Workplace giving
Workplace giving is a great way to make regular donations to Arthritis Australia directly from your pay and get an immediate tax deduction. Employers can also match your contribution, effectively doubling your donation for an even greater impact.
By signing up to support Arthritis Australia via your workplace giving program, you’ll be helping to improve the lives of millions of Australians of all ages affected by arthritis. You will also support world-class research into better ways to prevent, treat and hopefully cure the condition.
Getting started is free and easy. Visit our Workplace Giving partner Corporate Citizen to register your business for workplace giving.
Alternatively, we also have a portal through Good2Give.
Discover more...
Children and arthritis
Arthritis can happen at any age. Here, you can find management and treatment information specifically created for the more than 6,000 Australian children living with...
10 steps for living well with arthritis
Here is our 10 steps checklist to help you live with arthritis.
What is accessible design?
Find out about what accessible design is and about the Accessible Design Division.
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