Current Research Studies
Clinical trials and research studies help to develop new interventions and tests that may improve your health care, alleviate the symptoms of your disease or condition or improve the health care of others with the same condition.
The following clinical trials and research studies are currently recruiting participants. Contact the researchers directly if you would like to be involved.
Have you heard of MyMedicare?
Macquarie University are interested in understanding whether you have heard about MyMedicare and what it means for you as a patient. Even if you have not heard of MyMedicare, we would still like to hear about what you think of the scheme and how it might work for you.
We invite you to take part in a 30–45-minute interview either online, over the phone or in person based on your preference.
For more information or to register your interest please click on the link below.
MyMedicare Information for Consumers
Examining validating and invalidating adults with chronic pain
The University of Sydney is exploring experiences of invalidating healthcare, that is, where someone’s pain is delegitimised, not taken seriously, or dismissed by a healthcare professional (e.g., “your pain is in your head”) and further understanding in how we can increase validating healthcare for people with chronic pain.
Research has shown that invalidation in healthcare settings is associated with poorer psychosocial outcomes for people with chronic pain symptoms. Subsequently, we are interested in how we can reduce invalidating care and increase validating care for people with chronic pain in Australia.
The study is looking for responses from adults (18+) managing chronic pain who are receiving their healthcare in Australia. The study would involve a 10-15 minute survey and an optional online interview.
For further information or to be involved please click on the link below.
Examining validating and invalidating adults with chronic pain
Do you live with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)?
The University of East Anglia (UK) is interested in exploring your experiences of living with a diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). The purpose of this study is to (a) explore patients ‘lived experience’ of relapse and remission associated with PMR and (b) the clinicians’ perspective about which components are important to define relapse and remission.
You are invited to be involved in this study as your contributions will then inform the development of remission and relapse criteria in PMR that can be used routinely in clinical practice.
This study has important implications for clinical decision-making, treatment management, and evaluation of treatment outcomes which are important and relevant to patients with PMR and the clinicians that treat them.
Information Sheet-People living with PMR.docx
If you would like any further information, please contact Dr Max Yates (Clinical Associate Professor) via email at [email protected]
Have you received DMARD treatment?
The Canberra Clinical Phenomics Service is a newly established research laboratory at the Australian National University dedicated to developing new clinical tests for complex immune and inflammatory diseases.
To ensure that the tests are developed with consumers in mind, we are seeking an individual with lived experience of biological DMARD treatment for a position on our Consumer Advisory Board. Please note that EOI’s for this position have now closed.
Please contact The Canberra Clinical Phenomics Service directly if you would like to know more about the project in general.
Euan McNaughton (Operations Manager)
Help Us Explore the Impact of Social Support on Arthritis Management
The University of Cumbria UK is conducting a research project investigating the impact of social support from friends and family on the exercise management of individuals with arthritis.
The study aims to explore how social support influences adherence to exercise programs and overall arthritis management. By shedding light on this relationship, the findings could contribute to developing more effective, patient-centered strategies to improve arthritis care and outcomes.
For more information click on the link below.
To complete the online survey click on the below.
Examining the Impact of Social Support and Exercise on Arthritis Management: A Quantitative Study
Shoulder Pain Survey for Consumers
Have you ever had shoulder pain that has impacted your activities of daily living?
Monash University is seeking people with lived experience of shoulder pain to help prioritise questions that are most important to address in the development of a ‘living’ clinical practice guideline.
This means the guideline will be continually updated as new information emerges.
Taking part involves completing two short online surveys.
For more information, please see click here or contact Dr Romi Haas- [email protected]
Juvenile Dermatomyositis lived experiences
Massey University seeks parents of children aged 5-12 with Juvenile Dermatomyositis in New Zealand, Australia, and the UK for a study on treatment experiences. The research aims to identify areas needing additional support.
– Parent of a child 5-12 years old with JDM
– Residing in NZ, Australia, or UK
– Over 18 years old
– Access to strong internet connection
– English-speaking
Participation involves completing a 20-minute online survey about healthcare experiences, with entrants eligible for a draw to win a $20 gift card as a thank you. Additionally, select participants may take part in an optional 1-hour interview via Zoom or phone, for which they will receive a $40 voucher.
The study includes a question for children to answer through writing or drawing.
Click on the below to learn more and apply.
Seeking product testers for an innovative refillable container
Koor is an innovative refillable food container designed for items like yogurts and purees. Its unique design aims to support individuals facing eating challenges, through its intuitive features that assist with independence.
