Resources for industry
The Division can assist you with understanding how hard-to-open packaging impacts your consumers, as well as provide research and testing services that can support you in developing products that meet the accessibility needs of consumers, in particular those with arthritis and the growing ageing population.
Investing in accessible design
Understand how accessible design impacts your consumers and the benefits of accessible design from a business perspective.
Guidelines & research
Access research on accessible design, consumer abilities and design guidelines to help improve your packaging.
Testing and consultation services
Discover how to test your product’s accessibility, find out about Easy To Open certification and how to receive an Accessibility Rating, as well as our many other services.
Case Studies – Making packaging easy to open
Read about how the Division has assisted industry to develop products and packaging to be easy to use.
Receiving a Packaging Accessibility Rating for the health system
Find out how to be listed on our Packaging Accessibility Rating Database, used by organisations including HealthShare NSW and Health Purchasing Victoria (HPV).
In the media
Read about how the Accessible Design Division is improving accessibility, as well as other interesting media coverage on the topic of consumers and hard-to-open packaging.
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