Partner with us
Corporate Partnerships
A partnership between your company and Arthritis Australia will allow us to jointly design solutions to make life easier for the nearly four million people living with arthritis.
Living with arthritis is full of challenges. Pain points include daily tasks, such as getting dressed, preparing food, shopping, using technology, driving or catching public transport. With one in six people affected, this means that as you look around your workplace, many of your colleagues will be silently living with the pain of arthritis.
To find out more about a corporate partnership with Arthritis Australia, please contact us on T: 02 9518 4441 E: [email protected]
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Advocacy & policy
Arthritis Australia advocates to government, business, industry and community leaders to improve care, management, support and quality of life for people with arthritis..
What is accessible design?
Find out about what accessible design is and about the Accessible Design Division.
Programs & Research
Arthritis Australia funds research and advocates to improve care, management, support and quality-of-life for people with arthritis.
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