They are interested in product testing with users living with a disability. They will provide up to two Koors per applicant, in exchange they ask that you use the product and complete a product review survey. Interested? Click on the link below to learn more and get involved.
Research priorities to reduce the individual and societal burden of osteoarthritis in Australia
You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted at The Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine at The University of Melbourne.
”What future research on osteoarthritis do you think is most needed?”
For more information and to check eligibility click on the link below.
Deprescribing Opioids - registered healthcare professionals survey
A research team from The University of Sydney is conducting a study about the resource needs and support registered healthcare professionals require to deprescribe (reduce) opioid analgesics at transitions of care (the movement between different care settings or providers).
You must be currently practicing in Australia to participate and the research involves the completion of a short survey which will take up to 15 minutes.
Further information and the survey links are below.
Do you have knee osteoarthritis?
In partnership with the Queensland University of Technology and Western Sydney University, with funding from Arthritis Australia, patients are invited to participate in a research study which aims to optimise pain relief in knee osteoarthritis.
For more information click on the below.
Still feeling the ache after your total knee replacement?
Researchers at The University of Sydney are interviewing patients to learn about their experience of persistent pain following total knee replacement.
In Australia, 70,000 Total Knee Replacements (TKR) are performed every year. While TKR improves overall pain and function, 1 in 4 patients experience persistent pain after TKR.
Led by University of Sydney and University of New South Wales researchers are developing a model of care for people who have persistent pain after knee replacement surgery – the EPIK model of care. EPIK will identify and treat patients, primarily via telehealth for scalability and accessibility across Australia.
For more information click on the links below-
Are you living with chronic disease?
Macquarie University will be conducting focus groups with consumers to identify possible factors that may impact chronic disease outcomes, social isolation and loneliness from a consumers’ perspective.
The end goal of this research stream is to develop an intervention for adults living with chronic disease that targets social isolation and loneliness.
Click on the link below to learn more.
If you have active flares because of systemic lupus erythematosus, consider participating in the TOPAZ Study for SLE.
The TOPAZ Study is evaluating the safety and efficacy of an investigational medicine, compared to a placebo (an inactive substance that looks like and is administered in the same way as the investigational medicine) in people with active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) while taking their prescribed lupus treatment.
For those still experiencing symptoms, even with medication participating in the TOPAZ study may be an option.
The TOPAZ study is for people who are 18 years or older, have been diagnosed with moderate to severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) for at least 6 months, and are currently receiving non-biologic SLE treatment.
Locations to participate in this study:
1. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown NSW 2050
2. Box Hill Hospital, Box Hill VIC 3128
3. Fiona Stanley Hospital, Murdoch WA 6150
If you reside in NSW and are interested in the TOPAZ study, please complete a short survey to check if you might be eligible:
How to safely reduce biologic medications in inflammatory arthritis.
We are looking for people with well-controlled Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis (RA and PsA) on biologic or targeted-synthetic medications. The trial aims to evaluate the efficacy and cost-saving of safely reducing and stopping these drugs, and through biobank samples for lab analysis you can help us predict a success or failure of drug reduction in the future.
Who can participate?
You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:
- are aged 18 years or over
- first started any biologic or targeted synthetic Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (b/tsDMARDs) at least 18 months ago
- are in remission or low disease activity and have been stable on DMARD for at least 6 months, and
- if you are on oral corticosteroids, the dose is 5mg or less daily of prednisone or equivalent and has been stable for at least 6 months
- are not on an ineligible DMARD medication (e.g. rituximab, ustekinumab)
- have not had any intravenous (into the blood) or intra-articular (into the joint) corticosteroid injections in the last 6 months
- don’t have concurrent medical conditions that are likely to impact your safety
- are not pregnant
- have not had an investigational new drug within the last 12 weeks
What will you have to do in this study?
You will attend clinic visits in person at a maximum of 8 times in one of our study sites. The dosage will be reduced gradually if you are randomised to a TAPER arm. It will be awesome if you could help with blood and microbiome collections and questionnaires. Travel expenses associated with the visits will be reimbursed, in the form of a gift card with $15 each visit.
