7 million Australians live with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions deserve better care
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‘Spondylo’ means affecting the spine and ‘arthritis’ means joint disease. Spondyloarthritis is a name for types of arthritis that commonly affect the spine.
These types of arthritis all have the following signs in common:
Another name used for this group of conditions is spondylitis, meaning inflammation of the spine. There are several types of arthritis that can be classified as spondyloarthritis.
There is no way of predicting exactly which treatment will work best for you. Your doctor may need to trial several different treatments before finding the one that is right for you.
The word seronegative means ‘absent from the blood’. Types of arthritis that test negative for rheumatoid factor in the blood are called ‘seronegative arthritis’.
Rheumatoid factor is made by the body’s immune system. It is found in people who have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) but is not normally present in healthy people. Only one out of 100 people have rheumatoid factor without having RA. Rheumatoid factor is found by doing a blood test. Cases of arthritis that test negative for rheumatoid factor can be called seronegative arthritis.
These names are often used to describe the same types of arthritis. Your condition may be classified as a spondyloarthritis, even if your spine is not affected.
These types of arthritis all test negative for rheumatoid factor so they can also be described as seronegative arthritis. It can be very confusing having so many names for your arthritis. It doesn’t really matter if you and your doctor call your arthritis seronegative, spondyloarthritis or spondylitis, as long as you understand what it is.
There are several types of arthritis that are grouped together, under the name spondyloarthritis. These include:
Your rheumatologist will tailor your treatment to your symptoms and how severe your condition is. There is no way of predicting exactly which treatment will work best for you. Your doctor may need to trial several different treatments before finding the one that is right for you and may include:
Arthritis Research UK, American College of Rheumatology, Arthritis Foundation (US), Spondylitis Association of America, Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, Crohn’s and Colitis UK , National Psoriasis Foundation (US), Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (UK)
Arthritis Australia advocates to government, business, industry and community leaders to improve care, management, support and quality of life for people with arthritis..
Arthritis can happen at any age. Here, you can find management and treatment information specifically created for the more than 6,000 Australian children living with...
Arthritis Australia funds research and advocates to improve care, management, support and quality-of-life for people with arthritis.
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