Arthritis Australia’s first interactive Parliamentary Summit on Better Care for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions

Arthritis Australia’s first interactive Parliamentary Summit on Better Care for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions on 22 August was attended by over 90 consumers, clinicians, researchers, industry, peak groups, parliamentarians and policymakers who gathered to address the pressing challenge of arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions.

With escalating health system and out of pocket costs, it’s crucial that we fund and incentivise the cost-effective care that we know works.

The summit highlighted the urgent need for action to transform healthcare for the 7+ million Australians living with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. Expert and lived experience presentations provided in-depth insights into the importance of investing in these conditions to help individuals live healthier lives while also producing significant savings for the health system.

We were honoured to have the Hon Assistant Minister Ged Kearney, the Hon Senator Anne Ruston, and Senator Louise Pratt speak to the key issues affecting the 7+ million Australians living with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. Facilitated by Karen Middleton, our panel of experts and lived experience speakers, including Prof David Hunter, Prof Rachelle Buchbinder, Ms Jo Root, and Associate Professor Jane Desborough, provided key insights into what can be done to help people live healthier, more fulfilling lives while also producing significant savings for the health system.

We also received significant radio media coverage including from ABC and 2GB.
Click here to read our media release.

The summit focused on four key areas of consideration:

Workforce: Effectively utilising, supporting and enabling health professionals in both public and private sectors, including addressing shortages, new funding models and upskilling.

Innovative Models of Care: funding cost effective models of care that improve patient quality of life, reduce surgical waiting lists, and save the health system money.

Addressing Out-of-Pocket Costs: Developing strategies to alleviate the substantial financial burden on patients, including affordable access to allied health care.

Research Investment: Advocating for a Medical Research Future Fund Mission to accelerate arthritis and musculoskeletal research, aiming to reduce use of ineffective treatments and replace them with better care options.

With arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions affecting one in three Australians and costing the health system nearly $15 billion annually, it’s time to prioritise evidence-based care and research. 

We encourage you to stay engaged and informed as we work towards these critical reforms.