Arthritis Australia launches new Multicultural Resources
Non-English-speaking communities will have improved access to information about arthritis and its management with the launch today of a new series of arthritis information sheets in fourteen different languages.
In announcing the launch, Arthritis Australia CEO, Mr. Andrew Mills said “We are really thrilled to be able to expand the information resources available to people living with arthritis for whom English is not their first language”.
“The new resources provide important information that will help people to learn about their arthritis and what they can do to manage it, which can really help them to live well with their condition,” said Mr. Mills.
The new resources include information sheets on the most common forms of arthritis in three new languages – Bahasa Indonesian, Punjabi and Mandarin.’ Mr. Mills said. “In addition, we have also expanded the range of information sheets we have in other languages to cover additional types of arthritis and ways to manage arthritis, including physical activity and healthy eating.”
There are more than 100 types of arthritis affecting four million Australians of all ages. Arthritis is often trivialised and incorrectly thought of as an older person’s disease. Yet, around half of all people with arthritis are under 65 years of age, including 10,000 children living with rheumatic conditions.
The most common form of arthritis is called osteoarthritis (OA) and this affects more than 2 million Australians. Whilst OA has no cure, there are things you can do to alleviate the symptoms. In general terms, treatment usually includes:
- a weight loss program, if you are overweight
- an exercise program tailored to your condition and ability
- pain management, using medicines such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as learning to change the way you think about, and react to, pain
- devices such as braces, walking sticks, and shoe insoles
- joint replacement surgery, if your symptoms are no longer controlled with other therapies.
You CAN live well with arthritis. Understanding the type of arthritis you have, and how it can be treated and managed is the first step. Your local Arthritis Office has information on physical activity, healthy eating, medicines and surgery.
You can contact your local Arthritis Office on T: 1800 011 041
For more information, visit the Arthritis Australia website to view or download the free Info sheets:
The translation of these information sheets was supported by an unconditional educational grant from AbbVie Pty Ltd.
Media Contact:
T: (02) 9518 4441
E: [email protected]
New Arthritis Australia Infosheets translated:
New Community Languages added:
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