Contact us
State | Trial Site | Principal Investigator | Phone | |
NSW | Royal North Shore Hospital | Lyn March | [email protected] | 02 9463 1758 |
St George Hospital | Marissa Lassere | [email protected] | 02 9463 1893 | |
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Peter Youssef | |||
SA | The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Catherine Hill | [email protected] | 08 8222 7369 |
Royal Adelaide Hospital | Susanna Proudman | [email protected] | 08 7074 2779 | |
Flinders Medical Centre | Mihir Wechalekar | [email protected] | 08 8404 4399 | |
WA | Fiona Stanley Hospital | Helen Keen | [email protected] (preferred) | 02 9463 1758
08 6151 1154 |
QLD | Princess Alexandra Hospital | James Gray | [email protected] | 07 3443 6956 |
Sunshine Coast University Hospital | Matthew Terrill | |||
VIC | Austin Health | David Liew | [email protected] | 03 9496 4013 |
Malvern Rheumatology | Rachelle Buchbinder | [email protected] | TBC |
Creating a consumer-friendly version of An Australian Living Guideline for the Pharmacological Management of Inflammatory Arthritis
Do you have rheumatoid arthritis, and have you ever wondered what the best course of treatment is? What medications should you be taking, when should they be reviewed, when should you try something new? Monash University researchers are seeking your health with new research that aims to create consumer-friendly resources that are based on new guidelines.
We are conducting interviews (60 minutes) to gauge people’s understanding of the guidelines, what you like about them, how you would improve them, and how we can best implement them in practice.
This research has been approved by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee.
To express interest, please contact Dr Danielle Berkovic ([email protected]) at the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University.
Online wellbeing program for young people living with chronic conditions
Online wellbeing program for young people living with chronic conditions
What is it?
The program has three online modules that teach specific skills to help you cope with everyday challenges. Each module takes 60-90 minutes to complete and can be done at your own pace.
Who can take part?
You are eligible to participate if you are:
- Aged 16-25
- Live in Australia
- Diagnosed with a long-term health condition
What’s involved?
If you decide to take part, you will choose one of the three modules to complete and provide feedback on, along with completing four short online surveys over one month. Participants may receive a voucher as reimbursement for their time.
For more information, scan the QR code to read the Participant Information Sheet or email [email protected]
Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HREC number 2023-0213). The results of this study will be used by Asha Parkinson to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy.
Pain Medicines after total Hip or Knee Replacement
Pain medicines after total hip or knee replacement
We are interested in understanding what people are considering when deciding what to ask for pain medicine when are they discharged from hospital after a total hip or knee replacement.
Who are we looking for?
We would like to engage with men currently scheduled for or on the waiting list for a total hip or knee replacement surgery.
What will you need to do?
Complete a brief online survey asking for your consent to join the study and to collect some basic details about you.
One video or telephone interview (20min to 1 hour) at a time convenient to you (with the possibility of a request for a follow up interview, which you are not obliged to accept).
Link to the survey:
Contact us
Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or if you would like a copy of the participation statement.
Consumers in Basic Science Research Project
Consumers in Basic Science Research Project
This research project aims to explore consumer involvement in pre-clinical research (research before testing the interventions in people), specifically in the field of musculoskeletal conditions. Consumers, such as people with lived-experience of a musculoskeletal condition and their carers are invited to participate by completing an anonymous online questionnaire. The findings of this study will help understand the current level of consumer involvement and identify opportunities to increase their participation in research.
If you would like to participate in this research, please click on the link below:
Participants needed: people with knee arthritis considering keyhole surgery - DECIDE Study - Monash University
Participants needed:
people with knee arthritis considering keyhole surgery
Do you have knee arthritis and are considering arthroscopy (also known as a keyhole, cleanout or knee scope procedure)?
Would you like to receive information about osteoarthritis that may help you make better decisions about the care you receive?
If so, you may be eligible to participate in the DECIDE study conducted by Monash University and Cabrini Health. In the DECIDE study, you will be provided with information about osteoarthritis and asked to complete online surveys.
You may eligible if you are:
- 45 years or older
- Diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis
- Considering knee arthroscopy (keyhole surgery)
DECIDE study participants will go into the draw to win a $500 gift voucher. Follow this link to read more and participate in this study:
Alternatively, you can contact the study team using the details below.
Chief Investigator: Dr Denise O’Connor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 9903 8885
Establishing the smallest worthwhile effect of intra-articular Steroid Injections for Knee OA
Establishing the smallest worthwhile effect of intra-articular Steroid Injections for Knee OA
About this Research
All medical interventions involve benefits and risks – steroid injections are no exception. We want to hear from people experiencing knee osteoarthritis and understand how the expected benefits of a steroid injection are weighed against it’s risks. We want to hear from you!
For more information and questions before deciding if you want to participate in this research project, please do not hesitate to contact Clarence via email: [email protected]
How to Participate
Scan the QR code below which will direct you straight to the survey, fill out the consent form and read the participant information statement.
The survey will take 20 minutes.
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