior to rescue therapy for patients needing rescue. The percentage of patients who discontinued for lack of glycemic control or who were rescued for meeting prespecified glycemic criteria was 16% in the Onglyza 2. Table 3: Glycemic Parameters at Week 24 in a Placebo-Controlled Study of Onglyza Monotherapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes*?-P Least squares mean adjusted for baseline value. Difference from placebo (adjusted mean ?-P )Percent of patients achieving A1C <7%2-hour Postprandial Glucose (mg/dL)A second 24-week monotherapy trial was conducted to assess a range of dosing regimens for Onglyza. Treatment-naive patients with inadequately controlled diabetes (A1C ?-U7% to ?-T10%) underwent a 2-week, single-blind diet, exercise, and placebo lead-in period. Patients who failed to meet specific glycemic goals during the study were treated with metformin rescue therapy added on to placebo or Onglyza; the number of patients randomized per treatment group ranged from 71 to 74. Treatment with either Onglyza 5 mg every morning or 5 mg every evening provided significant improvements in A1C versus placebo (mean placebo-corrected reductions of ?v-0. Add-On Combination Therapy with MetforminA total of 743 patients with type 2 diabetes participated in this 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Onglyza in combination with metformin in patients with inadequate glycemic control (A1C ?-U7% and ?-T10%) on metformin alone. To qualify for enrollment, patients were required to be on a stable dose of metformin (1500-2550 mg daily) for at least 8 weeks. Patients who met eligibility criteria were enrolled in a single-blind, 2-week, dietary and exercise placebo lead-in period during which patients received metformin at their pre-study dose, up to 2500 mg daily, for the duration of the study. Following the lead-in period, eligible patients were randomized to 2. Patients who failed to meet specific glycemic goals during the study were treated with pioglitazone rescue therapy, added on to existing study medications. Dose titrations of Onglyza and metformin were not permitted. Mean changes from baseline for A1C over time and at endpoint are shown in Figure 1. The proportion of patients who discontinued for lack of glycemic control or who were rescued for meeting prespecified glycemic criteria was 15% in the Onglyza 2. Table 4: Glycemic Parameters at Week 24 in a Placebo-Controlled Study of Onglyza as Add-On Combination Therapy with Metformin*c p-value <0. Mean change from baseline is adjusted for baseline value. Add-On Combination Therapy with a ThiazolidinedioneA total of 565 patients with type 2 diabetes participated in this 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Onglyza in combination with a thiazolidinedione (TZD) in patients with inadequate glycemic control (A1C ?-U7% to ?-T10. To qualify for enrollment, patients were required to be on a stable dose of pioglitazone (30-45 mg once daily) or rosiglitazone (4 mg once daily or 8 mg either once daily or in two divided doses of 4 mg) for at least 12 weeks. Patients who met eligibility criteria were enrolled in a single-blind, 2-week, dietary and exercise placebo lead-in period during which patients received TZD at their pre-study dose for the duration of the study. Following the lead-in period, eligible patients were randomized to 2. Patients who failed to meet specific glycemic goals during the study were treated with metformin rescue, added on to existing study medications. Dose titration of Onglyza or TZD was not permitted during the study. The proportion of patients who discontinued for lack of glycemic control or who were rescued for meeting prespecified glycemic criteria was 10% in the Onglyza 2. Table 5: Glycemic Parameters at Week 24 in a Placebo-Controlled Study of Onglyza as Add-On Combination Therapy with a Thiazolidinedione*c p-value <0. To qualify for enrollment, patients were required to be on a submaximal dose of SU for 2 months or greater. In this study, Onglyza in combination with a fixed, intermediate dose of SU was compared to titration to a higher dose of SU. In order to survive purchase 50mg cyclophosphamide fast delivery, children adapt whatever behavior will work best in helping them get their survival needs met buy cyclophosphamide 50 mg on line. A dysfunctional relationship is one that does not work to make us happy. Codependency is about having a dysfunctional relationship with self. Because we have dysfunctional relationships internally we have dysfunctional relationships externally. We try to fill the hole we feel inside of our self with something or someone outside of us - it does not work. I am a "Counselor for Wounded Souls," a non-clinical, non-traditional therapist - a healer, teacher, and spiritual guide whose work is based upon Twelve Step Recovery Principles and emotional energy release/grief process therapy. My expertise is in codependency recovery, emotional healing, inner child work, Spiritual awakening and integration, personal empowerment and self-esteem, relationship dynamics, alcoholism/addiction recovery, and teaching people how to Love themselves. I have pioneered innovative, powerful techniques for emotional/inner child healing that allows individuals to learn how to relax and enjoy life while they are healing. I am also the author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls - a Joyously inspirational book of Mystical Spirituality that combines Twelve Step Recovery, Metaphysical Truth, Quantum Physics, and inner child healing. The healing paradigm that I share in my book and on my web site is one which has evolved in my personal recovery over the past 16 years and in my therapy practice over the past 10 years. I specialize in teaching individuals how to become empowered by having internal boundaries. My work is based on the belief that we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience and that the key to healing (and integrating Spiritual Truth into our emotional experience of life) is fully awakening to our Spiritual connection through emotional honesty, grief processing, and inner child work. The goal of the work is to be able to relax and enjoy life in the moment - while healing and learning how to have healthy, loving relationships with self and other humans. It is the unique approach and application of the concept of internal boundaries, coupled with the Spiritual belief system I teach, that make the work so innovative and effective. The wounding that needs to be healed is the result of being raised in a shame-based, emotionally dishonest, Spiritually hostile environment by parents who were raised in a shame-based, emotionally dishonest, Spiritually hostile environment. The disease which afflicts us is a generational disease that is the human condition as we have inherited it. Our parents did not know how to be emotionally honest or how to truly Love themselves. So there is no way that we could have learned those things from them. We formed our core relationship with ourselves in early childhood and then built our relationship with ourselves on that foundation. We have lived life reacting to the wounds that we suffered in early childhood. Living life in reaction to old wounds is dysfunctional - it does not work to help us find some happiness and fulfillment in life. It is a belief system that allows for the possibility that maybe there is an Unconditionally Loving Higher Power - a God-Force, Goddess Energy, Great Spirit, whatever it is called - which is powerful enough to insure that everything is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic Perspective. That everything happens for a reason - there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mistakes. It would be possible for someone to use the tools and techniques that I teach - for inner child healing and setting internal boundaries - to change some of their codependent/reactive behavior patterns and work on healing their childhood emotional wounds without a Spiritual belief system underlying the work. It would be possible but in my view would be kind of silly. A Spiritual belief system is simply a container for holding all our other relationships. Why not have one that is large enough to hold it all? In my personal recovery, I found that I needed a Spiritual container large enough to allow for the possibility that I was not a flawed, shameful being. I searched until I found some logical, rational means to explain life in a way that would allow me to start letting go of the shame I was carrying and start learning how to be Loving to myself. For me it became a simple choice: either there is a higher purpose to this life experience or there is not. So, I chose to believe that there is a Spiritual purpose and meaning to life. And choosing to believe in a Loving Higher Power has transformed my life from an ordeal to be endured to an adventure that is exciting and Joyous much of the time. The bottom line for me is that it works for me, it is functional, for me to believe that there is Spiritual purpose and meaning to life. Cyclophosphamide
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