Our first interactive Parliamentary Summit on Better Care for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions

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Abatacept (Orencia®) Shortage Resolved

Shortage of Abatacept (Orencia®) – update

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The Future Burden of Arthritis in Australia: Projections to the year 2040

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Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Consumer Care Guide

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Moving with Arthritis

Arthritis Australia has launched Moving with Arthritis, a new website to support people living with arthritis move more and live better with arthritis.

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Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Consumer Care Guide

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Join a Clinical Trial or a Research Study!

Help to develop new interventions and tests that may improve your health care, alleviate  symptoms of your  condition, or even  improve the health care of others.

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Do you have a question about arthritis?

Our Arthritis Infoline 1800 011 041 is staffed by health professionals and specially trained volunteers who can help!

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1 in 7 Australians has arthritis. That's 3.6 million people.

Arthritis Australia is dedicated to improving quality-of-life for the millions of Australians living with arthritis through education, programs and advocacy. We also fund world-class research to increase our knowledge of arthritis and find better ways to prevent, treat and hopefully cure the condition in its many forms.

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