National Research Program information session for researchers

We are committed to improving the lives of Australians living with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions through impactful, relevant research. We’re excited to announce our new activities aimed at embedding and supporting consumer engagement in research in our research activities and partnerships.  

In 2024, we partnered with Research Australia to conduct a review of best practice in consumer research engagement, and utilise insights from researchers and consumers into how Arthritis Australia can support and foster increased consumer involvement at all stages of research. We are committed to investing additional resources into our Arthritis and MSK Research Champions program matching consumers with research projects, and providing funding to support researchers to involve consumers in their projects. 

In the lead up to the National Research Program grant rounds, we will be hosting a webinar with the Australian Rheumatology Association to help prepare applicants, with information on: 

  • A new Expression of Interest process to streamline grant applications,  
  • How you can apply for funding for consumer involvement in your project, and how we can help you find consumers 
  • Our new resource on best practice consumer research engagement 
  • A Q&A session on this year’s grant rounds, scholarships and fellowships 

Join us for an online information session to discuss the 2026 grant rounds and how these changes may impact researchers on:

Thursday, 10 April 2pm AEST.  


Dr. David Liew,  Medical Director, Arthritis Australia
Dr. Mihir Wechalekar, Chair – Grants Assessment Committee, Arthritis Australia
Professor Catherine Hill, Chair, ARA Research Committee
Nadia Levin, CEO and Managing Director, Research Australia 

The session will be recorded so it can be viewed on demand on our website. 

Applications for the 2026 national research program (including the Expression of Interest process) will open on Friday 11 April, when application guidelines and information will be published on the Arthritis Australia website.