Advocacy & policy
Arthritis Australia advocates to government, business, industry and community leaders to improve care, management, support and quality of life for people with arthritis. In addition to developing a consumer led, proactive policy and advocacy agenda, we participate in government consultations and prepare submissions to government agencies on a range of issues affecting people with arthritis.
Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions affect 7 million Australians
Click here to email your MP today 7 million voices | 7 million stories Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions affect almost 1 in 3 Australians One in three, which is more than 7 million Australians of all ages, are living with arthritis and musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. The next federal election could be called at any time,…
Read Arthritis Australia’s submissions to government.
Position statements
Find Arthritis Australia’s position statements for current topics.
View Arthritis Australia’s various reports, summaries and key findings.
Arthritis Australia launches National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis
The National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis provides an evidence-informed blueprint to guide national efforts to improve health-related quality of life for people living with arthritis.
Joint Injections: An injection of Sense Needed – updated
People with severe arthritis are outraged by the government’s continuing refusal to fund procedures that provide them with essential pain relief and mobility. Medicare rebates for joint injections and aspirations were cut by the government in November 2009. Many people have told us that since the rebates were removed, they have difficulty paying for joint injections…
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