Arthritis Australia launches National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis
- The Action Plan outlines key priorities for preventing arthritis, investing in research and improving treatment and support for people living with the condition.
- Arthritis Australia is calling on government at all levels to invest in implementing the Action Plan. Doing so will transform future outcomes and quality of life for people living with the pain of arthritis.
The National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis provides an evidence-informed blueprint to guide national efforts to improve health-related quality of life for people living with arthritis. Implementing the Plan will help to reduce the cost and prevalence of arthritis and reduce its impact on individuals, their carers and the community.
Arthritis is one of the most common, costly and disabling of all chronic conditions. Nearly four million Australians of all ages, including children and young people, live with arthritis. Yet the personal, social and economic impact of arthritis is poorly recognised and often wrongly trivialised.
We can do much to prevent and better manage arthritis to reduce the severity of the condition and its impact on individuals, carers and families, health and welfare systems, and the economy.
The Action Plan identifies three key priority areas and a range of actions to achieve the overall vision of freedom from the burden of arthritis.
Stakeholders across all sectors of the health system will need to work together to implement the Action Plan.
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