1. Supply 15 samples of each product that you would like tested (including any packaging with different labelling) to our office by courier or personal delivery:
Level 2, 255 Broadway, Glebe NSW 2037
Please also provide a product spec sheet, which contains:
- Manufacturer’s name and manufacturer’s address
- Country of origin/production
- Unit value and unit weight
- Ingredients and nutritional information
2. Preliminary testing will be conducted on any potential Sufficiently Similar products. A quote will be provided based on what products will require different ISR reports and which products will fall under Sufficiently Similar testing (Note: the Sufficiently Similar testing is used when companies need to add multiple products in a range to the Packaging Accessibility Rating Database).
3. Once a quote is approved, a contract preparation form will need to be filled out and returned to Arthritis Australia. Please identify at this time if you would also like an ISR-Excerpt Rating provided on the product/s being tested.
4. A contract will then be issued to you (contact the Accessible Design Division to see a draft contract). Two original signed contracts will then need to be sent to Arthritis Australia before results can be released. One original copy of the agreement will be returned for your records.
5. Testing will begin once the contracts have been signed and will take between 3-6 weeks.
7. An invoice will then be issued as quoted.
6. Once testing is completed and the invoice has been paid, your ISR results will be released to you.
Packaging Accessibility Rating Database: Please identify if you wish to add your ISR results to the Packaging Accessibility Rating Database. If you wish to add this information to the database you will also need to supply the relevant ordering codes. This information will then be shared with foodservice purchasing organisations such as HealthShare NSW and Healthshare Victoria.