National Research Program

Along with education and assistance, Arthritis Australia spearheads the effort to further our knowledge of arthritis and to search for cures. Much of our work is directed toward raising funds to provide grants, fellowships and scholarships for research into arthritis and related conditions.

Arthritis Australia conducts an annual research grants program open to Australian researchers. Dr David Liew is the Medical Director of Arthritis Australia and Associate Professor Mihir Wechalekar is the Chair of the Arthritis Australia Research Grants Assessment Committee.

Arthritis Australia also funds the chair of rheumatology at the University of Sydney, currently held by Professor David Hunter.

As well as our national research program, some of our State Affiliate offices provide financial support for local research projects and academic rheumatology initiatives. These include the Chair of Rheumatology at Queensland University and the University of Western Australia and the senior lecturer position at Sydney’s Westmead Hospital.